I'm asking this because my cousin from California, who's visiting me in the UK was baffled as to why there was a washing machine in the kitchen.
I guess you do learn something new everyday!
It's definitely a fun team to play with, but without Gyarados and Dragonair it wouldn't pack much of a punch. I know what you mean, I've included Golbat in my team since pokemon gold haha I thought he couldn't evolve his Golbat because he's playing FireRed...
JayThe Sky Sorcerer!HeartGold VersionLast Updated: June 10th 2013Location: GoldenRod CityRoster: I've managed to attain all 8 badges. Looks like i'll be level grinding for the next few days before i have a go at the elite four. I'll post pics soon!
I remember skipping school just so I could stay at home and level grind for 5 hours, It was so worth it!
Haha thanks, I need a bit more type variation in my team though.
Update: 07/06/13Just defeated the third gym leader and now currently moving to route 35. JayThe Sky Sorcerer! HeartGold VersionLast Updated: June 7th 2013 Location: Goldenrod City Roster:
Update: 06/06/13 Just defeated the Violet City gym leader. Cyndaquil is now being used as my HM slave and is currently in storage. JayThe Sky Sorcerer! HeartGold VersionLast Updated: June 5th 2013Location: Violet City Roster:
Your version of CWcheats might be outdated. Try installing the latest version and see if it makes any difference. If not maybe your CFW needs to be updated. I've never had any problems with CWcheats other than some of the cheat codes not working.
I second yo mama's house! But yeh a bundle would be a good idea as it saves a bit of money on your part. If I were you I'd be looking at the Mario Kart 7 bundle.
We're on number 38 already!? I need to catch up with the times...
The original Fable was the only one I played out of the series. A shame I no longer own an Xbox 360, as this most probably would have been on my shopping list. However, It is nice to see developers putting more time and effort into HD re-releases.
Welcome to KHVids Dannie! Just make sure to post lots and make friends and I'm sure you'll have a great time here!
Name: Jay Self Proclaimed Title: The Sky Sorcerer Username: Jⱥy Type Chosen: Flying Sprite Picture: Starter: HM Slave: Game Cartridge: Heart Gold Roster: Location: Cherrygrove City
My pussy is also hot
I've just got back after spending around a month and a half in Rio. Thanks to my university, I was lucky enough to grab a placement for work experience at the Tijuca National Park. I was part of a small tour guide group where I spent most of the day shadowing the more experienced workers and learning about the local culture and history. So KHV, anything happen while I was gone?
I always thought you were like 12 years old...
Morgan Freeman for Pope!
Do you want me to kiss it better?
Christian Bale is hot