How old is she? How old is the kid? How hot is she? Could we get a babysitter so she and I could do it? Answer those and then I can answer yours.
I take it you're not too fond of him?
Wow. Two pages and no one made a comment about how Woody wants to rub something in our faces? I'm impressed. Also, just to top you, Larry the Cable Guy is coming here in December and I'm going to see him.
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
It's been out of stock for 4 months now. Handy bit of information, thank you. No.
I've already checked the Himeya shop. To be quite honest, I don't really trust it. They want over $300 plus the shipping fees. They basically want to cheat me out of $100 right there. I've e-mailed the NA people to see if they can provide me an answer soon. Plus, who's to say they don't just make a knock-off?
I was just gonna use my credit card. Can they do that at an airport? And last time I e-mailed SE, I didn't get a reply.
Now it should be fixed. Fuck! Took way too damn long just to get a picture there. ::L:
Should be fixed now. But I really want that pendant that Snow and Serah wear in FFXIII, but it's only available on the japanese site. The American site says it's sold out. Is it still possible to buy it? I want to actually get it off Square's website, since that way I'm guaranteed quality.
I really want this, but the American store doesn't have it available, only the Japanese store. I have the money to buy it, but I don't have the Yen to buy it. Halp.
Jeffrey, I have the answer to your problems. Step 1: Bring home a woman Step 2: Walk past your mother without acknowledging her Step 3: Head straight to your parents room Step 4: Have sex with said woman. On your parents bed Step 5: Light up a fattie Step 6: Eat all her food Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 until she believes you're not gay.
No, he's not. He just acts like it. It's fun when people don't know if you're gay or not. Or if they don't know what your gender is.
Everlong by Foo Fighters
Adamantoises are cake. Shaolong Guis are slightly more difficult. Long guis, however, have made me their personal *****.
^This ^
Noise, how far are you? Because it gets more enjoyable when you can customize your party.
The translation is: "Quoted for painful amounts of truth."
Spdude all the way. He's the most underrated of them all.
You either shaved the same spot a few too many times or used a dull razor. It'll go away after a few hours, so long as you don't irritate it. Most likely less than an hour, though. Wait until you have to actually shave your face, if your mustache alone is giving you that problem.