maybe he meant it was 'da ****' ?? XD cause it was! and no april fools day joke!?!?!?! *super mad at kh-vids new staff*
awwww I love it when sites do fun april fools day jokes D: The only reason I came on today *is super disapointed*
ohhh star xD now i have exactly 100 more posts then you! :P i got a new video up - you should go check it out :P (Tis a Skillet song! :D ) i'd send a link but i'm at school and youtube is blocked *Duuuuh*
star - i tottaly clicked that at school and me and the kid sitting next to me JUMPED because of the "OBJECTION!" xD but its pure win! *gives you a ps3* (i tottaly typed psp first - FAIL *gives you psp too*)
guardian - remember the amv contest that star and i use to judge xD good times swimming though spam but good times :)
you guys are a very very small family, so inactivness is going to be common but once summer roles around more people get online, more people will join, and more people will talk, and you'll have days were you'll go though a page in about 10 minutes :) wow this brings back memmories of my old family
deff. worth the money of buying a ps3 :) and the battle system is so much better then XII, its smiliar but its better :)
i just dropped in to say: Final fantasy xiii is the most beautiful game i have ever played
star: *huggles* I love your avy xD OBJECTION!!!! spunk: I LOVE YOUR SIG!!!!!!!! *spazes* guardian: Oh dear edit: OHMIGOD FINAL FANTASY XIII IS AH-MAAAAZING 'nuff said oh! and I want a baby chocobo!!! <3
:) thats weird =/ it works fine for me (even when i'm logged out) D:
ace: can i be a family friend??? :D ooookay i'm bored and I'm stuck on an old amv any ideas guys?
out of boredom - don't expect it to last look what i found cleaning out the cobwebs of my computer:
you can thank my school computers for that XDX
haha xD iiiii'm soooo bored in soff apps DX we just had an assembly on not using the "******ed" as my dear friend wes said "How retarted is that?" (we never use that word at our school so it was pretty stupid to pay someone to talk for an hour (two times cause we dont' have enough room for everyone in the autorium unless we use the balcony) about not using a word we don't even use!) D8< waste of time!
!?!?! how do you hate jason!? (I hope she meant jason... if its me i'm heartbroken) go watch the music video for "Geek in the Pink"
"we're no longer confined because yesterday I burnt the sky" congrats on the family phoenix ^^
code geass is sooo much better - don't expand to all anime ): but did you recognize the anime eyecatch that jason put in his song!? :D
does something sound familiar within the first 10secs? xD haha - i thought of you guys ^^ oh and i just glanced at some of the new family names - anime family? really?? people are so uncreative these days
Farewell I <3ed you all :)