Your present has arrived!Merry Christmas Bro! PART 2 COMING SOON!!!
That's not weird. weirdo
Don't be sorry, I love my present. If you took time out of your day to make me something then I am more than happy :)
Its 4pm, no time for partying, time for tea!
Let me sum up your entire OP for everyone, Amaury was cold.
I haven't been having any weird dreams, I think my subconscious is screwed.
First there were sharks and now self-hugging, I wonder what will happen next in one of your dreams aha
yeh right, next your going to tell me that the teletubies are just people in costumes pfff
What console are you looking to Emulate? For the PS2 a favourite among many is PCSX2. You also need to make sure your computer meets specific requirements to run emulators. Checking around on the PCSX2 forums is a good idea before you start.
Become one with the snow.
Sora is real, don't let her corrupt your mind.
You want to have shark babies...
You, your sister and your mum are cute... but I'm sorry to say that your dad steals the show with his jumper!
Premiums are horrible people.
What games you going to get?
Merry Christmas guys! Spoiler
Merry Christmas peeps!
Loriah, you know you said you were going to read posts out loud so you could detect what people are trying to say to you... I don't think it's working.
gosh, people can be so stupid!
You should play Fifa.