equipping the following High Jump (2 ap) Equipped Dodge Roll (2 ap) Equipped Magic Lock-On (2 ap) Equipped Second Wind (4 ap) Equipped Damage Syphon (3 ap) Equipped Lucky Lucky (3 ap) Equipped MP Haste (3 ap) Equipped Second Chance (4 ap) Equipped reload boost (4 ap) Equipped MP Rage (3 ap) Equipped Critical Plus (3 ap) Equipped Combo Lv1 (3 ap) equipped Combo Lv2 (4 ap) equipped Blend (0ap) Equipped EXP Writer lV (0 ap) Equipped Auto master (20 ap Equppied spending crowns 25 on speed +3 on magic Changing out my job for ranger Stat changes equipping Apprentice Sash equipping player pin Achievements claimed Hp up, AP Up, free crowns, HP Up Stat changes Hp 130 MP 11 (+1) Strength 23 Speed 50 Defense 27 Magic 70 (+5) resistance 34 AP 65 (+7) Crowns left 307 wiki edited
The rock titan fell and he looked over to the lava titan. He was some how able to attack it. Maui used sharkbite. AJ used balloonga x2
Maui used giant hawk AJ used balloonga AJ used minega
AJ summoned maui Maui used giant hawk AJ used combo AJ used limit mystic aura Hp and Mp restored to party
AJ used howling winds AJ used vortex Rock titan attack is delayed
AJ used Aeroga on Beuce AJ used reverse aero
AJ used combo AJ used combo
AJ used refine on Beuce (Str) AJ used Aeroga on Beuce
View attachment 50474 He arrived back at where they were fighting as the healing filed flickered on and off. It stayed on for a few minutes then there was a loud explosion in the announcer booth. The healing field around them shut off for good and there was nothing left to do. Then for some reason they went to Mt. Olympus, where the gods were chained and bound as the titans were following Hades command. Welp noting to do but fight. Soon Castur showed up to join the fight too. AJ used Aeroga on Castur. AJ used Blizzaga
I am changing out blue mage for blacksmith and changing aqua splash for howling winds wiki edited
View attachment 50472 While he was thinking about a way to get the group back to full strength Beuce started talking about a plan to take down the titans. Then Beuce had said something about wanting him. "Why you want me is interesting." He then shrugged. He did not know why Beuce wanted to fightwith him. "Yea fighting these titans not at full strength is not a good idea." He went back to thinking. The only other thing that he could thing of was to some how turn on the healing field that was used during the tournament. "I got a idea", he told Beuce before he took off making his way towards the announcer's booth which was the only place that he could think of where the healing field button or switch could be. When he reached the door which was open and he steeped inside he notice that inside did not look all that good across the room was a commuter looking thing that looked liked someone took a sledge hammer to it. He did not think the healing field would last that long before it shut off completely. He hit a switch and few buttons before the computer started making noise and smoking welp time to go he thought to himself. As he walked out the door and back to the others.
View attachment 50468 After telling the crowd to leave the ground shook as the large cyclops titan fell backwards. Fang and the other tournament contenders they had made ran into view. Heartless came into view and the others from tournament were helping. He slightly wondered why. Soon a small, pudgy satyr yelled out. He waddled on his tiny goat legs as he approached the party. He spoke in a gruff new york accent. Laguna showed up too. Saying, 'After things went south I went looking for the tournament leaders. Turns out Hades set this whole thing up as a distraction. And that there's Philoctetes. He's the true tournament holder. He was tied up in the closet in the announcer booth.' He was not all that shocked after all he himself had said this plan out before it was set in motion. No one payed attention so it did not matter. Phil continued with his story and then said, 'the five Titans that Zeus caged eons ago. Hades let em loose and is their on a rampage to Mt. Olympus. There were 5 Titans. That slab of meat is Cyclops. Then there's the hard hitters..." He pointed behind them as far in the distance, a rock titan, ice titan, lava titan, and cyclone titan were climbing the mountain. 'Without Herc, I don't know how the heck we're gonna beat those things...' At this point it was getting old that everyone was under estimating the SOS group. While it was true that most of them here were not in the best of shape after the tournament. He turned to Phil. "I would not under estimate them." He gestured to the SOS group that was standing there. AUX then said, 'This is gonna be our problem now isn't it?' "Knowing this groups luck I do not see the other gods helping out." He shrugged like it did not matter. How the group was going fight the 5 titans was beyond him when most of them here were not at full strength. They needed to find a way to put everyone at full strength and fast. He also need to find Hades that said he did not know what he was going to do when he found him as he knew he could not fight him in his current situation if it came down to it. For now until he found out a way to get everyone back to full strength it was best to leave Hades be for the time being.
View attachment 50467 When Beuce said the cyclop's eye was the week point it was clear. How it was able to see them that well to began with was something else all together. Something with one eye should not have that good depth perception. 'Any mystics, half of you focus on getting those two into fighting shape, and the other focus on keeping the decoys healed.' Beuce continued with his plan and it was a good one but the one thing that Beuce did not seem to consider was that half the people here just fought in a tournament and were not a full strength. At that very moment the cyclops' large, unkempt fingernails, flicked Jecht was across the city towards the grasslands of the world. Seeing as he could not heal as he had not magic left and acting like a decoy was not good of an idea for him to do ether unless he wanted to be dead as he could not move that fast or far because of his fight with Jecht. If it came down to it he would put his life on the line. Seeing as he did not think he could do much in this fight he knew what he had to do and that was get the crowd out of here. He began telling the remaining crowd of people left in the area to go towards the exit.
View attachment 50465 With Luther and Alex not saying much more there was not much to do but to go find out what Hades was up to. Beuce, then said, 'It's best we just let him go for now. If he works for Nequa, you can be sure we'll see him again. Maybe at the time, we'll all be in better shape to take him on. For now, it really isn't a good idea.' He was not sure why that mattered It was not like things like this had not stopped the group before. Karina then said things about the battle. He was getting tied of just standing around. so he turned to leave to look for more information on Hades. Before he could get that far or even move a beam of light came in the room and there stood Ananta, Aux, Luna and Marx. Then a giant, pudgy cyclops looked into the arena and began laughing, as he was smashing the coliseum. Karina Vaulted over the railing Karina made a three point landing in the arena below. Why did he have to get stopped at every chance to leave? It was beginning to look like finding Hades was going to have to have to wait a bit longer. He let out a sigh he could barely more much less fight but it looked like he was not going to have much of a option. Kel then left to join Karina. "It looks like it is time to stop some chaos", he said off handly to the others as he rushed out the door to join Karina and Kel. Once he was there with them. He looked to Karina who had just took a swing at Jecht. "Yea I do not think he is going to listen to you. Jecht just acts from what I have seen." He now looked up at the cyclops that was over the coliseum and wondered how the SOS group was going to fight it with much the group not to full strength. It looked like Hades plan was to split them up from the begging to tire them out.
View attachment 50450 As he waited for Kel to say something Beuce had said that they were not in best condition to go up and fight Luther. Luther then came up to him. 'Oh, and while I'm at it, you may not have quite as much of a numbers advantage as you think. You already know about the Mole, don't you? Well, what's to say they aren't in this very room? Maybe it's you. You're comparatively a newcomer to them, aren't you? What reason do they have to trust you?' "I would not say I am new. You are right about them not having a reason to trust me but, I can not change how they feel. It is up to them to decide all I can do is try and make today better then the day before. Also I have not reason to betray them." He looked over to Alex. At the moment it did not matter who the mole was. "It does not mater who they are it will be found out at some point." Karina then proceeded to attack Luther. "Like Alex tried to get me to tell everything to him about who was in the tournament. Just ask him if I am going to betray any of the SOS. It is not going to happen. Sorry to disappoint." Kel did not say anything to him and he was kind of expecting more then that but what ever. He wanted to find Hades. The best place to find him was around the tournament.
View attachment 50448 Karina gave a nod of thanks to him for his healing. She seemed like someone with few words unless she was angry. She then proceeded to threaten Luther and felt like this was getting out of hand rather quickly. Faust had woken up during this time but he did not say anything other then to start to talk to Kel. He was not going to get in Karina's way as he knew better then that. Kel said, 'I guess he did something to some of her other friends.' He turned to kel and said, "He is part of the Red society. He showed up with someone named Alex. They were talking before the tournament saying they were with the Red society. They also said something about working with Nequa." He did not know if now was the best time to leave now to try and find Hades.
View attachment 50447 As he was looking for a door to get out of the room Karina showed up. It seemed like Kel and Karina were hurt. He pointed his keyblade into the sky and cast a healing spell on Kel, Karina, and Beuce. He still was not in the best of shape but he wanted to do something siting here was not going to do much. The other had to fight each other. Then a thought came to his mind that was what Hades wanted or it was a peace of the bigger picture. Hades probably wanted them to fight each other so that they weakened each other. The question was why. So he knew that some of the other SOS members went to the underworld and some were in town and the rest ended up here. So they had split up and not at full strength. So maybe Hades planed on attacking them when they were down. The only problem with this said pain was that it seemed to have happened before and it did not make much sense for Hades to try something another hellfire member had tired before. It did not work before and why it would work now was beyond him. That said it was the only thing he could come up with for the time being. He was looking around the room as he thought about this and he still wanted to find out what Hades was up to for sure as his thought was only a guess.
View attachment 50446 As he looked up at the sky he somehow felt cheated or something. He knew that he still had something to do. He was laying on his back looking up at the sky as the smoke came out and he found himself looking up at the titled ceiling of the waiting room overseeing the arena. He was able to move his keyblade slightly and cast curga on himself. He stood up and looked around the room and noticed Faust, Kel, and Beuce. Faust seamed to have been knocked unconscious. While he was not faring much better he still wanted to find out what Hades was up to. He pointed his keyblade at Faust and used a healing spell on him. The other two seemed to be in better shape them Faust and him. Now all he had to do was figure out what to do next as he looked around the room for an exit.
View attachment 50438 "Little boy you are going to wish you never came to this tournament." Jecht the proceeded to change at AJ from about half way across the stage. Jecht was going to win and get that card. He smiled as Jecht came at him blizzard he said a he frozen the ground underneath him. Jecht's attack was so what he thought was going to happen. hoppfully this ice would be enough. He watched as Jecht was going to fast and it was to late for him to do anything about it. He was sure Jecht was going to go off the edge now. He side stepped and unleashed his Aura in an attack at Jecht as he came by and kicked out at Jecht too to help along the way. "You lose." "Not yet." Then he felt and tug and pain in his leg. Looking out he saw that Jecht with one hand had manged to grab his leg and pull him along with him. In Jecht's other hand was his sword. The next thing he knew he was being swung towards the outside of the ring with nothing to do about it. He hit the ground and looked up as he saw that Jecht had manged to put his sword into the side of the ring an avoided getting knocked out the ring too as his body was hanging over the edge of the ring and he was griping the sword the was inbeded in to the side of the ring he watched as Jecht lifted himself with one motion and raise his hands as he now won. The pain his body and leg was a lot and wondered what would be next. Jecht had won the fight and he was sure that Jecht was not going to fight the same way again.
View attachment 50436 "To live again, you idiot. Far as I know that victory is guaranteed so long as Hercules is kept busy. And since hes out of the tournament, well... now I'm just looking out for number one..."He held his blade firmly. "Last chance." This thing with people under estimating him was get quite old. His level 2 wind was still spinning around him. "You had your life," he said simply. "I am sorry that this happened to you but I think it is time to find a new path." He knew that it was time to try harder to take Jecht out. Even if he could not win he could maybe do enough for another member to take him out. "Hades can not be trusted." At this point he was sure Jecht was not listening to him anymore. Even if what Hades had said about the death card was true it was not worth the risk. He held his keyblade and his aura around him ready to use it. "Trust or not, I'm getting me that card..." Jecht swung back his sword near the ground as he crouched like a tiger. Within a moments notice he dashed forward with the hilt of his blade, taking off like a rocket. AJ was pushed back forcefully by the blow towards the out-of-bound area. The knockback nearly shattered his defensive barrier. His only chance on winning was more or less trying to out smart Jecht which should not be that difficult. From what he learned from the fight so far Jecht had always attacked head on which he could use to fight. "Come at me then." His plane already in his mind. He held his keyblade slight pointing towards the ground.