:D at least someone missed me *huggles xennex*
I think I just cried on the inside ):
*highfives back* I got a 100 on my history :D
fiiiiinals are oooooooooooooooover :D
ehhhhh h
Too late - I'm a ghost
LIIIIIIIIIIIIIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i still have finals coming up DX I'm dead so goodbye
yeah yeah, tim burton this is a lot better
new obession:
Of course you do star xD ohmigod we went to the ballet today and little kids were dressed up as mice and sheep! i wanted to take them home XDX
=D haha i think i may have gotten a new obbession....... DAMN SEXY ACTORS I made the mistake of watching that ben ten movie..... Kevin is a sexy beast: (The guy on the right, not wearing a dorky jacket)
sadden =D haha what's up guys? go shopping on blaqk friday?
haha you should read the spanish video i'm going to film it today GREEN SCREAN FTW!!! (At first I typed FML) DX i knoooow i just reread the whole dn series cause i was bored and i had nothing else to read so i was just going to read the first book ^^;; now i'm rereading fma LOLZ! my thanksgiving was good how bout yours??
haha almost xD oh script: Scene 1 opens up with a shot of the castle then goes into the princess’s bedroom showing her putting on her makeup & jewelry. Narrator: Once upon a time in a castle lived a pretty princess. The entire kingdom said she was the most beautiful person they had ever seen. She looked pretty on the outside, but she was not nice to anyone. She only liked herself. (Shot changes to outside of the castle) One stormy night an old lady came to the castle and to find shelter from the rain. Old Lady: Is anybody home? I am cold and wet and would like shelter from the storm! Belle: No! You cannot come in. You are not welcome in my castle! (She starts to close door but there is a burst of light) Narrator: The old lady was really a young, beautiful witch. She put a curse on the Princess because the Pretty Princess was unkind to someone in need of help and kindness. The curse made the princess ugly because her heart was ugly. It made her look like she behaved. The curse would last on the princess and she would be ugly until she could learn to be kind. Belle: (The princess is in her room once again trying to disguise the ugliness she sees in the mirror. But even her clothes had turned to ugly rags.) (in a crying voice): What has happened to me? Why am I ugly? Why would anyone not like me? What have I done to deserve this horrible fate? No one will ever want to be with me again! I must hide this ugly person I have become! ---End of Scene 1---Scene 2 opens up showing a small town then closes in on the woods and Guapo.Narrator: In a small village there was a handsome inventor’s son named Guapo. He was always searching for exciting adventure. One day Guapo got lost in the woods. He found a castle! He had heard many horror stories about the castle, but he was not afraid. He was curious and thought this could be an adventure. He knew that a beautiful girl lived there at one time, but no one had seen her for a long, long time. Some people said a beast had moved into the castle and the princess was his prisoner. Guapo walked around the castle carefully wondering if the stories of the ‘Beast’ that lived in the castle were really true. Guapo: (Walks up a set of stairs and finds a closed door. He knocks lightly.) …Hello? (Knocks harder) HELLO?! Belle: Who is there? Guapo: (thinking to himself) ‘Oh no! The story must be true! The beast has been holding the beautiful princess as a prisoner! The girl who is saying hello must be the princess of the castle who disappeared! I will rescue her!’ Guapo: Don’t worry beautiful princess! I will save you! Just open your door, please! Belle: No! You can’t come in! It will be very bad for you if you see me! Guapo: (Tries to open the door but it is locked) (Thinking to himself) ‘Oh dear! The beast has locked her in.’ Is there anything I can do to help? Belle: (Crying) No, you cannot help me! I wish you could help me, but no one can help. I am very sad . . . What will happen to me?! (Sobbing) Guapo: Do not worry pretty princess! Not only will I help you, I promise that I will rescue you from the beast that keeps you a prisoner in your own castle! Belle: I do not have the courage to tell this young man that I am my own prisoner. If I was a nice person, I never would have been cursed and turned into an ugly beast. No one must know that I have an ugly heart. I cannot allow this person to see me as I really act! Whatever will I do? ********************************************************* Narrator: For many days Guapo tried to open the door. One day he tried wiggling the door handle. Another day he tried to pick the lock. After many days he tried to break the lock with a hatchet. He even tried a battering ram! Nothing seemed to work. When he was about to give up, he sat down to think carefully like an inventor’s son would think. Then he thought to himself, I think I will just try to open it up one last time. That day the door was unlocked! Guapo: (Opens the door) Princess you are free . . . - (Sees princess) (Thinking to himself) ‘She’s not as beautiful as the stories say. Something must have been lost in translation…’ Guapo: Hurry princess! We must leave before the beast returns. Belle: The beast?Do you think there is another beast in my castle besides me? You do not think I am the beast? Guapo: (Puzzled) No… Belle: Good! Get me something to eat! Now! Guapo: But, but the beast… we must leave … now before the beast… he could come any minute…. Belle: Oh, the beast will not come anytime soon. Trust me. Guapo: Okay… Narrator: The pretty princess shows Guapo that she is the Beast. She keeps him in her castle and does not let him return to her home. She needs someone to work for her now that all of her servants have left her. She decides that because he has already seen how ugly she is, he will be her servant now. ---End of Scene 2—Scene 3 opens up showing Belle in the kitchen bossing Guapo around. Belle: Fix dinner! Set the table! Pour my drink! Hurry up! You are lazy! I am hungry NOW! Do not make me wait for my food! Wash the dishes! Put away the dishes. Bring me my book to read! Narrator: The days continued with the Princess bossing Guapo around as her servant. One day she decided she would let him eat supper with her. The two did not say much though the whole meal. Belle: This is a very good meal. Guapo: Thank you. Belle: (almost smiling) You did a good job fixing my favorite foods. Guapo: (smiles to himself) Narrator: Gradually the princess bossed Guapo around less and less. Belle started to act like a friend. One day they were talking… Belle: You know, Guapo… you are my first real friend… You have done many nice things for me. I am happy when I am with you. Because you are so good, I will tell you how to get back to your home. (Burst of light and the princess becomes beautiful again) I’m beautiful again!! Narrator: The princess then told Guapo about the witch who cursed her. The witch made Belle as ugly on the outside as she was on the inside. She told Guapo that she had to be kind to get break the curse. She also told him that she made up the story of a beast living in the castle so people would stay away. Guapo then told the princess that if she shows him the way to the village he promised to come back. You see, Guapo knew that the princess could be a beautiful person on the inside if a nice person like himself could show her the way to happiness. And they lived happily ever after. ---Fin---
almost got to watch the fma movie once....
haha thats so awesome :D
its on the other computer but the next time on there i'll post it :D
but its all spread out haha wana read the horrible script (its still in english right now) ahhh but i've taken it 8th grade, 9th grade, and now 10th grade ^^ its more ... fresh in my head for me :P
Haha don't worry sweetie i'm like year 3 in spanish ^^ We're reading a book in spanish right now and i'm writing a script of "Beauty and the Beast" but i made it "Guapo y el Beast" and beauty is the beast .... its stupid but we needed a 'twist'
lies!!! tu es muy bonita-tu es mi bonita yo no estoy bonita. yo estoy...feo.... yo penso...idk xD