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  1. Magick
    That I should do something.
    Thread by: Magick, May 4, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Magick
    When you go through the forums list and see your name listed as the last poster for nearly every other forum.
    Thread by: Magick, May 3, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Magick
    So this is awkward. I don't know, it's been a few years at least. I'm not sure if anyone I knew is here anymore. All the names have changed, and there's a lot of people I don't recognize and I few I think I might.

    Anyway, I'm not really here, or there. I just got to thinking about all the people I met here and starting missing people and nostalgia led me to recover my password to my old email, which led me here, so...I don't know. If anyone's here that remembers shattered_star, or Magick, please come forward. Chances are I've been thinking and wondering how you guys have been getting along, and I'm hoping to try and get back in touch.

    And if you don't know me, you're more then welcome to still stop in and say hi. I'm hoping the rules that I remember haven't changed, and I might comb through a few threads to try and catch up on it all, but a helping hand would be more than welcome.

    If anyone can get in contact with TheFuk, Hayabusa, Jayn, Fayt Harkwind, Catch the Rain, Julia, DarkCloud, Arch, DP Wolf, Alexandria, and Missing_Heartless, I would greatly appreciate your help. Anyone who I might have forgotten, it's probably because I can't remember how to spell your name.

    Long story short, hi!
    Thread by: Magick, May 3, 2015, 22 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Magick


    I don't like it. No more pretty colors, just kind of an abyss-y color. Is it because Facebook, oh beautiful popular Facebook, is white and blue?

    No offense to whoever worked on it, I'm sure the coding wasn't fun, and the banner is quite pretty. But I'm ready to switch back to the better skin.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 9, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Magick
    When he begins to stare at your breasts.

    Females only guys, sorry.
    Thread by: Magick, Jun 28, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Magick


    [we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now~/]
    Thread by: Magick, May 22, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Magick

    So tonight

    I have a choice.

    I could get drunk alone, since the boyfriend is away visiting his mom.

    I could go to bed and wait to get drunk till my girl friends get their asses here next weekend, and school gets let out.

    I could do both.

    Or I could stay up all night playing final fantasy xiii.

    Again, could do that drunk as well.
    Or Dragon Age.

    Thread by: Magick, May 22, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Magick
    and you are my heroine <3
    Thread by: Magick, May 15, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Magick

    Hey hey hey

    [I love making new threads when no one's on, because then I don't ever see it when I come back a month later. I love coming back and knowing who no one is, and when I figure out who I hate, I love tearing them into small pieces with my mind. I love refinding and retalking to people I've never quite forgotten, because it just warms the cockles of my heart. I love warm showers and my job and fluffy kittens that smell good when they're warm. I love snuggling with my boyfriend and playing l4d with him and screaming my head off when the witch comes to get me. I love being a witch. I love the people in my siggy (and a lot of other people who aren't mentioned). I love making long posts that no one can read unless they click on them. I love making some people explode. And I love the three people I hate, because I love hoping they will suffer./]

    Thread by: Magick, May 10, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Magick

    Right, so

    [I unplugged the straightener. The straightener was on. My sister had left it on all night. I got yelled at for unplugging the straightener. The yeller was my mom./]
    Thread by: Magick, May 1, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Magick

    This site

    appears to be dying. I'm impressed.
    Thread by: Magick, Mar 9, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Magick


    Damn Mexicans

    [Everytime I come here, I want to line up a list of about twenty of you, and assassinate you each differently.

    Maybe ten.

    You know what? I'll settle for five.

    Assassin's Creed II ftw/]

    They serve way too much chicken.
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 15, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Magick
    In short, being sold to Mexicans. Won't have access to anything. I'll escape when I can.

    [Yeah, I'm trying this again. Honestly, this place has been at the root of almost every problem I've had, almost. If it isn't, it just takes the problem and makes it bigger.

    To keep it short, I've gotten into bad habits. School comes first, and I have to get my driver's test taken care of, so I can actually gain some independence. I also need to work on stopping the whole drinking problem, and taking better care of myself.

    I'll be back every other week or so to post in my stories, but once they die out, I probably will be here almost never. Phone's working and msn is alive, so you can reach me there.

    Short shoutouts.

    Janime-I love you badly.
    Emzy-Keep being sexy.
    Ioan-Told ya you'd get a life.
    Jayn-Stay happy.
    CtR-You're the best mom I've ever had.
    Zidane-Can't wait for you to get online more.
    Zee/Xaale-Keep those coconuts sitting, they're damned hard to please.
    Orchid-You're the best Dharma Initiative member I ever saw.
    Radiowave-Stay Lost, man.
    Darkcloud-You're the longest friend I ever had here, so keep being friendly.
    Styx-You make me laugh.
    Johnny Butt-You're a good guy.
    TMMM-I still think of the mutant ninja turtles when I see your name. Good luck.

    If you're not on the list, I either hate your guts or love you to pieces and couldn't think of anything to say.


    Thread by: Magick, Feb 3, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  14. Magick


    So I figured this either belonged here or in the general game section.

    Say you're on a hard level, the end of a game. You try and you try to beat this level, but going on a month, you just can't get it. So you go online and watch someone else beat it on youtube. Memorizing the methods used in said video, you go back to your gaming, and after a few more trys and frustrated yells, etc, you beat it.

    Is that cheating?
    Thread by: Magick, Feb 2, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. Magick

    Black Bird

    So among the strange manga I got for the holidays, amongst the volumes was one I've never heard of, called Black Bird. I don't know that there's an anime for the it, and I haven't seen the artists previos work. The only volume out so far as I know, is the first.

    Without spoiling anything, it's about a girl who attracts "demons." A strange young man comes back and drives them away, then demands she become his wife.

    There are other bits, and it's alittle more sexual then I prefer, but good hearted. Thoughts.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Magick
    What do you guys think happened with Maleficient? She dead, or just biding her time to appear in the next game? And will Pete be with her? Or another villian?

    I personally think she's out there, just waiting. Pete's probably with her, he's too much of a wimp at heart to actually leave.

    There might be another thread about this, but I didn't see it.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 26, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Magick
    This better be the right place.....

    I was thinking, while replaying Dragon Age: Origins, cuz I have no life, I was going over the codex while waiting for the ps3 to finish saving, and it states that Pride demons are the strongest, then Desire, Sloth, and I think Hunger, then Rage. I always thought Desire would be stronger then Pride, originally. Any thoughts?
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 24, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Magick

    Myth or Fact?

    So you know, would you prefer to know the myth of how the Grand Canyon was formed? Or would you have to know the logical answer?

    (This doesn't just pertain to the Grand Canyon, I'm just trying to make a statement.)

    I would prefer to just leave it at myth, because while the logical facts do sometimes answers questions, I could live with those questions. The human race annoys me in that we have to answer everything, and nothing can remain magickal or special, it has to be answered by cold hard facts, or some people refuse to see it. I think there needs to be some mystery in the world, or else we would have nothing to ask questions about and strive to think up answers to.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 20, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Magick

    The Luxe

    Anyone else read this series? It's based on New York in the 1900's, and circles around a particular group of teenagers. I love the detail, and the cover art is always fun to examine. Haven't finished the fourth book yet, but the series runs like this;

    The Luxe




    Can't remember the author, but I'm going to check into her future work.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 20, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  20. Magick


    The wind blows strands of my hair in front of my eyes, but I ignore them. Ahead and below me, the town glows with an almost ethereal light, the effect of the sun setting upon the glass domed buildings. People move about, and even up here, amongst the eagles, I can hear the merchants yelling out their wares, I can see the people searching for the item they need. All this my eyes and ears can see. But it is my other sense I turn to, the one that is special to me alone. I close my eyes, letting myself melt into the city.

    Now I can sense him. My target. He walks along a back alley, thinking to himself. Standing up, letting the wind blow back my hood, I slowly let myself fall forward, rolling and tumbling through the air to land on the ground, on a soft bed of pillows. The merchant lets out a surprised squawk, but I'm already gone, slipping and blending in with the crowd. It's almost a natural gift, my teacher had said. Sliding into the back alley, the city seems to hold its breath. No one comes back here, except the people who have lost their minds.

    Gently slipping in front of him, I know he sees me. He looks me over, then sighs. “I would have thought they would have at least sent a professional.†I can only smile. He makes the same mistake. “You shouldn't be doing this life. I can find you a nice husband, a good family.†He tries to persuade me, his second mistake. His thick accent trembles, and he knows as well as I do what has to happen.

    “I am sorry, brother.†I murmur, then dart behind him. He doesn't even have time to turn before I end his life with a single twist of my blade. I help his body fall to the ground, then close his eyes, praying silently. Gently pulling the heavy sleeve back on his right arm, I pull off the bracelet dangling there, then stand up. “I hope you find the peace I shall keep searching for.â€

    A shout brings me back; I have been seen. In an instant I am climbing the wall, pulling myself up onto the roof, and sprinting. The city gate is to the north, but I head west, towards the desert. The guards chase me, and I can hear their labored breathing. They will never catch me. Dashing across the houses, jumping through gaps, city life goes on, unaware of the change that has been made to it.

    Just as I near the gate, I jump into the street. Now screams pierce the normal chatter, the sound of broken pottery crashing behind me. I am small enough to dart between open spaces, but the guards are not. I hear them cursing me, and it only heightens my excitement. Taking one final jump, I let my leg muscles bunch, then push me straight up into the air. Grabbing the edge of the wall, I chance one look back at the pandemonium that had been chasing me, smile, and then climb over the wall.

    Dropping into a saddle, I pet my dear Racing Star, my beloved horse, then urge her into a neat canter, leaving the city behind for the one place I call home. Another day for me. Perhaps tomorrow I shall be able to travel somewhere new, that the masters think I am ready. This is my life. Me, ready to die for the job at a moment's notice. I am an assassin, the best of the best. This is my story.
    Thread by: Magick, Jan 19, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Archives