I should have left this site a long time ago... I don't like what it's become The owner doesn't care about it Members are rude and disrespectful Mike is just using the news section to promote himself and his stupid fandub (hello that is NOT news, put it in the amv section -.- ) The news section is filled with spam The site is poorly matienced I doubt any of you even know me even though I've been an active member since '07 The majority of my good friends on this site have left, and its high time I do too I <3 everyone who is in zhe Axelrific family, even if you never post in there :) Stardust (My long lost sister that got seperated at birth :) ) now has complete contorl of Zhe Axelrific Family by herself I may come back sometime - and I hope the site has changed by then (for the better!) kh-vids use to be such a nice, friendly community =D And I hope to remember it like that If you do need to find me, I'm not that hard to find on the internet farewell
thanks skully ^^ you've givin me the push I need to leave too sorry guys - stardust will take compelte control of the family :) Farewell
merry late christmas to you too :D haha thanks =D
haha glee is amazing xD I <3 Kurt even though he's just as *****y as a girl - ahh well
<< >> << And now I have to go WATCH GLEEEEEEEEEEE haha bye bye
hahaha that sounds like so much fun!!! I gotz a pattern to make an Alice cosplay :D
Its okay xennex i'm on :D
What if they use it on two diff. sites?? thanks :D
then get a lifejournal :D haha I don't have one either hey what do ya guys think: first time working with live action clips :)
i'm not even going to ask about that avy haha no prob sweety ^^
TA-DA!!!!!!!!!!! Clicky!!!!!!!!!
I HAVE NO TIME DX well you need to watch alice haha xD
those are really good - I wish I knew the chars DX
*pokes sadden* :D I GOTZ ALICE CLIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
its okay - I don't have a tablet either *huggles* WE SHALL HAVE MOUSE DRAWING PARTIES HAHA!!! xD @spunk - I love your sig! :D
haha stars hyper :D well I'm off to a party so HAPPY NEW YEARS FAMILY! I love you all *huggles*
ohmigosh you guys need to finish your amazing song cover!!!
Dx *uses mouse* hahaha
its addicting
:O I got rockband unplugged :D