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  1. Cocohints
  2. Cocohints
  3. Cocohints
  4. Cocohints
  5. Cocohints
    X3 I hope it will fit your suitcase as I intended. Also, Sammy got one of my sketches as well lol. Thank you so much for a joyful time, and sorry for blushing so damn much. ^.^; I seriously fail when it comes to photos. *I'll send them to Sammy tomorrow maybe if there is time?*

    And I started playing Tekken Bowling again now. =D
    Post by: Cocohints, Aug 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cocohints
    Saves me the trouble to make a similliar brb thread. =D

    Not all of us snore. XD Only some. Though it is said that we are extremly addicted to coffee. I agree. You will see for yourself, surely.

    Have a safe trip! <3 'N I'll bring a mini dictionary! 33000 words of fun words in daily life.
    Post by: Cocohints, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Departure Hall
  7. Cocohints
  8. Cocohints
  9. Cocohints
  10. Cocohints
  11. Cocohints
    *pops in*

    Since I am extremly inactive now sorry-bout-that-btw-i-suck, I have changed the group type in the social group. Now it should be in Public mode rather than Invite only mode, so anyone who wants to join the social group no longer have to wait for me inviting them. Plus I lost track on who joined the family long ago so double fail on my account right there. >>;
    Post by: Cocohints, Jul 26, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Cocohints
    Since I am more inactive, I've changed the group type from invite only to public. So anyone who wanted to join are free to do so now. X3
    Post by: Cocohints, Jul 26, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. Cocohints
  14. Cocohints
  15. Cocohints
  16. Cocohints
  17. Cocohints
  18. Cocohints
  19. Cocohints
    So much for technology.. :x
    Post by: Cocohints, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cocohints

    Distract yourself with Hetalia - you won't be able to count the hours you spend with it's randomness.
    Post by: Cocohints, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone