here is where my idea that we'll see terranort as the main bad guy with the ability to split himself into xemnas and ansem seeker of darkness at will and fight you two on one
snape snape servirus snape snape snape servirus snape
OBJECTION! you were seen at his house on that night...holding hands and watching thrillers while sharing a bowl of popcorn what do you have to say about that my dear sir
hahahah XD...."hold on it goes WAHHH!!! goes and it goes...ok here it comes XD hahahahha
nudity gives such freedom
*strips nude and darts across the forum screaming*
lol...i love bad religion..but wow i never noticed how well this song fits in with sonic XD
i'm assuming the weather is there so you know its there...that way they don't have to sit there and make you have to rapidly hit A while the game tells you that its raining in a text box
yes in one of the universes he may die before birth, but, he was going to survive in one of the realm of infinity that chance you speak of gets increased to the point you were going to inevitably be born everything you imagine exists somewhere you think up a person in your head...they exist somewhere...not because you thought them up...but because they were going to exist to begin with...each universe in itself has a chance of you not being born...but there are so many it was going to happen eventually. in effect making the probability of your birth in at least one of the universes 100% everything that could have happened to you in your life has happened somewhere
Side effects of a drug i once saw: if you suffer from eye herpes and you take this your eyes might explode discuss....=)
your leaving out the major factor in all this though is there are infinite end to the possibilities so that minutely slim chance becomes a 100% chance that somewhere his parents would birth him in one of the universes
people hate change no matter what the media,games,history being tampered with....but i see it as inevitable...
the chance of this never having happened is only true to this particular universe...this particular multi verse even...cause...if theres multiple universes...then there would be as well multi multi verses...meaning this goes on forever... thought just came to me...that means theres a multiverse where nothing exists at that point...are they at all...
But technically I wouldn't exist. It would only be the case that someone like me would exist. It's like saying that in some universe green is orange. In that universe there would be no green if it were orange. There would just be be orange. So if i didn't exist here I wouldn't exist in another universe. it would just be the case that someone similar to me would exist as i was trying to say, yourself not someone that looks and acts like you but yes you yourself had no chance to not exist...because of infinite probability of you way or another you were going to...yes you your individuality the you that you are here...was always going to exist in one universe or another... and yourself don't exist in every universe...there are some where a you does exist and others where a you doesn't...just as theres a universe where you have a twin...due to the infinite probability anything is possible where there is infinity...there is also the are a fact...not just dust in the were always going to exist...regardless of how or where or in what dimension and as i said you as in the you i'm talking to was always going to exist
the first part, i know they aren't you the individual i'm saying you for simplicity instead of having to write out "the you that isn't you thats in the other universe" my concept is that...the fact that in the you that is in this universe...existing in this particular one is in fact the meaning of life...not to say the meaning of life is to revolve around you...but that the meaning of your life is found in the fact that you exist in this particular universe...while the other "yous" don't... and the fact you don't exist in another universe is just as important as the fact you do exist here the point being that if you didn't exist would exist in another...due to the infinite possibilities...its only logical to realize that there was never any chance of you not existing because the universes are infinite in number also...M theory could possibly make reincarnation a possibility as well because theres infinite chances for you (you you not someone that looks like you and acts like you) to be born into a new universe after death in this one M theory could also mean...all religions are right...infinite possibilities. each universe has a different make up and logic...
its more philosophically based on the ideas behind the membrane theory in physics, then it is an actual scientific theory in itself...when i said theorizing i didn't mean as in the scientific meaning of the word...i realize i flip flopped between the meanings as i was explaining my thoughts.... the whole point is that...your individuality is one of the defining feature of this universe the part about you being a thing of infinite complexity was merely stating that your link to our universe normally seems trivial till you start unwinding the strings... i didn't want to have to sit here and write out everything about M theory...but the basic idea is that...its a unifying theory behind string theory where originally there were 5 seperate string theorys M theory unified them in many scientists eyes and in response to "This part is a little weird. But given that the "you" you're referring to is a contingent entity, any meaning to it is empty. If we're to consider your multi-verse approach it's certainly possible for a universe to exist where none of us were born. how would there be any meaning in that?" there is alot of meaning in it...just as there is a universe where minute differences are all that differentiate it...there also those that are so different...they are absolute nothing... there are universes where all there is gravity...(which some theorize is where our gravity leaks from explaining the weakness of it compared to other forces) its the fact you exist in this universe that gives meaning to you not existing in another.... and as far as the fact you exist not being the meaning of this it not the parts that make up the whole...words themselves have meaning simply because a group of other words are associated with them
The meaning of all existence is to explain the existence of any universe based on the alternate universes, theorized to exist by the Membrane Theory or M Theory for short, being infinite in number ,the sum of everything that exists within it being the defining feature of the existence of any particular universe, We can also theorize that the individuality of everything be it rock, hog, cat, dog, or human is infinitely important to the existence of that universe, because though you might simultaneously exist within another universe your particular individuality does not, and though it may not exist in an alternate universe, here it does. The entirety of this causes you (the word and the person) to become a thing of infinite complexity the logic of some would claim not to exist including the death, destruction, or otherwise loss of a single particular of anything within the spectrum of that particular universe down to the most minute is of exceeding import to define our universes existence. In short the meaning of Life, Death, and our universe (from the time before and of your birth, to the time of all events and live's occurring within your time frame ,and yes even unto your very death,decomposition, and beyond) is You. and that is why we should be allowed to use second person in essays....the end. =P Please feel free to break my theory down examine all its parts and come back to me with the things you find wrong with it...i love working on an idea until it is complete. Thank You
ohhh ok...=P lol...sorry about that...i don't get metaphor unless i did it XD
All hail satan!!! he'll probably get made into a pokemon eventually =P
adult moths