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  1. Magick

    Freaking A!

    So I'm in Minnesota, US, and we finally just got all our five feet of snow melted. Guess what? It freaking starts snowing again! So far we have half a foot, and I'm getting more pissed by the minute. This means shoveling for two hours, being cold constantly, and getting soaked when i come inside. Okay, now my rant is done.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 20, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Magick
    Please comment, I need to know what to do for the other chapters D8

    The man lay down, looking at the girl at his side. She would have been beautiful, even if he hadn’t loved her. Tanned skin, long bright blonde hair. It gleams in the moonlight, shimmering down her back in long waves. She murmurs in her sleep, then lays on her side, facing him. He strokes her cheek, admiring her delicate beauty. She opens her eyes, a dark ebony, and looks up at him, smiling. She rests her head on his chest, lightly grazing him with her fingers. He strokes her hair back from her face gently, enjoying the texture of it between his fingers.
    “Happy?” he asked, keeping his voice low. She kisses him gently in reply, then sighs. Pressing her lips to his neck, she slowly gets up, grabbing her jeans. “I have to get to work, and my roommate will be wondering where I am.” She slips her tank top on, then ties her hair back.
    “You can get home okay?” The girl nods, kissing him one last time. “I‘ll see you tomorrow, okay? I promise” She crosses her heart, smiling a little. The guy crosses his heart in reply, smiling. “Stay out of trouble.” She smiles, then turning and jumping out the window. It was a short jump to the ground below, about five or six feet. The guy gets up, walking over to the window. He watches the girl jog down the sidewalk, until she is out of sight.
    “Romeo, and his beautiful Juliet.” he mutters, shoving the book in question into his dresser. He is exhausted, so he goes back to bed, slipping under the blankets. The last thought to cross his mind makes him smile slightly. “This story will have a happy ending.”


    Chapter 1
    The girl woke with a start, sitting up straight. Her dark hair hid her face, but she turned her head quickly to the side, making it fly over her shoulder. Her eyes searched, a deep sapphire blue. She looked the room over a second time, wishing, wanting the person to be there. She thought the slim girl was over in the corner, but when she looked, no one. She closed her eyes, letting a single tear course down her face, then got out of the bed. She was slim, and not very tall, her dark hair cascading to the middle of her back in a V shape. She walked to the dresser across from the bed, picking up a picture of two girls, one a younger, happier version of herself, the other a blonde girl who could have been her twin, except for her hair and her eyes, a dark ebony. She smiled, gently brushing her fingers over the photo, then set it back down and opened the wooden dresser, pulling a knife out of the top drawer. She took a deep breath, placing the knife against the pale skin of her arm, then she pushed it down, cutting her arm. The knife was sharp, and just the wrong pressure could kill her. She closed her eyes, dropping the knife back into the drawer, and closing it, then looking in the mirror. A pale girl, with dark circles around her eyes, looked back, watching the reflection warily, as if it would jump out at her. Her hair was tangled, and her arms glittered with the scars of times such as these.
    She sighed, then walked into the bathroom, taking off her pajama top and shorts. She stepped into the shower, turning the water to scalding, and let it beat a rhythm on her skin. When the water dripped onto her cut, it burned, and the blood stained the water in the bottom of the tub red. She stood there, trying to forget, trying to erase everything. As usual, the exercise only tortured her, making tears sting at her eyes.
    Something flashed by, on the other side of the curtain, out of the corner of her eye. It was pale gold in the bathroom light, and she turned quickly, shoving the shower curtain aside. Nothing. She sighed, then wrapped herself in a towel and walked out into the bedroom, her arm tingling. It had already stopped bleeding, a pink line forming. The phone rang, startling her. She sighed, picking it up. She should rethink getting the phone next to the bed, maybe putting it in the kitchen or something. “Hello?” she said, her voice no more then a whisper. “This is SAS Student Loans, is Ms Alexandra White there?”
    “Speaking.” she replied, making her voice a little louder. “We need confirmation that you and Ms. Monica White are attending the fall semester.” Alexa opened her eyes, boxing away her emotions like she had been taught. “We have changed our minds, we won‘t be attending.” Her chest felt tight. “Alright.” the man sounded far off. “We will return your initial down payment fee.”
    “Thanks.” Alexa hung up the phone, then turned, grabbing a pair of jeans and an oversized sweatshirt on her way. She dropped the towels to the floor. The jeans were baggy, hiding how skinny she was. She avoided looking at herself in the mirror as she slipped into the t-shirt and sweatshirt. Both were slightly oversized, hiding her real form beneath cloth. She had already made plans to go out, unfortunately. Alexa took one last look around the room, remembering. So many nights she lay on the bed, hoping every telephone call, every knock on the door was her sister. Every time she had been disappointed. Her cell phone rang, and her heart leaped, as she pulled it out. Disappointment made her eyes sting, as she opened it.
    “Hey. No, I didn’t forget, I’m coming.” she snapped the phone shut, then shut the door, not bothering to lock it. Any thief coming to her home would be severely surprised. She walked down the stairs and onto the street, heading southward with her head down. She had sold her car a while ago, after running out of rent money. Her head ached in the sun slightly, and by the time she reached the café, she was panting slightly. Jay waited for her, then pulled out a chair. “I ordered you what you usually like.” she said, her eyes appraising Alexa. Alexa nodded and took a sip of the drink in front of her, then smiled, in what felt like the first time in days, and drank it down faster.
    “Thanks” she said, her voice slightly hoarse. Jay nodded, seemingly preoccupied. She was tall, almost six feet, and had red hair. As if this hadn’t made her stick out enough, she was also tan, and had light blue green eyes. Her hair, as usual, was pulled back into a ponytail, and her light dusting of freckles on her nose barely stood out against her tan. Jay had first been a friend of Monica’s, but she was soon introduced to the Alexa. Alexa had been shy at first, but Jay had broken the ice by telling her she could not call her Jean Ann, only Jay. “Don‘t be mad at me.” Jay said, looking at Alexa nervously. Alexa started to ask what she was talking about, when a sugary high voice sounded behind her. “Darling, you didn’t say you be here.”
    Alexa glared daggers at Jay, who shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed, and turned around. The woman was blonde, and very pretty. She had light blue eyes, and a face that could have belonged to any angel. “Mom.” she looked over at the man standing next to her. “Dad. What are you doing here?”
    Alice White smiled, putting an arm around her husband. “We decided to buy a house in a town nearby, and Jay called us, asking if she could visit with us. This is such a charming town. . . . . “
    “And of course we wanted to see you.” John White was tall, and handsome. Alexa had inherited his dark looks. His eyes were brown, and usually looked at the world with subtle distaste, as if it wasn’t good enough for him.
    “How is school?” he asked, lighting a cigarette. Alexa wrinkled her nose, leaning back. “I‘m going to go visit Monica.” she said, brushing away her mother’s hand. Alice froze, her eyes darting from side to side, as if someone was eavesdropping. John took his cigarette out of his mouth, breathing out smoke. “You want to see her, don‘t you?” Alexa pressed. Alice tightened her grip on her husband, looking up to him for guidance. “She is not part of our family anymore.” John declared quietly, dropping the cigarette to the ground. Alexa stared at him, then Alice, who looked away.
    “How can you say that?” she asked, keeping her voice low. Jay watched in silence. Alice finally looked at her daughter, her eyes cold. “This is not appropriate conversation.” she said, her voice cutting through the air. John nodded, looking his arm through his wife’s. “She still exists. She is still your daughter.” Alice reached out quickly and grabbed Alexa’s shoulder, pinching it. “Not anymore. Stop pretending.” Alexa yanked her mother’s hand off, her eyes glowing with hate. “Pretending!? At least I acknowledge her! At least I didn‘t forget about her!” Alexa’s voice rose with anger. John looked over at his wife, who nodded, and dug in her purse quickly, pulling out a twenty dollar bill. “Fine.” Alice said, pressing the bill onto the table. “
    Visit her, buy her something nice. We have to go make sure everything is in order.” Alexa’s parents turned and marched away, not looking back. Jay, sighed, then took the money, going to a vendor. Alexa followed, her eyes on the pavement, thinking. Jay bought some roses, then led Alexa to the car. “I didn‘t call them.” she whispered, taking Alexa’s hand. Alexa nodded, getting in the car. She took the roses gently, holding them in her lap. “Thank you.” she said, gently touching the petals. Jay nodded, getting in the driver’s seat.
    “Monica‘s favorites, right?” she started the car, pulling away from the curb. Alexa nodded, looking out the window. People won spring break, mostly teens, walked along the streets, looking in store windows. She wondered if they had dark secrets, if their families were strong together or better off alone. “They wanted to go to your apartment, but I headed them off.” Jay continued, making a left turn. Now they were on a country road, the green of the trees almost blinding after the city.
    Alexa dimly wondered about Jay’s family. She had said before that she had grown up as an only child, and never mentioned her parents. She wondered if Jay’s family had ever had problems they ignored, things they never talked about. Secrets they hid, never talked about. Or maybe, they faced their problems together, as families were supposed to, head on. She opened her mouth, about to ask, when the car stopped at a small house, painted blue.
    “We‘re here.” Jay announced, getting out of the car. Alexa sighed and got out, gently handling the roses. She would ask later. Jay’s necklace glinted in the sunlight, a golden sun on the end of a silver chain. “You still wear it?” she asked, her free hand going to her own throat. Jay nodded. “It‘s a memory of happier times.” She smiled a little. “Do you?” Alexa nodded, pulling the necklace out. There were two charm on the silver chain, a silver full moon, and a black eye with a golden pupil. “Monica‘s…and mine.” she murmured, placing it back under her sweatshirt. She headed to the house, then went around the back, to a meadow. They used to have such fun times here, playing, laughing.
    Alexa walked up to a small stone set in the in the meadow, and set the roses down. “Happy Birthday, sis.” April 1st. She closed her eyes. “I finished college. Got a medical degree and everything.” She could almost imagine her twin there, smiling. “We all cried at your funeral. Everyone in our class was there.” Tears began to fall onto the gravestone, spilling out of Alexa’s eyes. She couldn’t hold her feelings back anymore, there was too much. “They said something for you at our graduation. Everyone missed you.” Jay came and hugged Alexa. She could feel the girl crying. “Sometimes…I think you are still here. In my dreams. I wish you were.” she broke down, holding onto Jay. “I miss you so much. I‘ll never forget, or forgive myself.” The two girls cried, holding onto each other as the sun went down.

    Chapter 2
    The guy got up, pulling on a t-shirt and his shoes. He looked longingly at a picture of himself surrounded by three girls; his family. The picture has faded, the color not as bright. He made a note to get a frame for it, and grabbed his car keys, walking out the door. Stopping on his porch, he hesitated for a second, then called a number.

    “Hey, this is Alexa, I‘m not home right now, so please leave me a message and I‘ll call you back as soon as possible. If this is Leon, I‘m going to kill you for leaving a message on my home phone.” The man smiled, then shut the phone, his eyes in shadows. He stepped down to the car, and stopped, seeing a note on the dashboard. See you tomorrow night. It said. Don’t forget to pick me up. Love, you know who. The man smiled, then slid into the car, starting it. Just as he was about to drive away, his cell phone rang. Hope soared through him as he opened it. “Hello?”

    “Mr. Holden, this call is confirming your appointment tomorrow night at the Whitings.” The man closed his eyes. “Yes, I am aware.” How could he have ever forgotten? “Thank you.” He closed the phone, then tapped it against the steering wheel, getting himself under control. The tapping seemed to go in rhythm with his thoughts. All my fault, all my fault, all my fault. He sighed, putting the car into gear, then stopped again, his foot on the brake. He closed his eyes, picturing the photograph of him and the girls.

    The dark haired girl on his right smiled cynically at the person taking the picture, her light blue eyes glowing in the sunlight. The girl on his left had her arm wrapped around him, smiling into the camera. Her delicate beauty was slightly marred by a scar on her left cheek, glinting in the sun. Long blonde hair drifted down her back, ending at around her waist. Her dark eyes looked even darker in the sunlight. The girl standing behind them had shoulder-length red hair, offset by her light blue eyes that turned slightly green in the sun. She was taller then him, almost, and was tan, despite her freckles. The man smiled, the writing on the back of the photograph floating through her mind.

    Love the moments, and live for something special. I love you, and we will always be together, Leon. The writing became messier, less elegant. Screw that, just go have fun, and don’t forget about us! The writing changed one last time, becoming slanted, neater. Never look back, just keep looking forward. It was signed, Monica, Jay, and Alexa. Leon smiled slightly, opening his eyes. “Training never fails.” He muttered, pulling away from the curb. But even when he stops thinking of the photograph, each girl’s face appears before his eyes.

    Alexa opened her eyes, feeling the sun beat down on her face. The gentle breeze led strands of her hair on a chase, teasing them. The sun warmed her skin, making her sleepy. She pulled off her sweatshirt, suddenly very hot. Jay had had to run back into town for school, and had promised to bring back lunch, but that would be a few hours. Alexa wasn’t hungry anyway. The brook gently murmured, the sun glinting off its clear blue waters. She sighed sadly, seeing the good times they had had. Monica would always be the first in the water, closely followed by Jay. If Leon had been in the mood, he would shove Alexa in after them, then jump in, followed by the three girls screaming happily.

    Despite them calling it a brook, it was actually deeper then that. Jay and Leon couldn’t touch the bottom unless they were almost a foot under. They played games, seeing who could stay under longest, and touch the sandy bottom. Alexa hesitated, then took off her shoes and socks, gently placing them beside her sweatshirt. She took a deep breath, then dove in. Just before she hit the water, she thought she heard someone call her name.

    The icy water shocked her, driving invisible needles into her skin. She gasped, trying to get to the surface. A current pulled her down, spinning her until she was dizzy. She was too weak now to fight, and her lungs ached for air. She gasped, then choked, water filling her lungs. Her vision turned slowly black as she sank to the bottom, and the last thing she saw was the sun turning the water a beautiful blue.

    Something pounded her, making her gasp. She choked as water came up, and someone turned her head to the side. “Damn it Alexa, I told you not too!” Someone familiar leaned over her, gently checking her pulse. “Leon?” she gasped, trying to breathe. “You scared me, kid. I thought you were a goner.”

    Leon gently helped her sit up, watching her with grey eyes. Alexa smiled a little, her throat hurting. She breathed shallowly, her chest feeling like she had gotten kicked by a horse. “What are you doing here?” she asked quietly, leaning against him. “I wanted to visit you….and Monica….” he answered, rubbing her back gently. Alexa felt tears come to her eyes and looked down. “I‘m sorry..” she murmured, keeping her voice steady. She felt Leon shrug. “I‘m going to go talk with her now, okay?” he said. “
    I‘ll be right over there.” Leon slowly stood up, checking to make sure she was okay, then went to the grave, kneeling down beside it. He murmured something, his voice too low to be heard. Alexa took another breath, steadying herself. She could hear Leon’s heartbeat, five feet away from her.

    It was just a second behind hers, beating rhythmically. She got up slowly, walking over to him. “She……she and I had an argument, the night before she….” Alexa stopped. “I…I‘m just so sorry.” Leon looked up at her, then stood up, letting out a long sigh. “You lost a sister, and I lost my love.” He smiled sadly, and gave Alexa a one armed hug. “But at least we have each other, and Jay.”

    Alexa nodded slowly, her head leaning on Leon’s shoulder. “C‘mon, I‘ll call Jay, and we can go to your apartment, and hang out. Catch up on things.” Leon walked to his car, which was parked behind the house. “Have you been practicing at all?” he asked suddenly, turning to Alexa. “Have you even tried?” Alexa stopped, then looked away. “After her death, I tried with my mother. Not even a spark.” she lied. Leon sighed, then went to the car, opening the passenger door for her. “We could have use it for my idea.” he grinned. Alexa rolled her eyes, the sadness pushed away. “You have an idea?” Leon shut the door behind her, going around to the driver’s side. He nodded as he got in. “A very evil one. We go to a club and take over their band. You will sing, my ducky.” he grinned, starting the car.

    Alexa sighed. “I thought you forgot my nickname.” she muttered, grinning. “Not at all. You are the ducky, remember?” Alexa did. She had been the ugly duckling in the group, the one who didn’t belong. So Leon had adapted her name for herself and made it more happy. She smiled slightly, looking out the window. “Its good to have you back.” she said to Leon. “Any word from…”

    “No.” Alexa sighed. “They are still trying to figure ourselves out?” Leon nodded. Alexa sighed again. “They said it would only take a month. I didn‘t even know what to bury Monica with….” Tears came to Alexa’s eyes again. Leon was silent for a bit, then spoke softly. “They are going to send someone when they figure it out. That someone will stay with us for a bit.” Alexa nodded. “Sounds like something they would do. Leon… you still have your...talents?” She waited for an answer, hoping against hope….

    “No.” Leon sighed. “After the day Monica was buried I just…couldn‘t do it anymore.” Alexa nodded, then slowly reached into her jean pocket. “I‘ve been keeping them. Until I knew either way. Monica…..she said I was after her, then you, then Jay, to keep them safe.” She held out the charm necklaces hesitantly. “She gave me yours….” she murmured. Leon’s face was blank, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t hurting. He didn’t take his eyes off the road, and slowly took the sun charm from Alexa. He clenched it tightly in his hand. “You‘re next in line. If something…happens to me.” Alexa whispered. Leon closed his eyes for a second. “Nothing will happen to you.” he promised.

    “You don‘t know that. Don‘t promise things you can‘t keep.” Alexa said, turning to look out the window. Leon sighed, turning onto the highway. “Have you heard from anyone else, who might know?” he asked. Alexa shook her head. “Dammit, I haven‘t heard from anyone! I thought you left me to die!” she said angrily, not entirely sure why she was upset. Leon seemed surprised too, but was just as ready to fight back. “I was trying to protect you! I thought they were after me!” he said, his hands clenching the steering wheel tightly. “Then why come back?!” Alexa almost shouted, her hands clenched in her lap. “Why see me now?!”

    Leon jerked the steering wheel. “Because you sent me a letter!”
    “What….” Alexa looked at Leon, locking eyes with him. Some sudden instinct made her turn her head. “Leon, stop!” she screamed, just as the car slammed into an oncoming SUV at eighty miles an hour.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 20, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Magick
    okay, so scarredheart needs a new bf. anyone who wants consideration, step up. she likes tall guys, and she is making me make this thread. :sideways: please save me.

    guys, don't take it too seriously. I have no idea what she expects.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 17, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Magick
    my room, and I noticed this hole in the wall, like smaller then a pin. I put a piece of tape over it, so the squirrel's don't invade my room. So tell me now, which one of you did it?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 17, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Magick
    The thirteenth. Who's gonna die today?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 13, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Magick
    My sister and I, out of sheer boredom, were arguing who is intimidating (scary) on this site. If you ishn't on this list, you ish either very nice, or you don't scare me ^^

    My sister
    Fayt Harkwind
    King of Darkness

    Repliku O.O
    Princess Ariel
    King of Darkness

    If I think of you later, I ish gonna add you ^^"
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 12, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Magick
    KHV is like Walmart! People aren't here during the day, because they are at school work etc etc. Out of the hundreds of people that could be on, there were only ten last time I checked.:stupid: WALMARTISM IS TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 11, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Magick

    Getting away

    This situation just keeps getting worse for me. 5/7 days a week I seriously want to run away, and the other two I'm just too tired to do it. Doesn't help I haven't gotten my license, but that wouldn't stop me. I just hate my parents, and I have to work really hard not to yell stuff back at them. I'm not even out of highschool, and I have no money, so I would pretty much be living on the street. And yet, that seems a better life then what I'm going through right now. Any ideas?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 11, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. Magick

    Orange Juice

    I just went to McDonalds and drank their orange juice. I think my stomach is dissolving in on itself now!!!!
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 11, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Magick
    I need a siggy done with the picture below

    Anything with tons of color and illusiony stuff. Please?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 10, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  11. Magick


    I finally got a Windows Live Messenger Adress!! YYYAAAYY!! Now i just need people to add.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 9, 2009, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Magick
    Should I change my name? Or do you guys like this one?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 9, 2009, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Magick
    Okay, so I had an Ipod Classic, got it two years ago. i broke it a week back, and finally got a new one. Same thing, different color. So now, it says I need to download Itunes 8.0. Is this gonna erase my other Itunes???? I have over 900 songs and twenty videos, and I am not able to back up my Itunes. Please help!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 9, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Magick


    Do your parents or siblings make up weird names for you? Like names that shouldn't be said out loud lest you die of embarrassment? Please move this thread or delete it if it has been done before. Don't say your nicknames if you don't want to, but if you want to, have at it.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 8, 2009, 72 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. Magick
    For KHII the only voiceover I hated was Aerith. It just didn't seem to fit her. Leon's was the best, I think. Totally fit him. What about you guys?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 7, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Magick
    So I was playing around with my memory card for the PS2, deleting some info here and there. I noticed on the KH stuff, for KHI on one side there was young Sora and donald and goofy on one side, with donald and goofy being in the background, then on the other side, it was reversed. Same with KHII except it was older Sora and donald and goofy. With Re:CoM, it was Sora on one side, with Kairi and Riku on the othe side. Anyone else notice this?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 7, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Magick


    Why does it matter why religion you are? I mean, some people won't be friends with me because I'm not a christian (no one I've met on this site yet) and some have gone as far to either use me, because of what I am, or try to hurt me, because its the "right" thing to do. I've been called all manner of things, and it can hurt coming from people who you thought were your friends. So my question is...why does religion matter so much? Sorry if this is in the wrong section....please move it or delete it if its been made before.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 6, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: Discussion
  18. Magick
    People in KHII has certain things we can recognize them by, right? I'll list what I mean here.....
    Sora-Kingdom Crown
    Kairi-Paopu fruit
    Roxas-X thingy
    Micky-Mouse head
    Heartless-heart with X in it
    Nobodies-white heart kind of thing
    so basically my question is, what is eveyone else's? And why are they not included more???
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 6, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Magick

    City of Bones

    Didn't see a thread for this....if there is one, I'm sorry!
    I just finished the first book and the second one, City of Ashes. They was AWESOME!! The humor was the best feature. Anyone else read them?
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 3, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Literature
  20. Magick
    Okay, so I've been trying to add this contact to my messenger, and he gets on the messenger, but by his name, it only says his name, then add request pending. I asked him if he got the add request, and he says no. And yes, we both use yahoo messenger.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 3, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Technology