You are the son of Satan.
Thanks guys.........
Lucky, Wii Sports Bowling is the closest I will ever get to the real thing.
Unless you have fingers which swell up like balloons after 5 minutes of bowling...
Hopefully he lost the key to that padlock chain.
Should I seek counselling?
I've had mcdonalds for lunch every day this week, help me!
Looking dapper sir.
He can complain all he wants but trying to emphasise small problems within a game just to justify your hatred for it sounds silly to me. If there was a major problem he was complaining about then I would accept his reasoning. Quite frankly it just sounds like he's trying to hide his disappointment for the game with any minor fault he can find.
Fair enough the final boss may be a bit weak in terms of difficulty. I just think that the almost half the people complaining about this game wouldn't be doing so if the 'look' of Dante hadn't been changed.
There are flaws in every game and you can criticise them. However, I feel that you are simply looking for any reason to hate this game more than you already do just because you lost your beloved 'mop head' Dante is gone. (and btw that battle against Ursala is very boring and repetitive also)
People are still complaining about this game? Build a bridge and get over it.
Who are you quoting?
I can't remember you leaving.
Claw, I challenge you to create a thread which doesn't mention females.
I have the sudden urge for an oreos milkshake.
To be honest I wouldn't include any of them in my party but if I was to choose I would go for Umbreon. It's always cool to have a dark type pokemon in your team.
Yep, those are the ones. Should be perfect for what you want them for.
The only time I've ever worn gloves while playing video games was about 10 years ago. I played Street Fighter alot and tended to get a few blisters on my thumbs. I'm sure you can find a suitable pair of gloves. The pair i have at the moment stretch to fit the persons hand and are very thin. I think over here they're called Magic Gloves but I'm not sure.
Congrats. Have fun getting drunk almost every day haha