terras not dead...only in stasis inside xehanorts heart...the canyon thing wasn't in bbs:fm it happened in the bbs game just in a different place... xehanorts eyes are yellow because more then likely like riku he used darkness to get off the island this is probably an image of him just a little before he escaped...i would presume he took darkness to heart more so then riku did right from the get-go
Ven has nothing to do with soras duel wielding abilities...ven's heart is inaccessible to sora hence he has no memories of him what so ever. he doesn't even remember saying he would let ven be in his heart. Sora can duel wield because he took roxas back into himself. if you noticed whatever level roxas was when you fuse back with sora is soras level meaning when they fused back together any training roxas had done was transferred to sora...hence all of roxas abilities went to sora.... roxas can duel wield because he fused with xion...he gained all of xions abilities when he did this meaning he also gained her keyblade. her keyblade wasn't a sham so much as riku just wanted to dishearten her and make her think twice about fighting back. Ven's keyblade has nothing to do with any of soras keyblades... keyblades that lack keychains have been drained of their power...because they have no wielder anymore. Roxas has vens heart....but roxas is not ven...this is due to the fact that Roxas has Soras Memories....Soras Body...and no memories of Ven....Memories are what run a Nobodies very existence...they are like ghosts in that way... Roxas without Vens heart would have just been your average nobody
yeah i'm thinking xehanort the apprentice is his own full out person...with neither terra nor xehanort controlling him but the two's ideaology comes out sometimes
Xions keyblade is a real keyblade due to the very fact it can even free hearts to begin with so that debunks alot of this "xions keyblade isn't real" stuff....as far as it being soras exact key we have already seen this key exist in two different places at the same time (sora was fighting for a while through the events after the heartless sora scene and then during COM, while roxas was out collecting hearts with his keyblade). Roxas can only duel wield after defeating Xion due to the fact he took her keyblade. keyblades don't vanish with the owner we've seen this with Master Eraqus. so roxas just picked hers up and continued using it in honor of her. where oblivion represented riku to sora...it represents Xion to Roxas...oathkeeper represents his promise to Xion that he wouldn't let Xemnas have kingdom hearts. Sora wields Roxas's keyblade and his own not ven's ven's heart is in him but locked from his ability to access it i'm going to again assume this is because keyblades are the heart solidified along with your memories. so if you had clones of the same person you'd get a similar result...Now Roxas has Vens heart but he still summons Soras Keyblade. this is because his memories are forming his keyblade based around the keyblade he see's in his dreams. when chains of memories first came out i thought my theory (that the keychains on a keyblade are a manifestation of the wielders memories) was going to be validated but i still believe that the fact memories in kh's take the form of a chain within your heart is no coincidence to the fact that keyblades have keychains... the keychain is your memory given form...which in turn affects your keyblades appearence.
roxas has his keyblade and xions keyblade...not vens....and sora has his keyblade and roxas's keyblade
i got it at the part where roxas was starting to feel the effects of xion taking too much from him and xion was extremely powerful feeling...i think its part of the storyline...it may be taken out in the easier difficulties idk...i played on normal and proud mode...
omg sonics eyes aren't green in sonic 4 guiz.... thats the same kinda thing i'm getting from this thread...
he has memories of sora and ven inside him, its just like sora can't access vens memories roxas can't either...Roxas isn't ven he took on vens likeness because the body accomadated the memories of ven inside roxas/vens heart
if he finally killed sonic? your reasons?
pretty much, the soul eater just acted as a medium to summon way to the dawn...its kind of like when a bad guy in a video game takes over someone they take on some of their attributes only in this case the bad guy is instead a neutral keyblade taking over an evil sword...i'm sure he could still summon soul eater if he wanted...he just has no reason to cause its not as powerful and doesn't suit him anymore. having vens heart is what allows roxas to wield the keyblade the keyblade he wields looks like the kingdom key cause it has the kingdom keys keychain (which by my theory holds a piece of soras soul)...without a heart you can't wield one...thats why you don't see Xemnas ever wielding xehanorts or terras (if he even remembers being able to do so) no heart no keyblade...this was a dead give away to me that Roxas wasn't a regular nobody if even a nobody at all...Roxas just mistook constant depression and lack of memories as lack of feeling which made him not question the validity of the claims he was a nobody and yeah i believe that, the whole kairi and riku things right...cept i think its more of the connection he has to soras soul that gave him the memories to wield oblivion and oathkeeper also Xion is also represented by Oblivion...as she just went poof into oblivion from his perspective.
roxas - ven's heart soras body & soul namine - created with kairi's soul but lacking a body, which is what would make her a special case nobody... sora was a heartless with a heart of sorts till he fused with roxas, sora's body and soul are in roxas leaving sora just a heart ven still has his body and soul master xehanort's body faded into light...i'm assuming this is the only way to break the cycle of splitting into heartless and nobody and then reforming i'm thinking mx's soul also went into terra due to the keyblade terranort wields being mx's hear me out i think the strength of your heart only qualifies you to wield the keyblade...i believe your soul is what gives it shape and keychains are a way to channel the soul which is why adding a new keychain changes its shape... if you soul and heart leave the body...then the body dissolves with no way to become a nobody Eraqus put his heart into terra...and left his soul in his keyblade...which is why the keyblade is just lying around when aqua finds it as otherwise the keychain would have left it and it would have died... also...we've not gained extra souls we've have just as many as we need...kairi till namine joined her was having the opposite problem of sora...had a body and heart but no soul which is also why riku had to summon her keyblade for her i would assume...no soul to manifest it with herself...plus the fact she didn't know she could... ven is having a kairi moment going on...no heart but his soul and body haven't become a nobody...why? because he completely annihilated vanitus he is still a heart of pure light a sort of prince of heart and nobodies are trapped inbetween light and darkness...but ven having no darkness can't be trapped between anything other then light...so his body remains in the realm of light also... so yeah...
it doesn't matter whether your dark or light when it comes to what kind of keyblade you get...a keyblade of darkness is just a keyblade from the realm of darkness and a keyblade of light is just from the realm of light...it just comes down to where your keyblade comes from that determines what kind of keyblade it is...this is how mickey has a keyblade of darkness his came from the realm of darkness...so it really only matters what realm your in at the time you gain your keyblade and or pick it up. roxas has vens heart so he can wield a keyblade...he wields soras keyblade at the same time as sora because a keyblade is multidimensional and aspacial (lacking space) as it's form is merely the strength of your heart brought into a physical existence...(hence it dissapears when held by someone with a weak heart it has nothing to manifest itself with) if someone had a heart with four-fold strength they could summon up to four of the same keyblade because its their heart manifesting it...the look of the keyblade i'm theorising is based on the persons soul (as nomura stated heart body and soul are the main parts of people in these games) now as far as how keyblades change shape with different keychains i'm going to assume keychains are a piece of someones soul...so when you attach it to the keyblade it takes a form that suits that persons soul...(e.g. if jack skellington were to have a key blade wielding worthy heart his would be one of the the two you get from kh1 or kh2 based on if he got the keyblade when he was obsessed with Christmas or not...as Christmas was affecting his very being to that extent) so keychains channel a person living or deads soul to give the keyblade a new form. i'm thinking soul eaters name isn't a coincidence...it feeds off its wielders soul...i'm betting it would have eventually killed riku (getting rid of any future nuisance against maleficient) but riku was too strong for it and ended up bending it to his will...and so it changed with rikus soul instead of riku changing with soul eater (into pure darkness) creating way to the dawn when it absorbed some of the light infused darkness within him
Spoiler i thought that when he plunged his keyblade into his chest after you beat terra-xehanort in final story that it was terra taking control of the body for a second trying to get xehanort out but it didn't work and just made him pass out
kh3d takes place after coded...this has already been stated in the news on the main page before
The amazing game show where we pants you then see if you can pants all 2 of us within the 2 seconds time limit which is reduced to 1 second in later rounds
Hello Doctor, see i've been having these weird thoughts lately...like, is any of this for real...or not...
see the first time i played the game for whatever reason after the scene where geppetto asks riku to give pinnochio back i left and went on to Halloween town...and then beat the game...then i didn't get the secret ending even though i had everything so i was like...wth...then i was on the world map and happen to see i hadn't beaten monstro so i wandered around forever trying to figure out where to go...then i beat monstro...and i never knew what people meant by "riku helps you fight the first time"...cause i never did get rikus help XD
people are talking as if they aren't just living their life for themselves...your nice to people to avoid making life harder being surrounded by people that hate you...people do good things for the reciprocal good things that will be done back...and in the case where nothing good is done back they either assumed something good was going to occur for them or you return to the first thing i said... your mind is not made to consider others feelings...its built to consider your standing in the social pecking order...other peoples feelings are just indicators of this to you...but in order to make yourself feel better for being so inwardly motivated your conditioned to believe your doing it out of empathy... in the case of humans being kind to animals where the animal can't really convey any sort of social pecking order status...people who are nice to them are such because they were raised to be that way...in the case where they weren't raised this way...they met someone in life they want to "impress" so to speak... and monkey king...your statement is silly...no one will pick the more difficult road just to better themselves...if they do they are a fool...and also society is just a construct built by the weak to protect themselves from the strong...none but the weak owe anything to society least of all care if they trust them or not selfishness is how you and all of us work and it's the great motivator of all lives...you'll live selfishly and also die as such...in the case of dying to save someone else...you just wanted to be remembered for something after your dead...which in its very nature is a selfish motivation lie to yourself all you want...this is what we are...and we are base
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXyV_RBNhg4&feature=related so thats why megaman can never capture him
i'm thinking maybe riku met aqua while lost in the world of darkness...