Spin the whole sofa then!! haha I got a premimum membership on deviantart :D
okay << >> << VV ^^ :D haha I know it makes me wana spin my chair *spins chair*
Yes, yes they are xD
huh? -sorry confuzled- edit: no need to deleat your post cause i'm an idiot DX edit #2: my new sig entertains me XD
i trust sites i know - like youtube xD
I don't have that must trust in the internet DX
luna i love your avatar xD
Guardian I love you *huggles*
video :D (for my ipod ^^;; ) oathkeepera scares me sometimes:
i knoooooooow I'm so happy :D
my parents once surprised me with the full gunslinger girl collection :) hey do any of you know a good youtube ripper?
awwwwww did you watch Alice (on syfy)!? it was eeeeeeeeepic! haha i was going to ask for a tablet but I decided it would be too expenisve I asked for the last two dn dvds xD but i doubt i'll get 'em @ if any of you have 3 hours to kill watch: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F1A18F58A42398A8&search_query=alice+syfy
nothing much - watching vids on youtube :D you?
*pops in* HELLO!!!!!!!!!!
ohhhhhhhhhhh did you ever get that organ? haha ummm rock band 2 and Alice In Wonderland (orginal book) how bout you?
Oh I hope this is allowed xD but I have a request for a gif avatar *duh* I couldn't find any open shops with that so I was wondering if any of you lovely people out there do it? info: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf1_bgiVU18 Durations: 4:16-4:18 Size: kh-vids avatar size? xD Text: Teashop Text Color: whatever looks nice Text Placement: wherever it looks best Notes: have fun with it anywho thanks :D
haha yeah luuuucky i tried to run but kh-vid froze DX
air pressure xD haha okay graphics section *runs to it*
I left when everyone else kinda left staaaaaaaaar *huggles* hahaha! I <3 Colorado - but mountains make me sick D: heeeeeeeeeey star do you think you can ask the people who made your avatar if they could make me a gif avatar?? pleaaaaaaaase thankies :D
wow thanks for notecing