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  1. Magick
    Let the fricking bed bugs bite, it's better then sex.
    Thread by: Magick, Aug 13, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Magick
    [I have been here one year]
    Thread by: Magick, Aug 11, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Magick
    This is the most people I've ever drawn in one frame. Another picture from a moment in Vampire Knight. Zero was too big to make the frame :B(: CnC?

    Thread by: Magick, Aug 2, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Magick
    So I got my hands on some Vampire Knight manga, and decided to try my hand at one of them. Rima didn't work out, so I did this instead.

    Thread by: Magick, Jul 30, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Magick
    So I drew something, and figured out the camera takes some good pics.

    Thread by: Magick, Jul 27, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Magick
    Yes I did. I actually drew a picture, but I don't have a scanner. Haha.
    Thread by: Magick, Jul 26, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Magick


    So I made a thread a while back asking about some BlueRay things. I finally decided to get my lazy ass on the internet and look something things about it up, since I have a BlueRay movie I need ripped to my computer. Apparently BlueRay discs are read by a blue violet laser that's 450 nm, while a regular disc is read by a red laser that is 600 nm, or something like that. Does any one know if this means a regular disc drive can't handle BlueRay? If so, are there places I can buy some hardware to install a way to get BlueRay playable on my computer?
    Thread by: Magick, Jul 16, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. Magick
    These stories come up way too often on the news these days, but this one kinda ticked me off. The mom left the child in the care of her cousin, and went on vacation. The cousin is 18 years old, and not much was known about her at the time. The cousin took the child to the store, but left her in the car, kept the doors unlocked, and went inside to get some items. She came out, and the child was gone.
    So apparently they are checking into close family and friends, but honestly anyone could have done it. The thing that pissed me off was that the babysitter left the doors unlocked when she went into the store and didn't have a clear view of the child. Discuss.
    Thread by: Magick, Jun 20, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. Magick

    DS Pictochat

    So I have a DS, and pictochat. I obviously want to get outside the range of my house, but I can't seem to get a bigger range then someone in the next room, pictochatting. Is there a way I can get a bigger range?
    Thread by: Magick, Jun 13, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Magick

    Sweet Poison

    Once there was a land called Gaia. The people there were once free and independent, but something happened. No one knows what, but the last anyone old enough remembers, they woke in a crater. The peaceful green fields were gone, replaced with black holes. Soon after, they discovered one by one, the people were dying. Day after day thousands turned to dust, the same color as the holes. After a few weeks, a young boy about to die crawled into one of the black holes. By some miracle, the water left in it saved him.
    The last city left, Adriad, began drilling, finding reserves of water. They began distributing the strange liquid, but could not manufacture it. One glass every day would keep them alive, any less would be deadly. Like a sweet poisen, the people became addicted, and began overusing the liquid, which they called honey. Reserves began running out, and people are dying again. Other oddities are happening at this late hour. Creatures known as nymphs are appearing, shy beings that have the magical ability to heal someone of this death. Other beings are emerging, to make their new lives in the ashes of humans. Where do you fit in?

    1. If you godmod I’m going to kill you.
    2. Romance at PG-13 and please keep it only once in a while. My stomach can only take so much.
    3. You may swear, but not like a sailor. Keep it to a minimum, and none of the f-word crap.
    4. Favorite number, y’all.
    5. No arguing in OC’s, and please only comment in them once in a while. If you want to talk story plot or about characters, do it in VM or PM
    6. If you make a female characters, please please PLEASE make them have a way to fight. Constant damsels in distress get extremely old.
    7. If your person is bad, keep them bad. PM me before having them cross over to good. Some weakness is good, but not constant good crap, if they’re evil.
    8. No hybrids. People are one thing, and one thing only. If you have ideas for a new species or something, PM me.
    9. Post White Rabbit if you’ve read the rules.
    10. Post at least 20 words, and if you do go under, only do it once or twice. Just oneliners get really old, really fast.
    11. You get two chances, then you’re out. If you have to leave, please PM me and I’ll give you a recap when you come back.
    12. You can have up to three characters, and replace one if they are killed or die.
    13. Please use proper grammer, spelling and punctuation, as I am often in a hurry, and need to be able to read quickly.
    And nooow…..

    Humans- A quickly diminishing race, there are few left. All humans are addicted to honey, no exceptions.

    Nymphs-Shy creatures, their hair is typically green or blue, depending on their environment. Though they don’t speak much, their voices are quite lovely. Before humans were enslaved by honey, it was a challenge to hunt down and keep them as pets. They live as long as humans, and never forget a grudge. Nymphs can lightly control either earth based elements or water based elements.

    Werewolves-The people they are before the shift typically have dark hair, and dark eyes, though the eyes can be blue or yellow. When they shift, they LOSE all their clothing, and when they shift back to humans, are naked, so keep this in mind. People can be changed, but this only happens through biting and clawing the victim. Not just a single time. PM me if you want this to happen, so I can okay it or not. They can be killed like normal people, not just with silver, and have all the senses of a wolf. They also shift back to their human forms right before they die, at which point they cannot be saved.

    Demons-Evil to the core, this race feeds on the ashes of the dead humans. They usually do this by taking away the honey source that humans have. They also use the practice of hunting down and either killing nymphs, or keeping them as pets, to use to get through woods or rivers.

    Witches (Credit to Xert for the main idea): They have magical abilities, and are able to produce illusions and fire magics. Commonly used for battle powers, they are an almost human like race, but have two distinctions, pointed ears and a black sparrow tattooed on their left hands. No witch is without this.

    Character name:
    Appearance: (Picture is appreciated)
    Race: (Human, Demon, Nymph, or Werewolf)
    Gender: (Male or Female)
    Bio: (Please put their past where it says history)
    History: (Please do not put personality here)
    Weapons: If you are a nymph, put elements here. Keep in mind you can’t lift boulders or move rivers.
    Preview Post:

    Username: Magick
    Character name: Aly Gregos
    Race: Werewolf
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Sarcastic, prone to violence, and quiet. She contradicts herself occasionally, but is stubborn to the core, defending her point on whatever she is arguing till the end.
    History: Abandoned by her parents after she was mauled by another werewolf, she taught herself to survive, to read and write, and to stay away from people that might matter to her.
    Weapons: None. She uses her wolf side as her weapons, though she does punch and kick.
    Preview Post: Aly paced the ground, her yellow eyes glinting dimly in the barely lit room. She sighed, clenching her hands, then starting the pattern all over again. There had to be something she could do. Something she could make happen.

    Username: Magick
    Character name: Verlidaine (Daine)
    Race: Nymph
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Shy, as most nymphs are, but caring, she quietly goes about her own way, ignoring anyone who is not danger.
    History: Her mother is the only one of her family left alive, the rest having been hunted down and killed by demons. She stays close to her home, occasionally wandering away to find more food.
    Weapons: Wate nymph (can hide in rivers, transform into river creatures)
    Other: breaking my own rule! >8D
    Preview Post: Daine ducked under the water again, holding her breath and feeling her body warm. She shifted into a river ptter, then began to swim upstream, back toward her home. Small silver fish moved away from her, finding a predator so close to them.

    Username: Legion
    Character name:
    Race: Werewolf
    Gender: Male
    Bio: He is rather cold and heartless. He only looks out for himself. If he helps you then you have something he wants.
    History: Turned at a young age, Saro has never know much of humans. This has also led to him having no alligance to human's either. His entire time has been lived in the deep forests, killing what he needs to survive. Since he has never had to live up to social standards, he never wears clothes. Being a werewolf, he'd just lose them each night.
    Weapons: only his claws and teeth in wolf form
    Preview Post: Laying low to the ground, A predator laid in wait. He had stalked his prey for hours. His golden eyes stared hungrly at ther owner's next meal. The beast pawed at the ground. It was time.

    "White rabbit" it said before pouncing on the target it had identified. The sound of crushed bones, and silence.

    Character name: Seno Riyuchi
    Appearance: Dark(brown) tan skin, with shimmering golden eyes, about 6'1" or 6'2" with an Super hero body build, with rose red highlights lining his shimmering sliver hair that drapes over his broad shoulders,he constantly wears a vest that was hand made by his adoptive mother and the pendant on his chest of his long lost father
    Race: Demon
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Lost from his Demon family,as a baby, a village of Humans Adopted him and raised him as their own until his 23 birthday he and a few friends went honey drilling but known to them a Hoard attacked to steal their remaining honey leaving everything in ruins. Slowly his human brothers begain to die from the lack of honey.
    History: After the slaying of his Adoptive village he has taken up the search for both his true father and the killers of his human family that cared for him. He has travled the world increasing his skills so for the day of his great confrontation he can take his vengence
    Weapons: anything he can get his hands on (though swords are his favorite)
    Other: white rabbit
    Preview Post: A few weeks after the death of his village he noticed that he was becoming filled with an uncontrolable hunger causing him to split into two halfs by day Seno the Protector and Avenger of all things right and just but by night Riyuchi the Soul Eater, he captured and tourtchered humans until he was able to feed upon them. Unaware of the darkness growing within him he presses on in search of the demons that killed his family and the father who had forgoten him.

    what do yu think ^^

    Username: The Joker
    Character name: Mortalitas
    Appearance: Tall, human like skin, black hair, brown eyes that sometimes flash red. Usually wears a black cloack. On his face he has a scar going down his left eye, a incident from a abusive father.
    Race: (Human, Demon, Nymph, or Werewolf) Demon
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Hates all species, and all others, except himself. He can be cunning at times, and will wait to get what he wants.
    History: A abusive father and amother that died duing birth, Mortalitas never got along with him and grew to hate him. He knew his "friends" saw, and yet they did not help. This grew his survival of the fittest motto, and his lowly view of others. Soon he ran away from his father, and set out to create a lasting mark on a possibly ending world.
    Weapons: Long, slim sword
    Other: White Rabbit
    Preview Post: Mortalitas sighed as he saw the moth head to the flame. All species were the same. Especially the humans. Drawn to there honey, they had been, and now they were slowly burning thereself out. He had always thought Humans were a waste of life. Now, life itself was proving his point.

    Username: Xert
    Character name: Nox
    Appearance: short black hair with green eyes. Wheres a black coat with a white shirt and blue pants
    Race: Witch
    Gender: Male
    Bio: find out
    History: Nox left home 5 years ago he's been takeing up odd jobs whenever he can
    Weapons: Ley line magic, his bag of potions and charms, his wand nd his sword
    Other: White Friggen Rabbit
    Preview Post: Nox looked into his copper spell pot he looked at the red boiling substance. He took in a deep breath through hiss nose and smelled the mixture, "It's ready."
    Nox dipped in a large spoon into the vat and took out some of the thick red liquid and put it on top of his plate of noodles, "Dinner is served."

    Username: Ritsuka
    Character name: Annaly
    Race: Human (for now)
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Annaly is usually a caring person, she tries to help out those who are less fortunate than her and she even gives her honey to other people if they have none of their own. Because of her actions, she has been on the verge of dying many times but has somehow managed to survive all these years. Lately she's been moving to various different places to avoid being caught by demons and werewolves.
    History: Annaly's family was killed by a werewolf when she was young so she doesn't remember much of them. She lived on her own for quiet some time before she met anyone else again and because of that, she became a socially awkward individual. She has had honey addictions every now and then but has managed to get them under control.
    Weapons: A medium-sized dagger.
    Other: I wonder what White Rabbit tastes like for breakfast? =P
    Preview Post: "I can't breath..." Annaly started wheezing, her hand clutched the loose fabric of her vest on her chest. She felt like she was having an asthma attack. She scrambled to the battered leather pack that laid beside a hollow tree trunk she was sleeping and pulled out a small glass bottle with shaking hands. With one swift gulp, she drunk all the contents of the bottle and a few moments later the shaking stopped completely. She thought herself lucky, being able to somehow survive when she didn't have and honey with her at all and giving what she and to other people who needed it more than herself. "I better get going..." Annaly muttered to herself. She picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulder and continued walking down the dirt path, not knowing what was about to happen to her in a few short days time.
    Thread by: Magick, Jun 9, 2009, 422 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    So I have a blue ray disc, will it work on my normal DVD player or computer too? I don't want to screw either devices, and I can't return the DVD. I don't have a special blue ray player either. Help?
    Thread by: Magick, May 22, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Magick
    I need critique on my vids, but they get copyrighted by youtube, and the user portal won't accept them. Is there anywhere else I can go?
    Thread by: Magick, May 19, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. Magick
    Nao! Pwease someone get oooooon. I"m so unhappeh and alonnnnneeeeee.
    Thread by: Magick, May 11, 2009, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Magick
    Thread by: Magick, May 10, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Magick
    I have been looking everywhere, and I cannot find Final Fantasy 12 CG videos for download anywhere. I could download them off youtube, but I need them to be high quality. Anyone know where I can get them? I mostly need the beginning and the end,but if there is more then that I will be exceptionally greatful.

    Please move this if its in the wrong section.
    Thread by: Magick, May 7, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. Magick


    Thread by: Magick, Apr 27, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Magick
    Naminememories can't get on because of server issues, and its not agreeing with her computer. I copy and pasted.

    To my bf, Sonic, Magick, and just everyone else, as soon as the server works again, I'll be back =]
    Thread by: Magick, Apr 27, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  18. Magick
    I have a pretty good life, honestly. An awesome boyfriend, fun sister, a ton of great friends that I can talk to, but every day I'm getting more and more depressed. I can't sleep, and if I do, I have really bad nightmares. I usually cry every night, and during the day I just feel exhausted, like I can't do anything. My friends tell me I'm pretty and I don't need to lose weight, but I can never see that girl. Often times I don't eat; I feel hungry, but I just don't care. I used to cut myself, and have often considered going back to that, since I recently stopped, but I'm trying not to. Is there some way I can make it all stop?
    Thread by: Magick, Apr 22, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Magick
    I swear Itunes hates internet was terrible, so my mom called the service provider, and they upgraded us. Now I cannot get onto the Itunes store at all. Everytime I try it says

    We could not complete your Itunes request. The network timed out.
    Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active. Then try again.

    I can't even search for songs on the store. Itunes is also updated as far as it can go. Help?
    Thread by: Magick, Apr 1, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  20. Magick

    New LSD

    Apparently teens in the US are now smoking and inhaling Salvia, a type of mint plant. It it a lot like methanfedamine (sp?) and is now banned in a couple states. Some scientists are disapproving the ban, because they want to test the plant to see if it can help certain diseases.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 30, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events