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  1. Magick
    scarredheart 634 thinks you is hot, if you fit the specification above.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 1, 2009, 72 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Magick
    So i'm going on a forced vacation. Me and scarreedheart634. We are leaving tomorrow morning, and we wont get back for about a week and a half, which is ten days. We wont have our cell phones, or computer access, but if you really have something to say, message us and we'll answer when we get back. See ya guys! Oh, and if we aren't back in two weeks, we are dead. We"ll miss you guys!
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 17, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Magick
    You. Stole. My. Picture!!!!!!
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 16, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Magick
    This is based off Tomb raider movies and games. I’m sorry the whole thing sucks, but I’m sick right now D8

    Lara, a British woman was looking for information on her father’s death, and became pregnant, giving birth to twin girls. She then disappeared, leaving the girls in the care of her old butler, Winston. British Alister Fletcher, a computer genius and historical researcher, and American Zip, a computer genius, a wonderful cook, and sometimes bodyguard to Lara, were working with Lara, but they disappeared also, finding new jobs and new lives. The two girls, Devlina and Angelina are raised without knowledge of who their father was and where their mother went, or how their grandfather or their grandmother died, if they died. Lara also lost contact with her longtime friend and fellow archaeologist American Amanda Evert.
    Amanda is out for revenge after Lara killed her love, American socialite and raider wanna be James Rutland, but she has no idea that Lara has disappeared. She is also in control of a dark creature that attacked her and Lara in Paraiso a long time ago, by use of a glowing stone she wears around her neck. Anaya Imanu,another longtime friend of Lara and supplier of information for ancient sites, also lost contact, but is willing to help.
    After Winston died, Hillary, a British friend of Lara’s, replaced him, and now looks after the two teen girls. Alex West, an American Tomb raider and an old flame of Lara’s disappeared around the same time, but the two girls received two letters from him. The last confirmed their mother’s death, and contained information about their grandfather’s death. The two girls have decided to search for any information on their family.

    The Illuminati
    This is a powerful group. Lara’s father was a member, and they do not take traitors well. They deal in time travel, and were thwarted by Lara before. They also have a grudge against her, will do anything to get their power back

    These are magical people, or people who were worthy. Lara’s mother Amelia was taken there when Lara was little, and there seems to be no ordinary means of getting there. Original Avalonians, or people that were born there, are extraordinarily magical and are very beautiful. On the island you do not age, but in the outside world 1 year goes by for every two days.

    Tomb raiders
    These are people who steal treasure for a living, and are very good at combat. They are few and far in between. They don’t usually pick a side, and stay out of conflict.

    There can only be so many of each kind, so I’m going to keep it to a select few.

    1.Jay Austin-Roxas VII
    2.Becka Locke-scarredheart634

    1.Misaki Kurio-Friendly_Heartless
    2. Josh Heraki-Star_Angel

    Tomb raiders
    1. Devlina Croft-Star_Angel
    2. Angelina Croft-scarredheart634
    3.Corey Peterson-Friendly_Heartless
    4.Gino Abicati-AndrewTemari101
    5.Aiden Grey-Crimson

    If you want to be a character from the story example: Anaya, Lara, Zip, Alister, VM/PM me.

    1.No godmodding, power playing bla bla bla. If you do, I will beat you with a noodle >8D.
    2. Romance at PG-13. That means kissing, hugging, holding hands. Anything beyond that goes to PM’s.
    3. If you are going to be in, stay active. If you get busy, go on vacation, la la la, etc, let me know via PM, VM, or on the thread. Or I will hunt you down! D8<
    4. My favorite number, hooray!!
    5. If you are fighting with someone and attack, shoot, stab, punch, whatever, give them time to react.
    6. Do not kill off a character without that character owner’s permission.
    7. No more then four characters per person. If one dies, you can replace it.
    8. If you have read this far put 4+5=3 in your OC form
    9. If you have to comply with rule 3, then find a way to take your character/s out of the way for a bit, be that by putting them in a coma, letting them get lost, whatever you can come up with. Its not fair to have them talk to someone else, then just leave.
    10. If you have an issue with someone else in the RP leave it out of the RP. That means don’t just love their character or go after their character, and constantly try to kill them off. Give them a fair chance.
    11. Issues with any of these rules, you can PM me or scarredheart634.
    12. Do not use ** for actions. Do it like your writing a book or something.
    13. If you like the number 13 put 13+ in your OC and I will rep you!
    14. Post two sentences per post, please. If you can’t do this once in a while, because of writer’s block, that’s okay, but every single post this way is ridiculous.
    15. I reserve the right to make more rules as scarred heart and I see fit.

    Character OC:
    Name: Please include last name!
    Preferred Clothing: includes jewelry of any kind
    Physical Description: This will include age. Feel free to put in a picture if you have one.
    Group: Illuminati, Avalon, Tomb raider, or normal
    Nationality: example: British, American, Mexican…bla bla bla etc.

    Name: Angelina Amanda Croft
    Personality: Kind, nice, and sweet, shy. She is the fighter of the two, more trained in kickboxing. She likes to wear pink and wears a key with a sun symbol as a necklace. She’s slightly smaller then her twin, but stronger.
    Weapon: She uses her fists, but carries around two .45 caliber pistols in holsters on a belt. She can make any weapon useful that she can get her hands on.
    Bio: She has been raised by her mother’s butler, and has loads of money. She also inherited the title of Lady Croft, along with her twin sister. She knows nothing about her parents or grandparents, and doesn’t even know who her father is. She wants to learn everything she can about her family.
    Preferred Clothing: She wears a pink spaghetti strap shirt, with black shorts.
    Physical Description: Gray green eyes, blonde hair, cut short, and spiked at the ends. About 5’5, wears a necklace with a key, has a sun symbol on it. 16 years old
    Nationality: British

    Username: Star_Angel
    Name: Devlina Rachel Croft.
    Personality: Sarcastic, protective, realistic. She feels she has to be strong for her sister. The hacker of the two, she can virtually get into any computer system or safe. She likes wearing darker colors, and wears a necklace with a key, has a moon symbol on it. She’s the taller of the twins.
    Weapon: Uses two .45 pistols, with the holsters in the belt. She cannot hand to hand fight very well, but is an excellent gymnast.
    Bio: She has been raised by her mother’s butler, and has loads of money. She also inherited the title of Lady Croft, along with her twin sister. She knows nothing about her parents or grandparents, and doesn’t even know who her father is. She doesn’t care about her family, only wants to stay anonymous with her sister.
    Preferred Clothing: She wears a black spaghetti strap with black jeans, and black belt with two gun holsters.
    Physical Description: Black hair, shoulder length. She has gray green eyes with long black lashes. She paints her nails blood red, wears a skull bracelet along with her necklace. Her necklace is a key with a moon symbol on it. 16 years old
    Nationality: British

    Name: Josh Heraki
    Personality: He's a good guy, but he is loyal to Avalon, and the rules. He doesn't mind lending a hand.
    Bio: He was born on Avalon, and will follow the rules. He is now searching for the twins to "take care of them"
    Weapon: He prefers a sword
    Preferred Clothing: black, dresses anonymously
    Physical Description: 17, he is 5'6, black hair, grey eyes, carries a sword everywhere he goes. Usually drives a motorcycle.
    Group: Avalon
    Nationality: Avalon
    Other: 4+5=3, just for kicks

    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Corey Peterson
    Personality: Is a happy guy, very out going, and can be rude sometimes, but tries to watch his act. He always try to look at life as a grand adventure.
    Bio: Corey has been trained by his father to hunt down treasure ever since he was a kid, plus he's been facinated by the historical sites he'd seen. His goal is to find the greatest tresure of all time, and maybe finally settle down and have a life of his own. Corey is sometimes more interested in ghost stories then treasure half the time, and can be caught in deep thought at times. He is a bigger dreamer you know.
    Weapon: Has a pocket revolur for safety reasons with a few bullets hidden in his clothing. Carries around a large dagger tucked safely in a shealth around his waist (This is what he fights with the most).
    Preferred Clothing: Has a simple leatherband wrist watch that he always wears, and a madallon that was his mothers under his T-Shirt.
    Physical Description: About 19 years old and he looks like this
    Group:Tomb raider
    Nationality: example: USA, hence the T-shirt. XD
    Other: Chews gum a lot, and can't be anywhere without his hat.

    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Misaki Kurio
    Personality: Kind, kind of guliable at times, very gentle with others and tries to respect everyone around her.
    Bio: Misaki has lived on the island all her life, so she's basically been shelter from what's really out there. She heard stories from many of the elders of what it's like and would like to explore the world out there someday if she can. She's been told that it's dangerous, but she doesn't care. On her free time, Misaki likes to draw on various things and make beautiful sketches.
    Weapon: A beautifully craved staff so she can cast her magic. Can also use it in combat and is very fexible and quick.
    Preferred Clothing: Wears a simple jade ring, and a simple silver chain necklace.
    Physical Description: Her age is unknown, but this is what she looks like
    Group: Avalon
    Nationality: Um... none... since she was born on the island

    Username : Roxas VII
    Name : Jay Austin
    Personality : Is a very shy guy, not used to having people around him so does not speek out alot but will always lend a helping hand to his loved ones ( xD )

    Bio : Jay has been by himself since the age of 8, he neva knew his real mum or dad so he neva understood really the importance of a family. He doesnt have a home though he loves going by his own to explore the outside world. He has trained himself how to fight. His only goal is to live a happy life.

    Weapon : carries a small handcrafted knife he had found one day.

    Prefered Clothing : Wears a brown skull bandana on the top of his head.

    Physical Description: he is 17 years old and looks like this ---->

    Group : Tomb raider

    nationality : British but does not have an accent xD

    other : winks alot ;D

    Username: Crimson
    Name: Aiden Grey
    Personality: A little overconfident, makes too many jokes, loves trouble.
    Bio: Aiden's older brother was a tomb raider, wanting to keep him away from the dangers of his 'job'. When his brother vanished, he decided to follow in his footsteps, knowing no other alternatives.
    Weapon: Usually likes close combat but he keeps a sniper rifle on his back.
    Preferred Clothing: Dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a silver cross that he keeps on a necklace.
    Physical Description: Six feet tall, shoulder-length brown hair, dark brown eyes, has several scars on his hands.
    Group: Tomb Raider =p
    Nationality: Oddly enough, he's Brazilian. XD
    Other: That one rule goes here. I already forgot the numbers. 2+3=4? Dx

    Username: AndrewTemari101

    Name: Gino Abicati

    Personality: Gino is a funny, good to be around kind of guy. He is very smart and adventurous. He is also a mischief maker and hates it when he is wrong. He is very blunt and also hates it when he can't help a friend in need. Gino is rarely mean and is good at making friends.

    Bio: Gino's family is very rich and he got a very good education. His mom died when Gino was 9 but before she got sick, she gave him a gold nacklace with a amethyst heart on it. She caught a very serious disease and even though they had a lot of money, they couldn't find a cure in time. Gino has looked past that over the years but after his mom died, his dad started to act 'different' in a bad way. He got home late and started to hit Gino. His dad made new bad friends and went to the bar every night, where he got drunk. After Gino turned 13 he left his house, taking a lot of jewelry to remember his past. Little only know about his mom but maybe in the tomb, they might find out...

    Weapon: When Gino left his house he also took a long, skinny sword with him. That is his weapon. He only uses it for really special occasions.

    Preferred clothing: He wears a red, green, and white T-shirt to represent Italy. He also wears blue skinny jeans, black sneakers with white laces and the Italian flag on the side of his shoes, and a dark blue Element hoody. He wears a golden necklace with a amethyst shaped like a heart to remember his mom.

    Physical description: Gino is 17 years old. He has short, dirty blonde hair and lake, blue eyes. He is medium in size and has a adorable face. He has a scar on his right arm that he got from his dad.

    Group: Tomb raider (please)

    Nationality: Italian

    Other: Gino loves soup and pasta. He loves Naruto related things especially Temari.

    Username: scarred_heart634
    Name: Becka Locke
    Personality: charming, sweet, and naïve but you don’t want to see her in a bad mood.
    Bio: she was brought into the Illuminati as a very young girl. She doesn’t know if she has any family or if they are alive.
    Weapon: she likes to use her hands and anything around her but also has some knives hidden in her clothing
    Preferred Clothing: she wears a yellow sun dress and high heels if she can get her hands onn them she also wears a silver ring on her thumb
    Physical Description: she has really long curly dark brown hair and unnaturaly green eyes. She has a scar above her eyebrow but she doesn’t know how she got it.
    Group: Illuminati
    Nationality: British
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 12, 2009, 536 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Magick

    Odd pains?

    Okay, so sometimes when I take a deep breath, laugh too hard, or start coughing, I get this really sharp pain in my upper chest area. Everytime I take a breath, the deeper I try to breathe, the more it hurts. Eventually it goes away, but I don't know that it does until I try to take a deep breath. The longest this has lasted was 30 minutes. Is something seriously wrong with me?
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 6, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  6. Magick


    I just saw the movie Taken and it was about this girl who went to France, and was kidnapped by Albanian men, who deal in selling women as prostitutes. They targeted traveling girls. I was just wondering, is there any truth behind this? Do people actually do this in any of Europe or the world?
    Please move this if it is in the wrong section.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 30, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Magick


    Just saw this movie it had Maggie Grace in it. It was pretty good. Anyone else seen it or wanna see it?
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 30, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Magick
    Apparently the volcano at Anchorage is waking up, and they are having tremors and smoke coming out of the volcano. Since the last time it exploded we got ash all the way down to Texas, I'm thinking this might be a bad thing. Ash aint that fun to breathe in. Does anyone else know anything about this?
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 27, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. Magick
    i ish here :D:D:D
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 23, 2009, 69 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. Magick
    I got sony vegas 9.0, but when i speed up files, then try to make the movie, the files don't show, its like nothing is there. The screen the movie plays on is black, until a file that isn't sped up comes up. Could someone help with this?
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 6, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Magick
    I made two crossovers, I need help deciding what is wrong with them. Please help???

    Lost season 5/advent children

    Twilight/advent children

    something is wrong with them, but I don't know what....
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 5, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. Magick
    Okay, so I am having major trouble all of a sudden. I try to upload a video to youtube, an error occurs. Or the video gets copyrighted, but it rarely ever uploads far enough to get to that point. I have uploaded videos there before and never had issues. I am also having problems with uploading vids here as well...An error occurs either 25% percent through, or 55% percent through...can anyone help?
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 2, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Magick
    I jus heard this on the news last night, so if there is another thread for this, then I am sorry. Apparently a man dressed up as Santa, walked into his mother-in-law's house, and started shooting, killed some people, and then set the house on fire. I havent heard more then that. Why does this stuff happen??
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 26, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: Current Events
  14. Magick

    Broken Heart?

    This isn't majorly important, just another pitfall of many. I had a friend, and he promised he would never hurt me, and that we would always be close. Next day he says we can't be friends and he's sorry, but he's lied about everything. Am I supposed to just go on with my life? I don't even know if its something I did, though I suspect it is......What should I do?
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  15. Magick
    watches LOST? I just got the fourth season an I'm gonna watch it all in one week. Anybody else?
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Magick
    What is the difference between Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII? I keep getting confused with updates and news about either one of them. Anyone know?
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 10, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Magick
    Kay, I made this AMV, but I don't think its good enough....please watch and let me know what you think, I need critisicm!!!!
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 7, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. Magick
    This is a thread for all the confusing songs in the world. You can post them, and hopefully someone can figure out what that song means. If there is already a thread for this, I'm sorry, but I searched for three hours and could not find one.:sleepy: This is my example below.

    I recently bought the Breaking Benjamin cd, Phobia, and realized that about 90% of the songs are totally confusing. Like, Topless? Not a bad song, but what is it about?
    Thread by: Magick, Dec 2, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Music
  19. Magick
    If you chose the choice other, or had a multiple choice answer, please post here.
    Thread by: Magick, Oct 21, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming