alright Mandy
*picks his nose then your nose*
i've listened to ICP before...and i can't really bring myself to like them...esspecially after that "how the **** do magnets work" line in that one song by them...oh and i should reiterate....if its all screaming or all rapping...i won't like it...there has to be some singing involved
lol tis cool plums =P and holy crap stardust what a guess your good at guessing
ok look at my name...what is your first instinct on how its said =P
whose coyote?
my fave happens to be Rubber Ducks
k so i've listened to Rammstein in flames bullet for my valentine alice in chains (that was grunge you trickster =P) , Otep. dream theater, and demons & wizards
pumpkin pie
i want that thing...i swear by all that is good and tasty...i shall have that sandwich!
Whats your fave kind of duck!!!!
shyeah i know how that is...but i think every genre is plagued by mistakes
you know...the only real reason people want to play as riku is because of the "mystery" created from the fact we only see from sora's perspective most of the time...but if we had played from riku from the get go kh1 kh2 etc...we'd want to play as sora because of the "mystery" due to only seeing from riku's perspective the only reason riku is so wanted as a playable character is the fact he's a sideline character with a cool personality...his story is more serious merely because he's alone all the time and has darkness in him...he's an antihero whereas sora is just a hero...but the antihero thing is done to death in everything nowadays its gotten to where antiheroes are always comparable to a stereotypical emo...which leads them to being predictable... so no i don't think we should have a game based around him just cause it would end up ruining riku's character...when you delve too deep into a mysterious character you ussually find out the creators didn't really have a history planned passed a basic character flow chart
O_o holy jeezus that was a =P i'll be on youtube for awhile checking out their singles before i decide if i want the albums or not
i couldn't find a way to scan it or anything...but i just got this months gameinformer and it has a pretty nice article on birth by sleep...anyone can post it i'm sure the community would be grateful
*does some pelvic thrusts* =P gotta work my glutes
*strips nude and runs around screaming*
yeah XD i forgot about metallica i've listened to them...but i haven't listened to the others =)
they would just swap as usual
good bye =P