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  1. GarrettFinch

    The dust settled with electrical currents flashing from jecht's unmoving body. "Heh, that tickles kid..." he cracked his neck as he drew his blade. He sprinted forward incredibly fast, swinging his large blade with a dark aura surrounding him. His attack did not do much. That was rather clear. He knew that Jecht was dead but he was sure he attack would have done something. Did dead mean that you could not take any damage? He did not think he would be able to knock Jecht unconscious. So that left two options to win the first was to get Jecht to forfeit which was unlikely and the second was to knock Jecht out the ring which me was not sure how to do. As this thought crossed his mind Jecht drew his blade which had a dark aura around it. He watched as Jecht came at him at increase speed and swing his blade. At the the last moment he was able to copy Jecht speed thanks to blue mage and was able to move out of the way of the path of the blade. He was not sure how to stop Jecht as using his water aura first a blue aura surrounded him as he shot jets of increased water pressure towards Jecht.

    Swinging his sword like it weighed nothing, Jecht slashed through each offensive water tactic. He looked almost bored from AJ's attacks. "Isn't there an age limit in this tournament? I really don't want to have to kill a kid just to be resurrected." He let out a huge sigh, irritated by the whole thing. "You seem like a nice kid. Not too bright, but nice. Nice guys like yourself get married, have kids and live long, dull lives. And bad guys...." He paused for a minute, looking at his reflection in the puddle of water left over from the last watter attack. "Bad guys throw it all away." He looked back up at AJ. "Now be a nice guy and just surrender before you get hurt."

    He watched as his water did noting and the attack was spit and thrown like it was nothing. As Jecht had said something about an age limit. "I would not worry about that. I am here to find out what is going on with Hades nothing more nothing less. I do not even want the get out of death free card. If i win and it is real I will just give it away I do not need it nor want it. The one thing I do know is Hades can not be trusted." He let his water aura fall off as it was not doing anything. "Are you some kind of God or what?" As he said this he wondered if it was true. It would explain a lot on the other hand he had no clue who this Jecht was. His attacks did nothing. Then Jecht had had he was not to bright. He was kind of getting tired of people underestimating him. "I may or may not be bright you might be right but I would not underestimate me." As he said this he let his level 2 wind aura take over. What Jecht said rand in his mind that nice guys like himself get married, have kids and live long, dull lives. "I do not see that happening." Then Jecht told him to give up. Why did Jecht want the card in the first place he had his life or did he? "I am not going to give up. Why do you want the get death free card? Hades lies and this gift is more then likely not true." He let is wind aura wip around him and unleashed it towards Jecht in an attack form.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch
    I would like to sign up for Titan falsehood
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 17, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. GarrettFinch

    As soon as Alex went off the edge he walked off to see the others fight. Alex was out of the coliseum tournament. He was kind of expecting more from him other then just trying to get information out of him. From what he gathered so far he knew that at some point he would have to face the others. Knowing his luck it would be sooner then he would like he knew that he was not that lucky to somehow go through the whole coliseum tournament and not end up seeing a member of the SOS group. He slightly wondered what the Red society was doing here other then doing something for Naqua. Alex had said as much. He also knew that the others in this coliseum tournament would not be as easy to take out as Alex was. He made his way off to watch the others. He knew that he probably would not gather much as the fights had already started. He also knew that Jecht had won his fight in less then a minute. Out of everyone left in the coliseum tournament Luther was the one he would have to watch the most in case he somehow had to fight him. He knew that the others would win there fights so there was no point in watching them as he would not have to fight anyone that lost. He watched as Luther seemingly killed the centaur known as Nessus in a manner of moments after he took his seat. Gee that was fast he thought to himself and this Luther went for the kill too, which was quite interesting. Well This Luther would be one to watch out for. As the fight ended he thought to himself that the Red society was no doubt up to something, what he could not say. Hopefully he could at least tell the others. As that thought crossed his mind a think black smoke came over him.

    When the smoke came over him he thought he was in the realm of darkness it was that or the underworld but how he got there was a whole another manner. As he looked around all he could see was the blackness of the smoke that had came over him a few moments ago. He did not think he was going to get the chance to tell the others about the red Society which was not good. Hopefully they would figure it out and find out somehow without him saying anything. There had to be more at hand other then this coliseum tournament for the red Society other then just trying to gather information here. He had no clue what was at play for them just that it was bigger then this coliseum tournament. The smoke began to clear.

    Welp so much for that he thought to him self as he was teleported to the coliseum tournament where some of the walls came down creating four sections now. Well it looked like the smoke took its time and he was not in the realm of darkness of the underworld. Looking out he let out a sigh as the person that he was fighting was the only person he had no clue about. Just his luck he would be fighting the one person he did not get to watch fight. From what he was able to gather from the quick fight he knew about he knew that Jecht was probably fast, deadly, strong or all three. Even if he was not able to win this fight he was going to put up his best and go out fighting as best maybe he could some good damage to Jecht for one of the others. His best chance on winning this fight was keeping as much distance as he could from Jecht.He summoned his keyblade and readied himself for the oncoming fight. He knew that he might be able to end this fight quickly, but the chances of that happening was slim and he knew that if he ended up fighting the others he would just have to walk off the stage. As he fasted Jecht he was not sure how to go about the fight as he seemed different then all the others that he had fought before. Aqua splash he thought to himself as Jecht was socked in water then he followed up with Thundaga Fox Taser and Thunderbell hoping for the best.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch
    Used copy on Stratos speed
    Used balloonga
    Used Thundaga
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch
    AJ used copy on Stratos' speed
    AJ used Curaga on himself
    AJ used Blizzard on cage
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch
    AJ used copy on Stratos' speed, AJ used Aeroga on himself, AJ used Curaga on Beuce.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    As he thought about what Alex said to him something came to him. "You say you are trying to help me. Do you really think that I can not beat you without you just walking off the Stage? You might be right and to tell you the truth I am not that strong." He looked to Alex. "As for who I am. I am a ghost among the shadows, I am invisible to the world." He then thought about the people in the coliseum tournament. "As for the people in this coliseum tournament to tell you the truth I do not know them that well. I know one thing though." He made his way closer to Alex. "I know who you are. You are a member of the red society working for Naqua. So I know you can not be trusted. I also know that you are kind of smart to know what you know, but you are stupid if you think I am going to tell you anything to help Naqua. I may not know the people around me all that well but, I consider them family." As he said these last words the look for shock came across Alex. He gave Alex a shove knocking him off balance for a bit. "Sorry you lose." He was pointing his keyblade directly at Alex. Thunder he thought as electricity came out of his keyblade hitting Alex's wet body shocking and casing him more confustion. "I am going to kill you", Alex said in a dase with one hand over were the thunder hit him. Before Alex could recover from the Thunder and the push he jumped into the air pointed his keyblade to the ground and cast blizzard to the wet water floor turning it to ice. As he came down and gave a good kick to Alex who was still off balance and was set sliding across the stage and off the edge.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 24, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    There had not been any more sounds so far so that met that the others were still fighting. He wondered how the other were doing, while he could not see anything he could here noises coming from every direction. The only thing that he knew was to gather any information from the other fighter was to watch the fights and the only way to do that would be to end this one as fast as possible. 'I really... REALLY don't have time to deal with your little act of ignorance right now. I'm trying to HELP you! I know you have a keyblade and you came with the others, so just cut me a break already and tell me who you're with...,' Alex had said. This did not make much sense why go through all of this and then give up? Clearly the information was important to this man. "It seems like a lot of trouble to go through just for information", he said off offhandedly. Before he answered the man he had to think of what this man would do with said information. What he gather so far was that this man could probably tell a lie out form the truth. This man somehow figured out that he knew more then what he let on. If he did not do something quick someone was bound to figure out something was up as there was not much fighting going on in his section. As he looked up at the crowd briefly he noticed puzzled looks on the faces. He could see some of them whispering to each other trying to figure out why there was no fighting. He look back to Alex. He was ready for what was to come. It was time to end this one way or another.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 23, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    Kel did not say anything and instead made his way towards the tournament Pain and Panic then said something about free entrance to the key holders. Well that definitely met that Hades knew that they were on this world and who they were if these two knew who they were just by sight alone. Looking on he spotted Hercules and wondered what he was doing at a place like this. The two individuals showed up by the entrance one with raven black hair and the other talking about them being here. This was not good. Lucky for him he had away been practically invisible so he was able to gather information. The man in Black hair then said, 'Like I care how I stack against a bunch of kid scouts... I already proved my strength to a member of the order. I took out DJ, remember?...' DJ That name was in Dreamer's book. These people just by what he gather so far were not to be messed with. One summoned a Keyblade while talking to the other. 'Not like Nequa wants us wasting more time then we have to', one of them said. They where working with Naqua that met they were apart of the red society. This was not good at all and there was more at play then he first thought. Once the others and the red society made there way into the tournament he made his way to the entrance. He was about to try and trick Pain and Panic out of the munny they gather because the moogle shop was expensive besides how hard would it be? Before he could say anything all the tournament combatants were transported in a puff of black smoke as they were teleported to the main stage.

    As he looked around the tournament the first thing he noticed was that he was not going to be able to watch the others fight and gather information from that as there were walls blocking his view. Before him stood the man from before with the black Hair and shortly he found out his name was Alex. Summing his keyblade quickly as he did not want to mess around. Before he could do much a battles was over in not even a minute in, and a loud buzzer sounded. Shooting water out of his keyblade at Alex which he manged not get knockedout of the ring by. The man loked back up to AJ and held his hands up in a peaceful attempt. 'Look... I don't know who you are, but I know you're with the SOS. Just tell me who else entered the tournament and I'll let you win.' This man must think he was stupid or something. Telling this man anything was like betraying the SOS. It did occur to him that he could simply lie to this man. "What makes you think I know who is here? There are countless people here and hundreds that could have entered." He watched Alex for any tickery he was bound to be up to something.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 21, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch
    Profile Post

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
    Profile Post by GarrettFinch for cstar, Oct 18, 2019
  11. GarrettFinch
    Equipping the following
    • High Jump (2 ap) Equipped
    • Dodge Roll (2 ap) Equipped
    • Magic Lock-On (2 ap) Equipped
    • Second Wind (4 ap) Equipped
    • Damage Syphon (3 ap) Equipped
    • Lucky Lucky (3 ap) Equipped
    • MP Haste (3 ap) Equipped
    • Second Chance (4 ap) Equipped
    • reload boost (4 ap) Equipped
    • MP Rage (3 ap) Equipped
    • Critical Plus (3 ap) Equipped
    • Combo Lv1 (3 ap) equipped
    • Combo Lv2 (4 ap) equipped
    • Blend (0ap) Equipped
    • EXP Writer Ill (0 ap) Equipped
    Magical skill Commands
    • Aqua Splash Equipped
    • Fox Taser equipped
    • Mystic Aura
    • Rebirth
    • blue mage
    • Aeroga
    • Curaga
    • Thundaga
    • Blizzaga
    • Minega
    • Balloonga
    Wiki has been updated
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 14, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. GarrettFinch

    As he waited for Kel to say something, not to far off from him but still a good distance this Vincent said something about Mickey mouse. Then the other guy said, 'You guys better hurry up and get through the qualifiers. The top 16 slots are almost filled up!' He was not to worried. Faust then went to the gate to enter. Kel then said, 'I've been alright considering that I got spat into space and met some less than friendly space pirates.' "Yea Aux something about that and nearly getting blown up on a ship. Sorry about that. It looks like the worlds from last time were not that fun for anyone by the sounds of things. A least you arr ok tho", he said trying to be positive. Beuce, Karina and Stratos went up to the gate leaving only Kel and him to do so. Before he moved on and tried his plan at getting in the tournament for free he turned to Kel. "Doesn't this feel pretty off, this whole tournament thing?" He looked on as he waited for Kel to respond.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch
    I will take the Iron Imprisoner i guess
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    Stratos showed up before to long and starting talking to Karina, and Beuce. He then spotted Kel and he started waving at him for some strange reason. Out of all the people Kel knew he wondered why he would come up to him. This was the first time he could recall someone out of the group coming up to him and not the other way around. Sometimes he felt like a ghost and he did not mind as it let him observe and find out more then others might find out. It was kind of his thing back on his homeworld too. Kel then said, 'How have you been since getting out to that whale?' He was not particularity sure how to answer the question. "To be honest I am not sure how to answer that question. Ever sense I landed in Neverland, a land that was cursed or said to be, made everyone look younger but it turned out to be something that a hellfire member did. I have felt different. I do not know if it is the worlds or something else. I can not help but shake the feeling something is off. I came to this area to see if I could figure out what Hades is up to. So far from what I gathered and what I know about Hades is that if he planned all of what is happening this whole plan just does not seem very Hades like." He let what he said sink in. Then said, "Something about this world or what is going on just does not feel right and off. What about you and your travels" He was still trying to think trough this whole thing with Hades and trying to figure out any information that would be useful.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    As he walked towards the tournament he tried to think of what Hades could possibly be up to. The only thing he could really come up with was that Hades knew that they were here, that the SOS group was in Olympus and he wanted to want to split them them. This in of its self was not much of a stretch but what he did not get was the splitting them up thing in the same world. There had to be something more going on then simply splitting them up and a trap for them. The whole idea did not seem very Hades like. As he got close to the tournament entrance he stood in a way so that he could see what was going on. He watched as Pain and Panic, were accepting bags of coins while they let contenders enter. Panic then said, 'too bad Hades doesn't care about money. He'll probably make us throw it away or something when he sees how much we made.' Getting into the tournament without spending anything looked like it was not going to be to difficult. The others were not far off. Faust, Laguna, Jecht, Beuce and the stranger Karina was talking to was not far off. He just stood there trying to gather information that would be useful. He was also trying to figure out what Hades was up to. He did not say anything because he did not see a reason to do so.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    He watched as Stratos left without saying to much. Kaida then said, 'I'm fine... I just keep getting a bit distracted. I think I had a dream or something and I can't remember it though I want to.' At this point he figured that it was close to the time to figure out what was going on in this world. Aux then said, 'I'm going to the pier to get the others. Parrot girl, you're with me. You can find out if they're dead or evil.' With more or less everyone gone he figured that it was time to get going himself. "Well Hades it more then likely up to no good so because he is hosting this tournament that would be the best place to start. Divide and concur I guess." He said this to who ever was paying attention. The tournament or the underworld was probably the best place to figure out what was going on in this world. He felt like he was more or less following the motions as he walked off by himself off in a random direction towards the tournament.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    As Faust said, 'well, lady luck tends to take a whole lot more than she gives and some people cant let go of those binding chains when they lose someone.' He guessed that was true but it would not be the same just bringing someone back. 'Oh to one other thing to consider AJ is that the barriers between worlds seem pretty lax at times so it's not to impossible that this Hades guy might have visited your world for a tick sometime in your world's history.' "I am not so sure there is not any particular reason to go to my homeworld unless you want people that are selfish and only do things that befit themselves." Really it did not make any sense to go to his homeworld at least to him. Faust then left saying he was heading out. Aux then said, 'Still, any underworld is bound to know more about this place than we do... I was gonna head down to the pier to see if the others arrived. Maybe once we regroup, we can investigate the underworld.' "I am not really sure about the underworld but from what I know is that it is a dangerous place, not that anywhere we have been has been a walk in the park. Well if you are heading to the the underworld or trying to get there Aux just be careful." At this moment he was not really sure what to do with himself. He almost felt like he was back at square one. The people of SOS seemed more or less ready to do whatever. Kaida seemed really quit and he wished he could do something to cheer her up, but he was not sure what that would be.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    He stood there as Kaida asked Aux If they got spit out at a gym. Aux then said, 'Well we floating in space... then Castur almost killed us all.... then we were taken by space pirates' Why was he not shocked. "Yea well there were pirates on the world we went on too." Faust then said, 'For a good chuck of our stay there we seemed to have reverted back into our selves years younger though. Then we went searching for the cause of our state of the time only to find it was some pirate or something.' He did not think it was as exciting as Faust made it out to be. 'Wait... you all got younger?' "Yes." He wondered what a younger Aux would be like in that moment. Aux then asked, 'I didn't see a third ship arrive yet. Maybe the others havent arrived yet.' "Well I have good news for you I saw two other ships on the way into this pace." 'Who the heck is Hades?' Aux asked the group. He walked over to get a better look at the sign before he could say anything Ananta started talking. 'Wish you could've seen Kaida. She was pretty adorable, even if she cried.' He did not like the way Ananta put Kaida down. He would have said something but He thought that Kaida could stand up for herself. As he looked back to the flyers he sighed. "Well according to stories on my homeworld, which I thought were just stories just like the Well of delight, Which did not even do what it was said to do, Hades is the god of the underworld, lord of the dead. None of this was to be real. Everything changed when I went on this adventure." Looking at the price on the flyer he sighed. "Wait who would pay that sort of munny and even want to bring someone back?" Once someone was gone it was best to leave it that way he thought to himself. What an adventure it was he thought to himself.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 16, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    As he thought back to what happened on the trip he thought bag to how calm it had been. Faust had for the most part been playing with cards. He watched as Faust had jumped overboard and into the town below only to start to juggle. As he looked onto town he wondered how a regular pirate ship that they were on had not got attacked yet. As he thought this he could hear someone coming. No sooner then he thought this then Aux was standing there on their ship how he managed to get on was beyond him. 'Good... you made it...' It seemed somewhat odd Aux was glad to see them. He tried not to question it. 'Castur, Karina, Kel and I made it into the city as well. Not sure about the others yet... Everyone here okay?' "So I gather this must be Olympus I was kind of expecting more," he said offhandedly. He was not sure what to say to Aux on one hand he now had someone to talk to as the others had not said much for some time now. "We are fine." He said to Aux. The way Aux said, 'Oh good, the travelling magician puts you guys at five.' made him think. "I am sure the others will show up at some point." He said hopefully. Something seemed different about Aux and he was not sure what it was.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch
    Happy birthday @Aelin
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 1, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone