Yep :) tehe yeah :D if she guarentees she'll buy it and we can figure out a way to ship it i'm sure my parents will be like "okay! :D " *like!* oh dear... i need to get off of fb xD
its been sad for a long time i really dont change it xD
my heads listening to you sadden my hearts not ): ohmigod just saw toy story 3!!! it was great! i cried too )': then again I cry about everything
ohhhh and star we were cleaning out my grandmothers house and she has an organ and my parents want to get rid of it so I'm trying to convince them to put it on ebay for you xD
haha yeah xD but i'm still not sure what to do =/ i can just hope i don't run into him this summer then hes off to college so I won't have to deal with him i guess ):
i knoooow DX my head is all like "dude look how he destroyed your friend" and my hearts all like "awwww he's soooo sweet <3 " DX and now 'i wont say i'm in love' is stuck in my head @edit: hey look! we're both online! :D
yeaaaah star! all the singles ladies! xD haha I live in a hick town so all the guys here i've known since i was 3 so they're like brothers to me - and it'd just be creepy to date your brother DX though I did date a guy from camp - but it didn't work out too well cause as soon as I got home I realized he was basicly a hippie then he didn't txt/call/pm/message/email me for a month so I called it off and i'm going back to camp and my plan was to hang out with my other bff from camp but he can't go DX I'm soooo screwed aaaaand disney was awesome - grandmothers house, not so much i really wish i was in orly today cause harry potter opened up D: and if you don't know how much harry potter means to me you're not a good friend :P and last on my rambelings theres this guy at my school (he was a senior so he graduated, plus since hes older i really didn't know him till last year) and he was (still is?) a complete player always trying to date multiple girls from diff. cliques - kinda like john tucker from john tucker must die and I've always watched and thought 'wow these girls are iditos' but hes still a friend of mine ( i really don't know why xD ) and he started telling me how pretty i was and fliting with me over fb and it just made me feel sooo good and I want to believe he means it but I know that he probably doesnt DX but hes just sooo sweet and and what do i do!?! D':
its about impossible to get on at the same time now-a-days and yeah this site is dieing a slow death
haha my other friend (that i met at acen) was here last week DXD D: but yeah we stopped at the bar in mexico and we were the only straight people in there and my mom said "I feel like we're in a gay bar" and then I started humming 'gay bar' and the guy next to me just raised his eyebrows at me and said 'i really don't want to know why you know that song' xD
haha, and they're always so nice we went on gay days expo once before and I was 5 and my sis 11 and my sis and I were talking to a couple and they had brough their mom along with them and they were telling us what to take pictures of xD sorry random memories flooding back but yeah i was sitting next to this really sexy guy but then another guy came up and sat on his lap and i was like "darnet!" xD
haha I'm at Disney World right now :) and its gay days expo in orly right now so there are a lot of cute guys walking around the park xD
Why does everyone come back when I'm on vacation!? HAAAI SARA!!!!!!! *hugs* Hello Repliku!! and RUUUNSARARUN! Ello Sumi nice name :D Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadden *hugs* and do not speak of Dan he is a creppy perv -.-
heeey i just took my soff. apps final (tech still taking it have to stay in the room till 10:30 xD ) and soff apps is basicly all typing and using the computer and stuff and the stuff we had to type had a theme and it was.... VIDEO GAMES! and all the games it mentioned were from 2006 and 2007 BUT it mentioned Final Fantasy X (from 2001) it made my day :D and I couldn't wait to tell someone!
"Dear Sarah we dedicate this verse to you, you're just so annoying I don't know what to do. Your online boyfriend is no way to go, cyber f***ing a guy that you dont even know I'm telling you this straight from the heart, songs about ripples are no way to start. This may make you sad but the truth is it makes me laugh" haha threecreation rekindled my love for that song i think the only active one on here to get that would be stardust ): oh i feel old Dx
you guys must finish that song this summer!!! :D
oh Luna, that made my day :)
my history teacher is pretty young - he was a senior when my sis was a freshy xD hes probably my favorite teacher
wana know how awesome my history teacher is? this is our map of Sparta:
*pops in* hiii I miss you all! *hugs*
.Kairi. !!!! Welcome Back!!!!!!! *glomps* :D yushe - i got the first half done already xD