LA SOFA!! FOR SHIZZLES!! Seriously...
For life .
I voted for Misty purely for the fact that I think she's the better candidate.
Or a double ended pleasure stick.
You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring
That's the point.
No, they just show up. You plug in a mic and then click "Activate Mic" and then you're good to go.
What are you needing help with, exactly? You are being awfully vague in the question.
Drones by Rise Against
Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
The fact that the KH2 was entirely too easy. Even on my first playthrough, it was dreadfully easy. When I first played KH1, it was freaking challenging. You have limited actions and you can only combo like, 5 attacks. KH2 combos everything and you can figure out patterns much quicker. It was also kind of sad that Sephiroth was as easy as he was. No skill needed.
Lost by Avenged Sevenfold
You didn't forget anything important.
First impressions of me? (Hint: I used to be Kaxej) Impressions now? (Hint: ) How does it feel being a redhead? Do you ever wish your hair was a different color? Why or why not? Do you hate when people ask you to go into detail on your questions? If you and I were to room together at a KHV get-together in Canada, how would you spend time with me? (Answer cannot involve your boyfriend) Should KHV have a giant get-together? How about one outside of the internet? What style of music do you like? Favorite deli meat? Favorite vegetable? Favorite type of cheese? Favorite animal? Have you ever played that one game with the pre-teen kid who beats the living crap out of things with a key and then runs away from home to ruin other people's economy by accumulating vast amounts of currency and not spending it on anything? What about the sequel, where everyones evil twin makes an appearance? Could they make Kingdom Hearts into a soap opera? Am I asking too many questions? Do you eat fast food? Soup or salad? I'm done.
I think I should be up there just because I'm a ******.
Oh yes, it makes sense now! How could I have been so stupid?
You're the final boss, dumbass.
"Occupo dies quod planto is vestri...What is the human soul but an amalgamation of our personal expressions? It cannot be touched. It cannot be seen...and yet we continue to believe it exists. If the soul, by definition, is something we have figuratively created, then why do you insist on fighting over this one? Why risk what you have for that of another? You humans boggle my mind. Come. Let's see what your 'souls' can do against me!!" In a wasteland with the horizon aflame during a war between countries. The Best is Yet To Come from the Metal Gear Solid OST I want the music to start a little before the final speech begins and then it proceeds through.
Herp derp.