PM'd. :333333333333333
Compared to the one you use, the difference is for the better yes.
lol, if you find the time to do so. It'll be fun to look back at how the profiles used to look like when it's been months from now. I was...
Take care then, and stay safe. :3 Remember massive amounts of photosnapping!
Personally I'd put my money on Leonidas, after recently seeing both movies. Tho Maximus is a good opponent, the battle would be long for sure.
Well, I'll just recommend that if you can help it, save as a PNG file instead of JPG. JPG can drag down the quality for graphic art like avatars and signatures, tho it suits more to use for far bigger images. When it's small like an avatar, go for the PNG. There's a risk the file size becomes bigger than it would have been with JPG, but it's quality would look better. And I learned that sharpening is your friend. Aerith looks too blurry to my taste so you could try sharpening her more. Do you still have the working file? Like a PSD? If you do, then you could work more on your avatar if you want to try making it look better.
I know, it was annoying on the long run - henche printscreen for memories. =3 I just wanted something simple that went with the forum skin, but...
Oh dear lord... the green ran away from your profile. Damn, I should have printscreen'd when I had the chance.
Thanks guys. <3 I am a bit rusty when it comes to drawing realistic style, not what I used to have back in art school. And uhm, there's not much else I can use to draw in an office. X3 And I did play games during break until the laptop died. >>;;; I miss GGX2 compu style.. I however did use a copymachine to make the lineart black instead of blue and then made it more visible for the screen on photoshop. In the forms you'd have to shrink the drawings anyway, and it'd be near invinsible if I didn't do that.
I honestly don't know how to reply that. XD This is where I's post the pancake fad.
A whut now? o.o
If he's not Mike Myers that won't help for anything.
I think this looks rather nice as a design. :3 Good strong lines, the colours cover the larger areas well (like the head) which I find very impressive when you used markers. I think it was a good idea to keep some white left in the koi's shell, it helps to give shape and created that strong shine look a fish would have. I'm unsure about the upper square parts. Do you really need them? Cause right now it does draw the attention away from the fish itself, I think it might be the blue dots contributing to that - you could of course try adding more dots to the rest of the empty white space to even it out, but I don't know if that'd look good in the end. Other than that the drawing doesn't need any major changes, it looks great the way it is. :3
Well, since I am in this majorly sucky artblock (one that has lasted for what - almost an year by now? D<), I thought that maybe you guys wanted to see what I have at least drawn lately? These are all stuff I have drawn for where I am currently working, for them to have in their forms and gibberish like that, and all the references were found on google except for the last drawing where the reference was two of our own photos. Old man reading. Airplane. Buisness man. School children. I'll try to draw more fanart stuff, I swear.
Eyedrops in my case... sure, they're a lot better now, but when I was a kid eyedrops used to contain this material that really stings, and my body...
Sneezing. Gras everywhere and I have hayfever - lulz. >>;; Tho I think I'm feeling it less so far than last year, so maybe if I try being outside...
Chances are that imageshack was doing maintendance on their site, so maybe any image hosted by them would be temporarly inavailable - I have seen photobucket doing that in people's sigs tho rarely. OR it could be that after an amount of time has passed it'll expire. I don't really know, I'd suggest that you open the URL your image uses just to check if it still works when you go to the original site. If you still have the image saved on your computer and if you still can't view it online, maybe you should upload it again. If it helps I can see two signatures in your post now, I only saw one myself a few hours ago.
Bloopers are the most fun bonus material I can get. Many have already mentioned PotC and movies with Jackie Chan as examples - I explode in laughter if they come up with a funny response after forgetting a line (Jackie Chan) or do a mistake in a movement (Jackie Chan), sometimes ending up getting hurt (Jackie Chan). I always look at the credits in Fresh Prince of Bell Air, usually they do hillarious mistakes and they show them in like half the episodes I've ever watched. The only game I've ever seen bloopers of is Jak X. I find it amusing and interesting, how weird the characters can end up looking if there's an error in a code.
The only thing I can really remember about this show was the campfire introductions/endings, not the stories themselves. X3 But I'm pretty sure that whatever scary story the kid was sharing it'd creep me out. It was a long time ago tho, I don't even remember when NRK was showing it in Norway. I remember Goosebumps far better tho, mostly because before I started reading the books my older sister was reading them first, and warned me that I was too young to read them and how scary it was. X3 Triggers the curiosity, no? I had a lot of fun reading the books for years, and if I could I would record some of the episodes on videos so that I could watch them whenever I wanted. And then came Fear Street, which really scared me as some of the characters actually ended up killed. Good times.. Maybe I'll look for a copy for old time's sake? But yeah, it was a good memory for the 90's.