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  1. Xeitr The False Image
    No one thinks they're gods, most people just don't care for good musicianship, only good songwriting, that's where FOB succeeds they created songs that anybody really can enjoy. With music it's not always about how amazing at your instrument you are as how great you are at composing a song. A lot of great musicians will never be heard because of this. They think they can just arpeggio, sweep, and use alot of polyrhythms and people will love it. Only thing is if you want to make music and be able to survive off of it you have to realize not everyone who listens to music is a musician so not everyone will enjoy a lot of show offiness. If you can put technicality and song writing together and not skimp on the song writing then you're probably System Of A Down or Rush or Led Zeppelin.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Music
  2. Xeitr The False Image
    Jesus wept....
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Xeitr The False Image
    I preferred their first album above all others. Pretty. Odd was old ground that had been trodden over by hundreds of bands in the 50's and 60's,they lost all sense of social commentary, the sound was a horrid nightmare , and it just felt rather like the lyrics themselves were empty due to them trying to force themselves to write lyrics in a different way which isn't bad, but no writer should do so if it's just for changes sack write from the heart, you try to write something you obviously don't feel it's going to feel empty.

    Their original sound was just that original NO one had that sound. Now there are a few imitators like the band Set It Off (kind of a heavier rock version of Panic! At The Disco) to me this shows that that sound is their best. It stuck in peoples heads so much so, imitators were spawned from it. (none of which got it right) Their new sound from Vices & Virtues is like a hollow version of their original sound, and while I regard it as being better then Pretty. Odd (anything they came out with at this point would be better as long as it wasn't another Beetles rehash) still lacks the depth of art form, the dark lyrical mastery, and the social commentary the first album had.

    Also they re-added the ! once Ryan left.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: Music
  4. Xeitr The False Image

    I love you

    lol...why the glazed look?
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Xeitr The False Image
    i was hoping this was a topic about Navis from Megaman battle network...but yes this navi is annoying
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Xeitr The False Image

    I love you


    hell yeah
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Xeitr The False Image

    I love you

    I love you. reactions?
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 24, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Xeitr The False Image
    and jesus wept...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Xeitr The False Image
    lol hell yeah...i'll catch everyone a pikachu....mew's a little harder
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Xeitr The False Image
    to sure they will say things to make you want to put them in office but once they are there the things they do are no joke. Your mom may be smart , but she obviously is one of those types of people who still thing the government isn't corrupt, and she'll soon find out how wrong she is.

    The bills aren't in any way being exaggerated, they are vague in their wordings and give alot of room to do things that the govt. shouldn't be able to do. This isn't a trick to get someone elected. This involves THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT. If it was just something to get someone elected it would involve their opponent or a few officials...not the entire government.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  11. Xeitr The False Image
    i'm sorry guys, i'm quitting facebook and kh-vids....i have alot of important things coming up soon...i want to be a pokemon master, and i just can't do that with the internet distracting me from preparing for my gym battles...i'm starting my pokemon journey tommorow...tell everyone that can't see this i'll miss them. I'll miss you all, later guys...=(
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 21, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Xeitr The False Image
    Band's Facebook

    My poetry site where I upload lyrics to our songs, plus my random other stuff

    We are in the process of recording the first song for the demo now, I'd Kill You My Darling (But Then I'd Have To Pick Up The Pieces)

    Genre - Epic/Theatrical/Metal

    Ash Of Eden is no more. It's heroes vanished into the night one by one until only a few were left standing and were driven underground to plan their next assault. In it's place comes the apocalyptic world in which the band Home Before Dark resides. The government has taken over, and Earth has become a filthy, dark, inhospitable place to live. In a world ever trapped seconds before midnight, where to go outside is to invite your own peril will you remain to fight? Or will you be Home Before Dark?

    Once the band Ash Of Eden (2008 - 2011), a change of sound, and a change of members created a need for a new moniker.
    Home Before Dark is all the uniqueness of Ash Of Eden with heavier, more melodic and more intricate song writing then ever before.
    Home Before Dark shall be going into the studio to record their first album this year ,and would love your support together we blaze a trail others can't even walk upon.

    Home Before Dark is:
    Alexx Rivers - Singer
    JSmoke - Guitar
    Brandon Morgan - Guitar
    Zach Gregg - Bass
    Joey Askins - Drums

    Good Quality Live Recordings (Not Studio Recorded)

    Somewhere I Can Die

    I'd Kill You My Darling

    How Saints Are Born

    The Chill Cascade

    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 14, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  13. Xeitr The False Image
    i'm starting to wonder if Sora and Riku are dream eaters as well...they both have the mark of one on them...
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Xeitr The False Image
    This isn't about dreams of Riku and Sora so much as it's about The worlds themselves being asleep. So everything that happens is actually happening. Hence if you die in a dream, You wake up. Now ask me what happens if you die in real life.
  15. Xeitr The False Image
    xion kairi and namine are in the trailer...xion for a split second. and kairi turns into namine while sora is falling through the staircase
  16. Xeitr The False Image
    i'm assuming he's young again because he was put back together when Xemnas and Ansem SOD were destroyed. If not then he's young again because he's sleeping, and this is who his heart represents itself as. If not, He's rejuvenated himself somehow during the course of the game up to the point you meet him with some Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Though the fact this is all taking place in sleeping worlds rather then in the past leads me to believe they won't play the time travel card at all. The mysterious figure seems to only be time based in so much as sleeping is associated with a clock.
  17. Xeitr The False Image
    O_o big words on a post always freak me out. makes me think i'm about to get chewed out.

    As far as I know nothings changed at all. I've been in college for about 3 years now, and my earliest class is at 12 so i get enough sleep. I hit the hay around 10 or 11 usually. I'm considering getting a psychiatrist since i'm still under my parents medical insurance i'll have to get looked at by a general doctor and be referred to one otherwise they won't cover it. kinda silly cause psychology isn't really something medical doctors study.

    It's just all kinda irritating cause i'm a 22 yr old guy running out of his bed room freaking out like hell. even though i'm not aware when i'm doing it. i still end up feeling a bit embarrassed when i come too.
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  18. Xeitr The False Image
    i have no clue...i had them till i was 6 or so...then they stopped and just recently (read two months ago) they started again. it's annoying cause the flu-ish feeling keeps me from sleeping. Also apparently i speak clear and you can tell what i'm saying and it sounds like i'm talking to someone. of course i'm ussually yelling angerily at them but no you're not the only one
    Post by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Xeitr The False Image
    well i did that thing where i jump up out of bed and run out the door while still asleep scared of things that even in the dream i don't know what they are...can't see them, can't hear mind JUST KNOWS they are there though...i guess that's the worst kind of monster though =P. bad thing is though...when it happens i'm partly asleep partly awake and i remember doing it...but it's like remembering a dream.

    i did it twice...first time i saw a shadowy black figure with six arms slide past me as i was running out of the room (i also somehow managed to sleep open the door) the second time there was a weird sound i imagined and i snapped back awake before i made it out of the door.

    oh yeah and the black figure was holding a lot of red things i couldn't identify in each of them was a stop sign though...wth =P
    when this happens, i can't go back to sleep cause my whole body feels achy and cold like i have the flu

    I should tell you when i say i can't see or hear what it is that scaring me that's only while the nightmare/whatever it is is happening...once i wake up my brain practically tells me what was in there to scare me.

    you think this was a nightmare or a night terror? =P also if any of you wanna try your hand at dream divination go ahead i love that kind of stuff lol XD
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Nov 6, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  20. Xeitr The False Image

    Starts at 12:30 AM Central Time Tommorow night.
    you must have a profile on and follow the above channel.

    He will be live streaming gears 3 and giving away codes every half hour for various games. leading up to gears of war 3 cd. all you have to do is answer a gears of war question in the chat, you will have to be willing to tell your home address for shipping purposes. do not tell your address here. go to the link above.
    Thread by: Xeitr The False Image, Sep 19, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming