lol no prob - I'll lurk around more once this new fad I got addicted to quiets down. .. you'll see what I mean. <<;;
^^ I drew a chibi yesterday but it got too late to actually colour it so I'll see if I can colour it today. It has been at least 2 years since the last time I used watercolours. o:
Happy belated Canada day, family! <3 *throws a rock at the sun*
Sounds familliar to Frankenstein's monster. Wow. OK, sleepy time now tata. :3
You mean one that went badly wrong but that we can still point fingers at and laugh?
Not the same amount at least. OMFG that reminds me - when I first played FFX I thought that Wakka's hair was wtf. Then I saw Seymour.
I'm having difficulty to think of a character who's hair ISN'T abnormally spikey and is at the same time male. Well at least you don't see that...
How can they possibly wear helmets? Really. How? o:
Few characters can compare to defying gravity hairstyles like say Wakka. I swear his hair reminds me of the hilltop in A Nightmare Before...
The strawberry chocolate or the salty almond chocolate?
Teal ftw. :ninjacat: I've been looking forward to see my name in that colour, it is a pretty colour. <3 I did... draw her once. Such weird boots.
<3 It was great working with you lot. You guys keep it up now. Also, thanks for wishing me a happy birthday I forgot to say thanks. >>;;
:ninjacat: You peeps continue with the usuall buisness. <3 and omg I saw that weird anime picture I showed you during the last profile...
Drawing her boots confused me. X3 They're like loggs. I haven't played much last week tho - I got addicted to Axis Powers Hetalia. Extreme lulz...
I tried this new chocolate bar that has pieces of dried up strawberries inside it last night. It was.... meh. Toasted salty almonds makes for a...
Aaaaah, I remember those... Yeah, first time I panicked when they killed Penelo. :> I don't remember if I made it back to camp or got killed off....
I recognize that, it is a rather popular drawing of Kairi. I've seen it pop up often on 4chan, but as to who drew it.. My guess would be that it has originated from an Asian artist, so I'm not sure if that'll be as easy to search the source to. In other words, I have no clue either, I feel your pain for I've been curious too. :x
I'm 2 days late but oh well, everyone loves extra time. Congrats to Laplace for winning this round, closely followed by no-reality_allowed and cronoking! Thank you all for joining with both entries and votes. See you again. :>
sounds like a good plan, yeah. And that buttmunch rare game got me my first game over! >:0 After that I started to use holy spears and berserk 2.