nononoo yo no estoy bonita. TU es muy muy bonita y linda
yo no estoy bonita XDX
I liiied I'm on a computer haha thats cause I'm watching the guild and putting 'Humonid' on my ipod xD I LOVE THE GUILD <3 and things have been great how bout for yoooou?
haha thanks ^^ dont worry ive only really gotten on on my psp anyway ooohhhh lucky was it youmacon?? its the thought that counts right?? =D
im tired tooooo maybe i should go to bed???? xD =O present!? you dont have to!! =D
thank you =D :glomp:
=D just the thought of the pain scares me DX
It was pretty great :D except I had to get the flu shot today DX My aaaarm huuuurts I'm never going to get a tattoe -.-
Thanks guys :D
=D Today: *Episode 10 of the Guild comes out *It's been exactly a year since I really started listening to AFI *It's my Birthday Today is going to be a good
it annoys me too - can't they just make their own little thread and update there!? gaaah not in the news section!
Is it just me or has the 'news' section been taken over by fan videos?
star: Thats good!! *favs* sumi: Why were you alone DX i'm going trick or treating next year - or a party cause I got a cute beer maid costume half off today xD
suckiest halloween ever buuut we passed out playduh!!!!XD iwatched alot of movies too.....
i'm sorry I'm really just picking random colours now to type in xDx
He should you should then write a song titled 'Arch is a perv' xD
awww ): i just haven't gotten on lately cause school is horrible