Announcement Trailer: Source
Sorry you feel this way but suicide is not the answer. If you're feeling upset or angry at people on the internet then the easiest thing to do is to turn off your computer and give yourself some time to relax and calm down. I promise you that no one here will ever try and make you feel upset on purpose, sometimes we misinterpret what people say and take it too seriously.
There are a number of things on the internet that can cure your boredom, I will not however tell you them as I will get into trouble.
Thankyou again Din, I really am appreciative of all the time and effort you put into everyones requests at your shop xxxxx
Dinny, this is absolutely incredible! Everything looks amazing, you even included my incredibly boney collar haha and sorry for giving you that overly-patterned jumper, hope it didn't cause to much problem! Thankyou so much <3
Impressions? What would be your dream job? What's your most annoying trait? Favourite season of the year? Do you want to get up on my hydra's back?
KHV, brace yourselves!
Bioshock is a must play game.
Kites is alright....
My new loafers! Spoiler
Put some "Bleach" down her throat.
I wasn't fond of the job change system, too much swapping classes. I prefer having more party members each with their own style.
Every 30 minutes I reorganise my apps :/
X-2 is not XII
Yep, but you will spend hours trying to decide which skin to choose.
Helping people is so overrated.
This thread is about me, not Misty! Why don't you praise my awesomeness Amaury :[