Well, have to get an education and go to college unfortunatly.
Good Lord, it's like an never ending nightmare!
I sooo don't care about being lady like. Have you read the Hunger Games by suzan collins? It is my fav series, way better than twilight or any...
hehe. *pokes*
Lovely. Uh, boring i guess.
I don't know, he just dosen't like red walls. He thinks i should be more lady like.
So what's up?
cool, give me links and i'll watch them.
lol, i wouldn't end our friendship over that. ^_^
That's cool.
It drives my dad nuts. ^_^
Not very often but when we do i love it! It's actually spose to snow this afternoon!
Well, i hope you find another project!
Yeah, we're cool.
busy. you?
what, why?
cool! Can't wait!~
well, that was rude, i know that there are some people better than me but not the average person. sorry bout your swine flu but don't take it out...
I know, i love it!