who wants to make a collab with this song? with all the ff and kh girls singing it :D
oh gawd... sofware apps. has rekindled my love for fanfiction... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5098623/1/Something_Precious <3
dude ... i knew that DX boy am I slippin
*pops in randomly* HAI! Miss me? 8D I'm at school and i'm bored DX
Hey YUSHE! have you heard about our studio! :O you should join! id tottaly post a link to the vid ... but the computer lab im in right now hasl blocked youtube DX
they don't have to put the char they pick in the video haha, i've been asked once and thats what i said xD !!!!!!YOU SHOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well you should have it on the old skin so you can read it :P and i'm tottaly on the dark days skin and i can read it - your eyes are bad! xD
i find it really stupid that yo ucan't see peoples avys and sigs if you aren't logged in -.-
haha sorry ^^;; well thats good im in miami right now and getting on a cruise tommarow =D how bout you??
haha, i kinda wish i was oblivious but anywho:
ohmigod i just got on youtube and it s the old layout *Freaks out* yeah at 12:30 i was sleeping :P haha
El hora de los emos!? .... wait? was that you.... or Maria... i forget <.< >.> <.< well as long as you bounce back fast :D haha, I hope so too :D
haha aww, somethin the matter? asked me a day ago and i would've said crappy, i hate school, thank god for spring break!!
haha, i'm a little broke right now it seems DXD i'm pretty good how bout yourself?
Yesh! i'm lulus_moogle@hotmail.com :D
true, true... xD
Star - get on msn as soon as you can! :D
:D :glomp: haha - you wouldn't be killlled, maybe beaten up a bit xD
that i think my hatred for this site just grew
i must say I'm very disapointed in kh-vids lack of april fools day joke :P this just shows that the site is no fun xD you must change this CtR!!...