Cell block G From the sound of thing they had a mole problem, Then the man with a glass arm said, 'and you are...? Someone we should be concerned about overhearing things?' "Who am I, What is my name? My name is is um... it is Billl." Bob said taking a name of one of the people the people that use to help him back home. He had to lie to these people on the off chance Andrew had said something about him. "I am trying to help you out here. From the sound of things you have a mole problem. I know who it is. Have you ever wondered why someone in your group never talks about home? Why they seem alone? Why they don't tell you everything.? It is because they are the reason behind the downfall of there home. They are doing the same thing again but this time to you." He smiled to himself as his lies might help him out in the long run. Everything He had told the man with a glass arm was a lie. The only thing he believed himself was downfall of the world. 18/30
Cell block One person seemed to ask about Bale. For the most part, the group seemed to ignore him. Soon a boy with blue hair showed up and a man with a glass arm. Then the blond from before asked who else was around, How many people did this group know? 'Earlier we were with Luna, Ananta, and AJ. We suspect that there's been some foul play with Karina, though. Her father is here and seems to be one of the head honchos on the ship.' At the mention of the name AJ, his expression changed quickly then quickly back to what it was before. How on earth was the Andrew alive? Well, that was some news he was not expecting. It kind of made sense that Andrew would have people like these around him. He looked over to the man with a glass arm. "I would watch who you have around you." It was met as a warning but who knew what was on these people's minds. 17/30
View attachment 50499 He turned to Ananta as he thought of another question to ask. "So do you think this is all a mistake, a misunderstanding or if there is more at play here? Because so far everything on this ship has been or seemed to be pretty far thought out. We are not dealing with just some Hellfire member or something like that, no. If this was planned it was done so by someone smart." The question remanded who and why. Alexander while there seemed like the type to only care about Karina. That said it was not out of the realm to just do something for fun or to keep them busy. As this would not be the first time someone did something just to keep them out of the way. 16/30
View attachment 50498 Ananta said, 'Well we can help by first visiting them and trying to figure out what happened. And I think the point of the well was to work together not work against each other.' He did not know what he could do by visiting the SOS group in jail. "I am not sure what help I will be by going. As for the Well and it being that you had to work together to find it, that was what I told people but hay what do I know?" He shrugged. "I think people got tired of working together because it did not work in ancient times so they wanted to do something different. Then over time, it became a thing where everyone wanted the wish for themselves. So wish, The wish did not work maybe it was never met too. I do not know anyways that does not matter now is the time to figure things out." The elevator was now in sight. His mind began to wonder about what to do now. 15/30
View attachment 50497 Ananta went on about some large crystal located in the center of our main city. That provided life and water for all of the people on her world. From the Crystal's power it allowed us to gather magic and use it to create things. "Well it sounds like it is important, but now you might be able to help people using magic that you learned on your travels." That was when Ananta said, Let's head to the prison blocks and asked about his world. "I am not sure what to tell you as it is not very exciting. I can tell you what it looks like but the people are a whole different story." He thought for a moment before continuing. "When I left the trees were changing colors and what we call fall or autumn. I live near woods that does not go very far. There is a river and a lake which has an island on it. I use to go swimming with my friend Aldwin." He got sad for a moment and then decided to continue. "There is also a cave not that far from my house and a forest. There is nothing really magical about the place that I am aware of. I guess the forest might be as people looked everywhere for what we call the Well of delight, Which was said to have the power to grant any wish. The story goes like this." He stopped for a moment before starting the story. "The world was peaceful in ancient times and everyone worked together towards the betterment of the land. Long ago it is said that a person of unknown gender had some sort of magic. They were happy with the way people had worked together. So one day they told the people of the land. 'If you wish for the land to remain as it is all you have to do is rejoice in the way things are. Work together and you shall find the Well of delight. To the first who find untold wealth and a wish awaits you. Stay as one you will not find anything but remorse and anger. Together you will find what you desire. If you do not one of heart and mind will be able to find what was lost but can be found. Clues you will find to point you the way to untold treasures. The desert of want and needs, the sea of deep wonders and the forest of wonder and thought you will get what you all desire.' That day the person left without a trace and was never seen from again. At first, people began to work together to find the unknown Well thing the person had talked about. As the years went on people began to look for the Well themselves. Not taking help from anyone. As the years went on people began to figure out that there was no sea, desert or forest with names in the prophecy the person had said. The was not even a sea or a desert anywhere to be found. The forest that was near was searched but nothing was found. Years and years went on with no Well being found. With the years going on and on some began to give and lose hope. Most began to work for only there benefit. This continued until the current day where and a glimmer of a clue was taken from you and was used to find the Well. Not many clues were found and the ones that were did not lead to anywhere." He stooped and looked at Ananta. "So that is how the story went. The forest might have been enchanted as I found the Well but there was no wish that worked. No one else was able to find it." He thought of the people. "As for the people almost everyone worked for themselves only wanted the wish for themselves. My mom was different I wanted to be too. I wanted to make a difference for everybody to help people to bring change but none of that mattered as no one wanted that but me. Nothing good came from that the world but maybe me. What good did I do? Nothing and now I can not even help the people on the ship as I can not even figure what is going on." He continued to walk not sure what to add. 14/30
View attachment 50496 As he walked thinking about what was next he turned to Ananta who had been silent for some time now. He wondered if she was alright or if she was just thinking. He stopped at a corner labeled C Quadrant and tuned around the corner and headed that way. He shook his head as he still could not figure out what was going on. Med bay. He took a map and was looking at in humm, barracks, mess halls, and sleeping quarters none of them seemed particularly interesting. Then he spotted something labeled prison block G. Well this was interesting a jail with people most likely. He would be able to see what unlucky people had managed to get locked up. 'Attention all citizens aboard the sanctuary... Visitation time has been moved. You may now visit any detainees in the next five minutes.' Well, that was convenient. He left the med bay and headed towards prison block G. Upon arrival He noticed a blond girl, an angry-looking guy with a bigger build, a person with whitish hair and a one with sliver. He stood with his back to the wall and arms folded as he noticed them. "So what is the story on this ship folks? It seems no one is around." He shrugged. It was so good to see people locked up for things, ah but he did not let the emotion show on his face as he waited for any response he had a slight smile on his face. 13/30
View attachment 50495 Ananta had not said anything yet perhaps she was thinking about what to say or she did not what to say anything. Whatever the case may be until she said something he figured that he should try to figure out what is going on this ship and what might be at play. First was Alexander who for whatever reason way lying to them. Then there were the people who brought them here and what their goal was. His first thought was that maybe everyone was working for no heart but that seemed unnecessarily complicated. He did not want to rule out the possibility but so far No hear only wanted them dead. If No Heat was involved somehow then they be dead already as when they were all knocked out that was the perfect timing. Something else was at play more than likely. The only thing that he could gather was someone wanted them out of the way but not dead. Maybe it was a keep your friends close keep your enemies closer type of thing? Then there was the thought that no one showed up at to talk to them on the last world and why that might be. So maybe another world was involved somehow. He continued to think as he walked hoping to come up with something. 12/30
View attachment 50494 When Ananta said that she would like to see her friends in the cells he was not sure they could. "Well are can at some point but right now I do not thing visitor hours are here yet." He was really running out of things to say or do and he needed to find a way to past the time. "So what is your homeworld like? You never really say much on it other than in passing." If nothing else this conversation might be able to pass some time so that when they were done talking they might be able to go to the cells. 11/30
View attachment 50493 When Ananta said, 'Thats....I think a majority of the people at the summit dont have a world anymore AJ. I will probably just listen closely to what's said.' "I think the point of the summit is to say something good about your homeworld. Like what the best part of your homeworld is, just something to think about." As they were walking he was not sure where to go. "So is there any place you would like to go or anyone you would like to see?" At the moment there was not much to do but to wait for the others so show back up. 10/30
View attachment 50492 As he walked he was trying to figure out why they were here. 'You're right, that's a bad idea. Didnt really think it would work anyway, but eh...whatever.' Perhaps Ananta go the hint but it did not matter. 'In any case, is there anything youd like to talk about? Perhaps discuss our plan of attack during that summit?' "No not particularly. I was just think why were are here like for what reason. It is not like we had a choice in the manner but we never really do." He thought for a moment as Ananta asked about the summit. "Well I myself do not really see a reason for me to go. My home world is gone as far as I know so what is the point?" He asked offhandedly. "Anyways the point of the summit is to talk about your home world well there is not like I really could say anything about it that was good. Nothing I can really think of. So I am not sure what say to help you in yours as I do not know much about it other then it seems like there is no last names or something." Arrival Bay He looked around and spotted a sign that said med bay. On his way there he found a reflective suface and looked at himself. His muscles were a big as ever and his short jet black hair with a red strip looked ok. He walked into the med pay and saw a piece of paper that said something about losing a home world. 9/30
View attachment 50491 Ananta went and spoke, 'The ones responsible probably knocked most of us out due to what was going on. It was easier to knock everyone out and care for the innocent and injured.' "Are any of us really innocent in there eyes?" He said offhandedly. "Anyways it was maybe a bit extreme." 'The others have done nothing wrong. Luna and I have been grouped with all of them for a long, long time. There is simply no way they've been criminals. Suppose we find a way to get to them after this summit, what would we do? All I can imagine is we petition for their release and if we arent given that, we break them out.' "Well I am sure we will have to get them out somehow. With the way things tend to go that is more then likely what we will have to not do that. We defiantly are not going to do that." He was not sure if Ananta thought of it or not but it likely the people on the ship were listening to there conversations. It was not like they need any more reason for them to be suspicious of them. "They likely have ears everywhere Ananta. They might be listening to our conversations. So I do not plan to break any rules after all they are letting us stay here." He was sure that they might have to be a jailbreak or something but he kept the thought to himself. As he continued walking. 'What in the world was that? You two made us all look a little more suspicious than we needed to be.' He thought he knew what he was doing and he had not said really much of anything. Maybe from Luna's point of view he did. He did not really think luck had much to do with it. 'I'm used to situations like that since I had my own duties to settle back home. He was going to say something but it was not like what he would say would have mattered. He dealt with people like Alexander his whole life. Luna then soon left and went back the way they came. Well now that there was not anything in particular to do to guessed that he was going to see if he could find out some information on what was going on so he just continued to walk in a random direction away from the Arrival Bay not really minding if Ananta joined him or not. Arrival Bay Bob stood at the bay answering questions about things and everything. Getting on the ship was far easier then he thought now what to do. A women ran and was gone in a hurry and he was not sure what that is about. Well now what he thought to himself. 8/30
View attachment 50487 Arrival Bay Ananta soon said that they should talk among themselves, which ordernarley he would not mind but there was more at play at the moment. He guessed that she was just saying it at the moment. He walked with Beuce and Kel to see them off and to see if he could somehow follow them. He watched as Alexander scanned one of his keycards and folded his hands in front of himself, watching patiently as the elevator doors closed. Welp following the two was out as a option as even if he managed to get to the floor he would need a key card. Looking at the map he was given the barracks were on there but there was not really an option to go to the upper level. He made his way back to Luna and Ananta. "We should get going" he told the two. On rote to location to be determined by Luna He left the Arrival bay and he turned to Luna. "So there is something that I kind of get but do not at the same time. I would like your thoughts. So we were attack and knocked out and brought here. From the sound of things some of us were brought here for crimes." He stopped talking for a minute as they walked. He could understand why Aux would be locked up and maybe one of the others but all of the Group. That was something that did not make any sense. "So why bring everyone here in that way by attacking us? Sure the way they did it might have been the easy rote but what do they want from us? They must want something or we would not be here. Information is one thing that I thought of, but it seems they know us already. So thoughts Luna?" So he continued to walk waiting to hear her thoughts. undisclosed location "This is all I need to do?" Yes the voice of a hooded figure said. All you need to do is get on the ship and talk to people and your home will be restored to what it was. You also may need this and the figure hand Bob a object. The figure soon left him and was gone. Bob stood there and put the object away. it had been months sense he pushed Andrew down that hole back home and things continued to fall apart after some time. He did not remember how he got where he was but that did not matter. Arrival Bay Bob had gotten on a transport ship and arrived on what they called Sanctuary. The amount of lies he had to tell to get there was not the problem it was the act of being nice it mad him sick. He was not sure how Andrew did it all these years. He steped of the tansporat ship and onto the arrival bay of Sanctuary and was soon approached by someone asking who he was and where he came from. 7/30
View attachment 50486 He was not sure if Beuce got the message behind what he said or not. Regardless he was not sure if Mr. Xeres was going to take them where he said he was. Or for that manner if Karina was where he said she was. There had to be a way to track them as the nurse had knew were the others were at. Hacking a device or stealing one was out of the question. He was not sure what to do here. The only thing he could think of was to go to the upper barracks himself as they were given access to the whole ship more or less. Now to give Beuce a clear message that was clear. Kel had said that he would go which told Alexander who he was. "Surely you would not mind if we wrote her a note." He quickly got out paper and wrote a simple note. 'We miss you. We hope your Travel here was fun and Relaxing. We Hope the Accmanations are to your liking. We are Patiently wanting for your return. Your friends.' Thinking of the plan on the spot. He knew where he was heading so as soon as they left he would be going soon anyways. He handed the paper to Beuce. "Give that to her will you? Well hope to see you soon." Hopefully he would convey the message to Kel. "Well have a nice time you three." and stood by and waited for them to leave. 6/30
View attachment 50485 When Alexander said, 'Nothing much aside from a list of names and features.... I would have loved to have gotten her to stretch her legs. My daughter however can be quite... persistent once she's made up her mind. She felt I would trick her into going to some sort of dungeon if I made her leave.' OK so first he said that Karina gave specific details about the company she traveled with now he was saying that she did not give much so which was it? So it was likely that he had a list of names with pictures as that was certainly something Karina wound not say. Like no one tells someone what a person looks like unless they were sent to look for them. He smiled in his mind as he got the information from him. He could not blame Karina ether as he did not trust the man as far as he could throw him. 'I'm sure you would all like to pay her a visit... Unfortunately I can only take two visitors with me to the upper barracks. Once I take two of you up there, I can always keep switching you in pairs.' Well if that did not scream trap he did not know what did. The clear choice to send was 'Faust.' but the other one he was not so sure and he was not completely sure how to tell the others his thoughts with Alexander standing there. It was like he was back in his home world trying to out smart someone there. This Alexander knew how to play the game unfortunately he had year of experience dealing with this kind of thing. He turned to Beuce and said, "So Faust I think you should go and remember that the smoke from your parlor tricks may be thicker then you realize as it was in mountains." Hopefully he got the reference to Hades and how he tried and to trick them. 5/30
View attachment 50484 When Ananta asked how Alexander knew there names. He did not know what to say as at some point everyone finds out who they are one way of another. Seeing as they were at the arrival bay and not far from the med bay he wondered who else would show up. 'We... had a bit of a spat before she ran away. I was hoping to help mend things, but she refused to speak to me until she was able to speak to her friends.' "Then why did you not bring her with you?" He knew for a fact that something was not right with all of this and it made much sense. 'She was very specific about the company she traveled with. I believe I also have the pleasure of meeting Ms. Ananta, Kel, A.J. and..' He stopped once he reached Beuce. 'I'm sorry, I don't believe she mentioned you...' He peered his eyes as trying to get a handle on his name. 'Oh wait! I remember... you must be the wandering mage Faust, yes?' he asked politely. Well none what that made any sense as he only briefly talked to Karinalike once or twice so she would not mention him specifically. "What did she say about me? specifically?" He knew the game he was playing and was ready to call him out on it but it would be far easier to find Karina if he told them. The key to the game was not to give any information and gather the truth from the lies and he was keeping mental tabs. Beuce soon confirmed he was Faust. 4/30
View attachment 50483 As he waited for Kel to respond and Luna to return he gave some thought on this whole ship thing. There were several things that did not make any sense and one thing that he could not figure out. 'Apparently he was looking for me, which it's not hard to imagine why when I did just up and leave without telling anyone where I was going.' "Must be nice to have someone looking for you. I could disappear and I do not think anyone would care." Soon Luna came to join them. Luna then gave them a pamphlet telling them that it had a map inside. 'For now, all the nurse told was that Karina's father's name was Alexander Louis Xares. She said he would be heading down for the summit soon.' He still wondered why they wander to talk to Alexander. 'We might have to split into two groups. One group can look for Karina and her father and the other group can look around the Sanctuary and see what you can find.' He was not sure what there was to find. Luna then said Kel was in change of the group. Why they need anyone in charge was questionable as they have done well with out one so far. It was nothing against Kel. 'We don't want to cause any trouble not only for us, but for other people that might be on board. Any questions? Comments? Concerns?' 'I do have one concern. Given our luck when it comes to being split up, wouldn't it be better to stick together until we know Karina's condition? Then we can use the layout to get a better understanding of this place afterward.' "I have to agree with Kel on this. I also have several concerns." Before he could say anything ore. They had not made it that far from the med bay like it was almost like they did not move at all. General Xares approached the group in the medical bay with poise and professionalism. 'Excuse me?' He said, tapping Luna on the shoulder. 'Are you princess Luna?' He offered his hand to shake hers. 'My name is General Xares... I'm Karina's father,' he greeted with a warm smile. Well that was easy almost to easy. He did not know if they were extremely lucky or extremely unlucky fro this to happen. Well at least they did not have to worry about splitting up. Something was not right about what was happening. He waited for Luna or anyone to say something as he did not want to step on anyone's toes. 3/30
View attachment 50482 When Kel had said it was his dad he was not sure what to think. He did not really mind one way or the other if Kel answered. He just wondered how many families were on the ship. "Well the nurse said His name name when you said yours so I was just wondering who it was." He was not sure what other answer to give Kel. 2/30
View attachment 50481 Beuce had said that they would got and see about getting Stratos out. He was not sure how they were going to do that. He was sure something would come up. 'They might revoke that and it'll make everything a whole lot harder for us.' "Well things around us have never been particularly easy. That said we do not need to make things unnecessary so." Why everyone was so keen on finding Karina's dad was beyond him. The likely hood of him just letting them see kairina was next to nothing from what he knew. 'I'm afraid no one from that world has made passage.' The nurse had said. He gave a sigh of relief. If anyone from his home world was here it was not good well from the most part. The nurse left them in the hallway after telling them to gather there things. Lucky for him he already took his things when he went after Beuce. Ananta then showed up. 'What we're not going to do is stand around here and wait until something happens.' He gave some thought on this as Luna said this. From the most part that was how things went from his experience. Things just happened with no reason whats so ever. He turned to Kel remembering a name that came up. With nothing to do but wait for Luna to come back over to them he might as well past the time talking to someone. "So Kel who is Nathan Siegend?" He asked with some curiousness. 1/30
View attachment 50480 He stood there and just listened to Luna talk. 'You may think that way but I don't think it matters at this point. I refuse to disregard who I am and where I come from. There's no point in falsifying who we are or where we come from.' "Well no I was not really panning on lieing about it." 'I understand your concern but I don't think it'll help if we lie about who we are. It's better to just get that out in the open than to lie and potentially endanger people in the long run. Does that make any sense?' "I guess so I mean people will be in danger regardless so it is best that avoid that as much as possible." 'It's not your fault. Nobody is at fault and we shouldn't blame ourselves. It was more of an ambush. Nobody could've predicted what would happen. Even if we had our guard up, nobody could've known.' "No I guess not but I feel like I should have been better. I can not change the past so it is best to move forward." Luna then mentioned helping the others. "I do not think we will be able to help much at the time being." he told the three. "We need to gather information but i am not sure how or if we even can." He looked around the hallway that they were in. "This place looks pretty far advanced. I am sure there is cameras everywhere and they are most likely tracking us. We have to play by the rules here." He would have said for now but he was not sure who on this ship was listening or not. Luna then mentioned Karina. "Well is she being held by her father. Makes me wonder if he is apart of what is going on. Which means we probably need to find and key or something. I do not think her father will just let us see her." There was so much in play here. "I say we stick together as much as possible." He suggested. Kel then said, 'Its probably better if we go along with all this, for the time being, they aren't forcing us to stay put or stop us from trying to get to the others.' "Well weather if we tell them or not who we are they are bond to find out anyways That or they already know." At this moment the nurse had followed them into the hallway. 'If you are still insistent on your identity, I'm afraid I have to keep you in the medical bay until you are claimed, sir.' He had not even talked to her. So he that meant the nurse ether heard him or they could be herd wherever they went. He was not to found of the game she was playing. He was sure she knew who exactly who he was. "My homeword is gone as far as I am aware. As for my name it is Andrew Jacob Canvasback of a place called Euterpe." He turned to Beuce to get his input on this whole situation. "Beuce what do you think of this and what we should do?"
View attachment 50479 The titans fell and soon Hercules found the wind titan and began to grip the creature by it's base tail. With sis god-like strength controlling the titan like a giant wrecking ball, he turned the titan on the others and began to drag the titans into the swirling vortex. With all their giant adversaries being blended in a colossal motion, Hercules threw the wind titan into the cosmos. Soon the gods were giving them a standing ovation. Hades showed up and was soon stepped back into a dark portal and faded back into the underworld. Why they did not go after Hades was beyond him. Soon the keyhole for the world was shut and it was time do do something. While he was not sure what that was he was sure that he would find out sooner or later. Soon they began their trek down the mountain. He was wondering where Shiro was. He knew at some point he was to show up and it made him wonder if something else was at play here. He kept these thoughts to himself as he continued to walk. Near the bottom of the mountain at this point, the SOS crew was nearly done hiking down the hill. Without warning, Aux was hit in the neck with a dart of some kind. He got mad at himself for not being more on top of things. The darts hit and then there was nothing.... He begin to stir The sound of Advanced heart monitors making sounds could be heard. Soon he could hear the sound of Beuce, Luna, and kel. He sat up at this point and could see Becice talking to some nurse. 'Please tell us your full name and homworld so we may properly lead you to your respective people.' Then the realization hit him that this was somewhat his fault he should be better then letting down his guard. Wait he thought as Beuce, Kel, And Luna told the nurse who they were and there homeworld. He stood up and made his way over to the others that were standing by the Nurse. "Can we talk?" he asked the three. Once they were out of ear shot of the nurse and into the hallway. He looked at the others. "Why are you telling that person who you are? Things do not tend to go well when strangers find out who we are. Well based on the past experiences with strangers. I think the less people know about us the better I think we are." His voice was of concern . "Besides this is my fault. I should have been more on guard back in Olympus." He continued to follow the other three as they walked with them.