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  1. Cocohints
  2. Cocohints
  3. Cocohints
    All discussions goes in here. In this thread you can post your entry in progress if you want feedback from the others. Once you have your finished entry, post it in the entry thread here - you will also find the conditions the signature needs there.

    Deadline is on Wednesday the 10th of June.
    Thread by: Cocohints, Jun 1, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Competitions
  4. Cocohints
    Signature of the Week

    ~~~~~~~~~# 46


    OK, for this SotW round it is the heroes you have loved ever since childhood, the one person who took charge against evil. The task is simple - you may use any superhero you desire in the signature. Any technique goes, as do the dimensions. ( within 500x500px obviously ) You can pick the hero in comic form, or he/she can be from a movie or game. And incase someone asks - superheroes will have powers and doesn't rely 100% on gadgets alone. You know what, screw it, let's allow the superpowerless heroes too since they're badass. There, power of edit the day after OP. Try finding a character you like, and have fun.

    The deadline for this round is on Wednesday 10th of June.

    Discussion and feedback goes here.
    Thread by: Cocohints, Jun 1, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Competitions
  5. Cocohints

    Who is...

    On this site, I trust.... 3-4 people the most.

    ..Who they are?


    You know who you are. And you're on my MSN. And you know where I live so I trust you that much.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cocohints
    Thar be lots of mature content filters in that gallery. ::L:

    But that is some lovely digital drawing technique.. o: Starring at the Tarzan 2 one right now.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Cocohints
    Yes Man. It made me want to answer yes. o.o I guess I did enjoy the movie then, watched it with my mom. The movie I saw earlier last week was Reservoir Dogs.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  8. Cocohints
    That was just wonderful to read, I smiled all the way. XD
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cocohints
    I guess that now that summer vacations are coming up there's good chances of playing the DN game again without it failing right away.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Cocohints
    Okami soundtrack - Orca's Theme.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cocohints
  12. Cocohints
    I wrote this for Crisp's handwriting thread, but again:

    And that's why I have Misty's quote in my sig.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Cocohints
    I remember I got killed loads of times in the DN game. ::L:

    Please tell me you remember my correct name.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Cocohints
    Sorry but this made me laugh a little. X3 You'd think an old guy would know proper grammar.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Cocohints
  16. Cocohints
    RvR. Or switch to Killswitch. I liked the ring it has to it.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Cocohints

    10 things

    Sure, I'm in. :3

    My cats, extremly importaint to me. I go batshit insane when I feel people have been mean to them.

    My family, even if I get along with my mother's side of them better. The photos we have in our albums brings back memories so that's equally importaint.

    My love interest, which is self explainorary.

    My PlayStations, meaning PS2, PSP, the games and the memory cards. If they're not treated with caution I may get violent. o; But only like a punch on the shoulder or something. Kids these days.

    The internet, for most of my friends who I trust the most are online friends. So that's like a friend category at the same time. And it has fun stuff.

    My art, even if I end up hating most of my stuff it's a good reminder of how I started and how far I got from there. It's been years of learning to trust my muse. Still have a long way to go tho. The most importaint pieces I have are probably framed and on the wall too. Mostly paintings. Mostly.

    My manga/anime/DVD collection, for not only did it contribute to my English, drawing, inspiration and way to think - it also gave me a few laughs along the way. :3 And I'm very careful of lending others them except DVDs that are normal to find in Norway. Anime doesn't come as normal here tho, so super protective there. XD

    My gifts, be it cards, drawings, figurines, plushies - they are all extra importaint to me when it is from someone else than myself. I keep trying to rearrange my room so that most of them are viewable.

    My responsibillities, sometimes I take them too seriously. Like, I am more careful with my niece than her own mother, I don't even dare to hold her and stand at the same time. XD lol..

    Clean air, I just really feel better no matter what if I breathe in clean, fresh air. Air condition is fake. >>

    .. should I have added health too?
    Post by: Cocohints, May 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cocohints
  19. Cocohints
    Until I did a google search I had no idea what a klon**** bar was. ._.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cocohints
    And I can't wait. :3

    Wanna vote cause I can - it's obvious I would have liked to hang out with CtR, we could go mental taking photos of nature and anything on our path. Tho I can imagine hanging out with DPWolf too. :>

    It's not like I'd shun the rest lol, they're all nice peeps.
    Post by: Cocohints, May 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone