i usually go that way buuut i wanted sparkles at one point and i was like 'WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could tottaly use that sometime! *downloads*'
*sigh* its fine i'll just stay away from the family for a while :) I HAVE DISCOVERED THE WONDER OF SPARKLES:...
someone who i wished would stay away came back -.-
i was doing fine till i went into the family today how bout you?
*hugs* HEY!
panda cloud sounds like the coolest anti virus protecer thingie we have norton :P anywho NEW VIDEO!
heeey <.< >.> <.< do any of you know a good rmvb - wmv converter??? :D
*turns back to disney music* Sony Vegas 7came in the mail today :D
haha you never know, dreams do come true *cheezy disney music plays* xD
noooooooooo sadden you're GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!
congrats sadden you just made it into aces sig. what are you going todo now!?
noooooooo it would've been fuuuunny :P i would've been nice to him afterwards and apolgized yeah, jokes dont come out well over the internet you gotta add smilie faces
--is straight edge so she has nothing to say to Ace-- OHHHH!! so at camp my friends roommate was named Mac. And I wanted him to introduce us so I could go up to him and say "Hi, I'm a PC" and then he would say "Hi, I'm a Mac" and it woudlv'e been AWESOME but my friend refused to introduce me after i told him my plan -.-
do i dare ask 22 days till what? sadden - nope
i found it on ebay for 40$ ! :D they have more the one copy GOGOGOOOO!!!!!!
its fine ^^ we'll probably donate it to some poor church in desprate need of an organ then :) guess whooo may be getting sony vegas 7 :D
Ello new video :) tell me what you think:
no sadden, you have to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7MxrM96rdE&feature=watch_response star: for the studio i'm going to put a deadline of July 25, which is when I get back from camp is that cool??
warning: its in horrrible condition (its been sitting in flordia humity for yeeears without anyone playing it) and I don't know how we could ship it to you xD and we dont know the make or anything oh and should we put a deadline in for the studios? we just got the weirdest entry o_o all the person does is yuri Dx
GROUP HUUUG! :glomp: