Me too, those glasses were massive. :3 Ooooooh, I shall go and try out the Turkish apple tea my sister brought for me from her trip there - I...
Miss you too. :> Hope you're doing great too! I myself have been really busy lately, but now it should become more quiet I hope - just have some...
X3 Well all the episodes on the first season of the anime are all subed now and not too hard to find online, so I have noticed people being less...
omgomgomg this must have been my busiest month all year! And I MISSED THE AWARDS WHUT?!? Didn't even know it was running and now all the...
X3 I hope it will fit your suitcase as I intended. Also, Sammy got one of my sketches as well lol. Thank you so much for a joyful time, and sorry for blushing so damn much. ^.^; I seriously fail when it comes to photos. *I'll send them to Sammy tomorrow maybe if there is time?* And I started playing Tekken Bowling again now. =D
Saves me the trouble to make a similliar brb thread. =D Not all of us snore. XD Only some. Though it is said that we are extremly addicted to coffee. I agree. You will see for yourself, surely. Have a safe trip! <3 'N I'll bring a mini dictionary! 33000 words of fun words in daily life.
Blame Axis Powers. o: It is just so addicting. Plus I kinda made a return on deviantart. And am working on a painting that is supposed to be done...
.. Piddlesniffers? Dare I ask how you came up with that username? :3
I cannot believe I have not congratulated you for making into the grapes yet. o: CONGRATS!! <3333
o: Dude that is so awesome. I don't think anyone has ever picked up my style but it suddenly made me so.... gigglish! :"3 I fail to make manly...
*pops in* Since I am extremly inactive now sorry-bout-that-btw-i-suck, I have changed the group type in the social group. Now it should be in Public mode rather than Invite only mode, so anyone who wants to join the social group no longer have to wait for me inviting them. Plus I lost track on who joined the family long ago so double fail on my account right there. >>;
Since I am more inactive, I've changed the group type from invite only to public. So anyone who wanted to join are free to do so now. X3
<33333333333333333333 I still say the eyes might be inspirered by Ranma comics. I dunno. I always end up making them look simple like that. Wish I...
XD FORSAKEN kinda in lurk mode right now. X3 I sdtarted hanging out a lot on deviantart again.
Well this is a group for the members of this forum family here: If you can join that, I'll...
XDDD How's joining the prems making you more lonely? XD Well, uhm.. I haven't logged in everyday here lately, even less made any art comments.....
I returned it. :"3 AND OMFG PYRO!! <33333 I'm drawing again I'm drawing again omfg yay!! <3333
Sure. X3 oh wow interesting profile style. o:
So much for technology.. :x
o: Distract yourself with Hetalia - you won't be able to count the hours you spend with it's randomness.