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  1. Xeitr The False Image we now have How Saints Are Born up as a demo =) vote us a 5 please...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Sep 9, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. Xeitr The False Image
    we now have new demos up on our reverbnation most different from what's on the myspace
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Sep 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. Xeitr The False Image =P we have some demos up and a myspace now the demos are on the myspace page.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jul 31, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  4. Xeitr The False Image
    lol i use facebook everyday...i use khv once a week
    but random question
    what kind of band does the name "Night In Transylvania" make you think of
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Xeitr The False Image
  6. Xeitr The False Image

    I'm not gonna post all of them but that's the first one. If you feel like watching all of them you can look on the profile that's all that's on it is our live videos. There's Two sets the one I posted on here is the first video from our second ever show ,the other set is our first ever show. To me they both went off without a hitch. Only difference is everyone's not as stage shy. Since these we've had 10 shows so we're not as static on stage anymore.
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Jun 20, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Xeitr The False Image
    in all actuality i'm thinking the soul in kingdom hearts isn't really required for life so much as just another part of it. with the way they speak in the games they seem to be hinting that the mind and the soul are the same thing. Sora in COM was just a heart with a body of light. without a soul/mind his heart was in full control of his actions with nothing else fighting for dominance.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Xeitr The False Image

    We're recording the drums, Bass and some screams to be in the background of the on monday.
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Feb 18, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Xeitr The False Image
    you know, did terranort REALLY lose his memories...i mean...look at the way he acts towards braig...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Feb 13, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Xeitr The False Image
    thing is that was a special situation...seeing as soras keyblade, and roxas' oblivion and oathkeeper were all the kingdom key...just with various keychains...meaning sora was wielding three kingdom keys...just different keychains...and the only real reason 3 kingdom keys exist is because they were roxas' xions and soras...all people whose memories had the capability of forging this particular keyblade...

    to me the form of a keyblade is based on your memories...the keychains invoke certain bits of your memory...which is why we usually get one per world or after a major event in soras life
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Feb 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Xeitr The False Image
    nope it means that we have all been fooled and in actuality the keyblades are a self representation of that persons

    yes, multiple of the same keyblade can be wielded at the same time...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Feb 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Xeitr The False Image


    The parents aren't in the game guys, big whoop. The only reason they mention their parents at all is just to confirm that yes they have them to avoid having to try to explain why a bunch of kids are on a world by themselves when this isn't Neverland. I mean just confirming they have parents is alot easier then having to come up with a story like "oh this is a world where kids run away to so they can just have fun their whole lives" and then backing that up. Having the parents mentioned just once is enough to make sense of their existence. this game is following the basic plot of any rpg, kids come of "video game maturity" which is usually 13-16 and go off on an adventure, at which point they have little to no contact with their parents.

    also as far as the monomyth goes not every story follows it 100% and not every story needs to you can omit parts entirely and still create a compelling story.
  13. Xeitr The False Image
    aquas voice was smexy in the english version...she sounded strong and not all girly like most of the other females in KH =) and i won't simply by the virtue that unless they included double the content that bbse had (that means it would bassicly have a second entire games worth of content) then its basically just downloadable content thats uber expensive and not worth it.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Dec 31, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Xeitr The False Image
    All these things point at Xemnas' influence or involvement rather then xehanorts heartless or anything else like it...Xemnas' armor, the way MF fights and even the beam sabers he uses, all of it seems to indicate Xemnas' involvement in some way. my question is why put so much emphasis on him rather then both him and Xehanorts heartless.

    it's strange...they are acting like Xehanorts heartless is the one that never existed rather then the nobody Xemnas.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Dec 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Xeitr The False Image
    in kingdom hearts secret bosses that aren't heartless are usually of importance to the next game, i think theres tremendous significance in this boss...if nothing else due to the fact its called No Heart and looks like xemnas armor...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Xeitr The False Image
    I wasn't sure where to put this...but it has to do with birth by sleep so this is where i'm gonna put it unless its moved...ok

    so looking at the way birth by sleep plays, i think it would be great to turn it into a full scale mmorpg
    they could keep everything the same way it is in BBS the way you fight and everything and let the character moves and stuff instead of being like wow or guild wars be like birth by sleeps scrolly deck thingy...

    character classes would be based off ven terra and aqua but with less blurriness between the way they play...i myself was able to just button mash with any moves i wanted with all three characters regardless of what their "specializations" were and still win fairly easily even on proud mode (excluding the secret bosses which are just really hard to begin with)

    Ven - speed type (don't drasticly change damage output but change it slightly ,ven is sorta OP seeming to me his speedy attacks cause him to put out more damage in a combo and in less time then terra gets two or three hits in)

    Terra - Power type (pretty much perfect seeming to me)

    Aqua - magic type (increase efficiency with magic somehow for a magic user she didn't seem to be much different from Ven although she was exceedingly different from Terra with magic effectiveness)

    any other ideas that could make this work?

    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Dec 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Xeitr The False Image
    Sufris, they told me they assumed "I" was talking about roxas when in fact i was talking about Xion they told me that Roxas was in no way ever made of memories...when in fact i never said this so therefore I knew they were talking about roxas i wasn't disputing that but there was no reason for them to be assuming I was talking about roxas so i was correcting them.

    i read the post in its entirety and i assure you i was in no way confused as to what they were talking about

    also the reason i know Riku was lying when he told Xion's keyblade was a sham is because he , at the time, was after having her and roxas return to sora. he was trying to break her fighting spirit by telling her the keyblade was a fake also AGAIN i will tell you as we've seen nothing but a keyblade can release the hearts in heartless and prevent the heart from just turning back into another heartless as we see in 358/2 within which hearts released by anything BUT the keyblade are grey instead of pink.

    now if her keyblade was a fake and just a key looking sword of questionable origin it would not have released pink hearts when attacking heartless.

    therefore it was real

    also...scroll till you see "The secret schizoid" i think you can diagnose most nobodies with this...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 30, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Xeitr The False Image
    wow...way to not read what i said terralover...i said xion was made from soras memories...just wow...also i know sora and roxas was running around at the same time that was one of my main points to prove that multiples of the same keyblade can exist at the same time

    also again let me restate this for the hundredth time Riku was not a keyblade WIELDER till he got way to the dawn...YES he did hold a keyblade a few times but this was because he had a strong're not a keyblade wielder till you have one of your own...also

    Soras used the keyblade forever...and he still doesn't understand it completely rikus wielded way to the down for a very short amount of time so he would know even less about the keyblade...again i will say he said Xions keyblade was a sham cause he thought that Roxas has soras keyblade and didn't know that the keyblade could exist in multiple places at the same time

    roxas and xion put together created the ability for roxas to duel wield due to the fact that they were put together after the two had trained seperately hence their combined power made an even stronger keyblade wielder out of roxas...cause when she was put into him he gained all her powers...

    then...when roxas fused back with sora....roxas keyblade became soras 2nd keyblade...xions power is in sora now at this point since his memories were restored

    please, read my post before responding to saves a lot of headache
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 29, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Xeitr The False Image
    xion went to roxas because she was made of soras memories....roxas was diverting all soras memories to himself just by existing so when xions pieces of soras memories were released he absorbed them

    riku didn't have his keyblade yet at the point he held xions keyblade...he didn't know he was going to get a keyblade...he was able to hold keyblades because he had the heart of a keyblade wielder ,but the reason he said her's was a sham was because he knew roxas had soras keyblade and he assumed it was a fake because normally something can't be in two places at once

    buuuut we know this isn't the case because roxas was wielding the keyblade at the same time as sora for a short while
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Xeitr The False Image
    Roxas has soras body because thats what being a nobody is all is stated IN THE GAME that this is fact Nobodies usually have no heart just a body and soul with memories to build their personalites around roxas has memories but none he can just recall of his own free will he can only dream about them this isn't a theory of mine its a fact of the game

    xion didn't go back to sora she went to roxas because roxas was soras the time sora was still in stasis without his real body he was litterally just a heart with a fake body made of light...kind of like a non-heartless heartless

    riku wasn't a keyblade wielder when he told xion that her keyblade was a sham also...also just because someone knows how to get on the internet and use a computer doesn't mean they know how it works, how to fix it, or how to tell anything like that

    also yes xions keyblade was real...and yes it functioned like the original but no you can't say that it was fake just because riku said it was and no it wouldn't act like the original at all if all it was was memories keyblade don't work like that part of what makes them IS memories but you can't just have one part of something and it work
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX