yeah, i can. do you like pokemon?
Oh, sorry. uh.. well, i could change it to gray maybe. lookie!!
shorin-ru. (i don't know if i am spelling that right or not.) I am messing with my profile, we will see what it looks like when it's done.
well, i have been a black belt for a long time now, and i am getting ready to test in another style tommorow becasue if i get a black belt in that...
Nothing, absolutly nothing. No one is ever on here anymore. *bursts into tears*
Yeah, like i said, i am not complaining. i do the same thing. lol, so what's up? ^_^
Hi, what's up? Why the friend request? (Though i am not complaining ^_^ )
job hunting. lol, it is harder for me, i can't drive yet.
Lucky! I haven't got it yet. >_<
So what are you doing?
Its alright i have stronger legs than almost everyome know, so i can walk long distances without getting tired.
well, cool. Maybe i'll go see it. Depends on my schedule. More than likely, i'll just rent it.
I haven't seen it yet, but i'm thinking about it. Was it worth it?
Cool. Which city?
lol, i can walk that far.
Arkansas. And everyone who hears that thinks were hics with farms. But we have citys, and alot of people don't even have an acent! And the economy...
They are so cool!! Okay, it's the future, (but it's not weird sci-fi) and the U.S is divided into districs run by the capitol, an every year, the...
Awsome! When we do get snow we never get very much! But we got it so deep it went to the back of our knees!