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  1. GarrettFinch

    As he ran towards Beuce he lost sight of him for a moment in the mass of people. Meanwhile next to kel: "Well it was nice meating you kel but i have to go" Connie said as she left. Bob stood up and looked at Beuce with a grinn "I have a question." "Sit down Bob." the voice of connie said. She looked at beuce and the learders. "He is not one of the leaders." AJ looked around and spotted Connine and Bob what where they doing here? "Beuce i have something to tell you." Unfortunately he was cut off from saying anything as the summit was divided up in battle areas and everyone's bracelets were deactivate and fell off their wrists and onto the ground.Two portals appeared in the auditorium. Guards and board members were busy escorting everyone away from the threat. As more guard reinforcements were rushing to the seen, several bullets were fired from one of the portals. As bullets hailed through, guards were dropping like flies. Connine punched Bob causing him to fall trough a portal. She looked to xothers and gave a smile before she was transported away as well. AJ just was unsure what to do other then to head to kell and Aislinn. Hotel inhaled his cigar as his hands summoned dual pistols from his keyblade transformation. A red 'X" appeared on Kel, AJ, Faust and Aislinn. 'Think very carefully what you wanna do next, folks...' This was all very typical for the groups luck. Now was to don what Hotel said and think carefully.He noticed that Aisliinn still had a child in her arms well this sucked. "Ok you win hotel." and he slowly walked in front of Aisliin. If what he was planning did not work at least if the gun went off he would be shot and not the kid. He have a quick wink to Aisliin and with one swift motion cast aurgra around the two as he summed his keyblade in a defensive stance. Hopefuly Aisliin would get the child out of here.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    As he watched the summit he spotted Beuce on the stage. He was asking about different things about No Heart. He was doing a good job keeping them on there tows from what he could tell. Now all that was left was to get up there and tell Beuce what was going on the information that he knew. So he started making his way towards him. At this point he noticed that there did not seem to be many guards at the summit and wondered what that was about. Well It might make things easier later who knew.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    Soon the summit started. Then something was said, 'General Alexander Xares... who has helped us create a defensive stance against any and all threats. His team even recently managed to imprison several of No Heart's accomplices.' "Wait what? It was beginning to look like he was right. That Alexander was working with no heart. It kind of made to much sense to say otherwise. If he was right what would be the point? Power was the first thing that cam in mind. He had to resist the temptation to run up there and tell everyone the truth but doing so would cause problems right now. He stayed where he was for the time being.

    Next to kel
    'You know two of them?' "Yea you and AJ." Kel soon went on about how they were a mixed bag of peoople. "I hope that is a good thing" she said as a offhanded comment as the summit started.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    With the med bay person not saying much else he guessed that it was time to take his leave. Beuce had something about attending the summit so that would be the best place to start looking for him. Once he arrived at the summit location he noticed a fountain and large door. He pulled out his compass find Beuce he said out load and thought at the same time. He was not sure how the thing worked but it was bound to help in some way or at least he hoped it would. Once inside he notice a vip section and another one. The compass pointted in once direction still and he headed that way. As me moved deeper into the summit the compass started to spin like it was no longer working. Well that that sucked it was starting to look like he was going to have to find Beuce the old fashion way.

    Next to Kel summit
    She look at kel and wondered why she trusted the man so much eh it did not matter. "So what is the group like. I know two. What are the others like?" She looked on to the stage as she asked.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch
    "Part of a team? Humm he tried to build his own back home but Aldwin was the only one that could see the same way as AJ did. Everyone looking for some Well. That was said to grant any wish." She said. Then the man asked why she was looking for him. "I need to inform him about our world among other things. What happened sence he left. He was to be told many things but the day I was going to tell him about those in change he went missing. I saw what happened Bob pushing him into that hole. Most think different things about that day. I am here to see what this summit is about. That is another reason I am here to tell him that Someone is here from there. Kind of dangerous that Bob. Stupid but not to be messed with. I am also not sure how he got on the ship must have gotten help somehow. I also want to give him this." She pulled out a simple black cube with a lock on it. "Perhaps you can give it to him. From the sounds of things you have a better chance and seeing hime then I do." She offered the box to him. She was not sure why she trusted this man so much but he gave off that vibe.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch
    When the man next to her said that his hair was natural. "How interesting back home blue is not a natural hair color." Then the man said something about Knowing him. "I am sure he is trying to help you out if you know him. Ah AJ always trying his best to help others. He was bound to find people. You could say we know each other but AJ was always closer to my brother Aldwin. How do you know him?" She said with a smile.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    Med bay
    After the nurse had told him information. He smiled as he could tell the others. He wished that he could help Ven somehow but was not sure what to say or do other then the mention of Aqua and Terra so the three always seemed to be mentioned together. "We all family here and so is Aqua and Terra." He just stood by not sure what to do for the moment.

    Somewhere off the ship
    A woman with blond hair turned to the man across from her. "Are you sure Bob went to this Sanctuary." Yes, and you have to find AJ and tell him everything that is going on everything back home. "I am not sure why I have to do it and you can't." Look Connie things need to stay the same as much as possible there is a summit and you have to be there to represent our world. Once on the ship, she noticed signs pointing to the med bay and to different locations. Soon people walked by saying the summit was starting and followed them there. Once there she noticed someone with Blue hair (KEL). "Excuse me I love your hair is it naturally that color? Oh sorry, I do not mean to pry. My name is Connie Abner. I have a lot on my mind and am looking for someone hoping to find them after the summit. I doubt you know them. There Name is Andrew Jacob Canvasback. Goes by the name AJ." She said with a smile.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    After Aislinn confirmed what the plan was. As Aislinn was leaving he turned to her "Well good luck finding him." He turned to Faust. "I guess we have to move fast and good luck to you as well." He left Faust and headed towards the med Bay. Apon arriving to the med bay he noticed Ven's unconscious body. He looked to the nurse. "Excause me, Is he okay? Do you know why he might have passed out? I would also like to know when do you think he will he wake up?" He wanted to say he could help heal him but he did not want to push his luck.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    When Aislinn said, 'AJ calm down. Look the guards aren't out to get you, they are here to keep the peace on the ship, that is it.' "You are right." He needed to be as positive as possible for the children around Aislinn there was no need to worry them. He then explained how they ended up on the ship. He was not sure who on the ship could be trusted other than the people he knew well. 'But I can't use my keyblade either, it is just a part of being here. Most people you can just take away their weapons and that is enough, but you can't do that with us. No civilian is allowed to walk around here with a weapon, it isn't needed anyways.' "Well, that is unfortunate. But I guess it is what it is." The keyblade was one of the ways to get the people out of the cells but not the only way. 'AJ, we can't just leave this place. I can't just hop on my glider and go, and I certainly can't just take only my family.' "You are right. I was letting my emotions get to me. I want to help too. I just want everyone to be safe. To be together. To be happy. I don know what to do anymore to help anyone. There are so many people on this ship. So many people to help and I can not do anything about it yet but maybe that can change." He said hopefully. "There are people locked up as you know. I do not think they did anything wrong. I just do not like the idea of just sitting back and not doing anything about it. It feels like I am failing them just by sitting by not doing anything. Not helping them. I want to help them.This feels like my homeworld all over again. I want to help Aislinn. I want to get the people out of the cells. What we need to do is find out the trails are rigged because storming the cells will do no good to anyone." He said with hopefulness in his voice.

    The concept of not being able to help to make a difference and to help out everyone was really bothering him. That said he had some ideas floating in his mind now that he thought about it. Annlinn then said, 'And while I don't know of anyone from the worlds you mentioned, that doesn't mean they aren't taking refuge here as well.' "Will you please keep an eye out and let Kel know if you do?" Soon Faust showed up and reported what he found. "Well, that is interesting." Soon AJ explained everything that happened on the ship to Aislinn and Faust from his point of view. Aislinn then said, 'I can see who I can talk to about getting another trail maybe, but don't do anything too irrational. After all, while there might be problems, there is still a lot of good here.' "There is good everywhere." He said with a hopeful smile. Sometimes it was harder to find than other places. Faust then said something about his trick 'pretty good show huh.' "Petty fantastic next time you are going to one-up yourself and use magic. You got to keep people on their toes." He turned to Faust. "So do you mind informing Ananta and Luna of what is going on. I am heading towards the med bay as Aux said something about Ven being there. Then I will find Beuce and tell him if i get the chance. Aislinn you are going to try and find Kel right?" He said making sure he had everything right.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    When Aislinn turned to him and said, 'AJ! Good to see you are alive and well. Is Luna and Kel around? They aren't among the ones in prison are they?' "I have no clue who you are talking about? Who?" He said as a guard walked by heading towards the medbay. 'Sorry, he is a bit shy when it comes to new people. How have you been?' "It is quite alright." He bent down to the child's level level. "Nice to meet you." he said with a smile. "The group is not well to tell you the truth. Can we talk somewhere else?" He guided Aissinn away from the guards and somewhere where they could not be overheard. "Sorry about that. I don't trust the guards" So far people that was linked to SOS were not in the best situation here. So he wanted to protect Aissinn as much as possible. "Kel is fine and so is Luna. Luna is at the trials and Kel went to see his father. I am actually glad to see you. I need your help and could use it. Look I would not be asking for it if we did not need it but we can use all the people we can get. By chance can you still use your keyblade?" He held out his hand and briefly showed the device on his arm. "This was put on all of us when we got here and I would like it off." He would have said more but was not sure what to say. "Also Kel is looking for someone from Verdant Paradise or Demonic Front, to help someone out. You have not happen to have seen anyone from there have you?" He glanced at the child next to Aislinn. "Maybe you should get off this ship and get your family off." He sugested. "Look I will understand if you do not want to help but we need it and would appreciate it. We could use all the help we can get. I can fill you in with everything I know but..." He glanced down at the children once more not sure how much Aislinn wanted them to know.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    He had not got a chance to respond to Beuce as Aux was next up on trial. To say it was quick was an understatement. When The trail was over he turned to Beuce once more. "Well, that was quick seeing as there is no point in continuing to sit back and do nothing I am going to do something. I am going to see what information I can find out perhaps find a way to get the others out of jail. We need to get off this ship. I will meet you back at the summit before it starts if I am not there you will know something went wrong." He gave Beuce a smile before heading off not sure where to start. He was not particularly sure where to go but he was sure that the path would open up at some point. Being distracted he almost did not see her he had to do a double take and stopped as he walked by but yea it was defiantly her with children in her arms. He had to restrain himself from running up to her and giving her a hug as this was the first time he has seen anyone that went missing. "Aislinn?" He said with Joy in his voice.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch
    Soon the courtroom started. Then the trail ended and it was a complete waste of time. Big shock there. There was nothing that they could do besides sit back and watch just how painfully one-sided the whole thing was. He turned to Beuce as there was a break until the next trail started. "It is clear that they are going to use everyone here against the others. It seems odd that the judge was arguing with Alexander but maybe that is all apart of the plan." Soon Aux and Stratos would be up and if there was nothing they could do but sit back he did not see the point of it all. Everything considered he was impressed with how Kaida handed the whole thing.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    Beuce soon said that they would be there for Kaida. He knew that they would be there for Kaida. "Beuce is right we will support you all the way." He gave her a smile. He wondered how this trial would work. There was not much to do but to wait for the trails to start at this point. He wondered how they were even going to fight in a trial that was most certainly rigged in the favor of the people here instead of them. The people so far seemed smarter then the rest of the people that dealt with so far. So it was going to be more difficult to out smart them.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    The person Kel was talking to was saying something about someone they cared about. "From the sound of things your homeworld must be important." he said offhandedly. "I hope you find what you are looking for." General Xares passed them, arriving from the elevator. He approached the rest of the SOS group as he looked at his watch. 'Sorry to break up the tearful reunion, but I\m afraid visiting hours are over.' To say he did not believe him was an understatement. 'If your friends aren't guilty, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about,' yea share he thought to himself. He noticed the tablet in Alexander's hands. If only he could somehow get it he might be able to do something. That said doing so now would be completely stupid. He looked to Kaida who was let out for the trail. "Good luck." He was not sure what else to tell Kaida as he was sure that Alexander had a say in everything that was going on.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 20, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    As he stood there as Vanitas spoke. He said something about gaining power. Then he said, 'Why is it harder for you to not believe it? Maybe there's more than one? You think your so-called 'friendship' with each other is legitimate to last? Your failures are nothing if not consistent... Central Haven fell. you were all dragged into darkness. And now you're all stuck here. How do you think you keep losing? How do you think we keep finding you?' He looked over to Vanitas. Losing is relative to the people. He thought. As for how they found them. He did not think that it was all that difficult. All one really had to do was find where heartless numbers went down. "And everyone turns on you. Sounds like you are talking about your group more than ours." He said offhandedly. For the time being there was no reason to worry about the mole as whoever it was if there even was one was not doing a good job telling the other side what was going on.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 19, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    Faust was talking about the crimes that they were locked up for. He could see how terrorism could be on the list. Kel soon greeted them as they came in. Humm he thought as he was thinking about how to get the group out. 'Its basically as Faust said so I suppose your best chance at appealing for the others would be during the trials.' He really did not think it would be that easy as paying money and getting them out. "I do not think it will be that easy getting everyone out, unfortunately." Nothing ever really was. "It would be a nice change of pace for something to be easy for once." With the way things tended to go for them, he did not think it would be easy. "More then likely we are going to have to probably get everyone out the hard way." He said to no in particular. This met more than likely breaking everyone out or doing something at the trail and getting out of there. Kel also said about helping out the man with white-gray hair.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 18, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch
    As he walked toward the door Luna rushed past and wherever she went took some time but not too long. So he just went in after her. The first thing he noticed was that Kel and Beuce were here which met that They probably did not find Karina as she was not standing there with them. Luna then proceeded to introduce the two people with her. 'How did you guys end up here? Maybe there's a way I can get you guys out on bail?' He was wondering what was going on himself but seeing as Luna more or less asked the question there was no reason to speak. In the meantime, he looked around the room to see if he could figure out a way to get the group out of the cells. In the room, there were some people he did not know manly the teen with sliver, white hair it was kind of hard to tell with the lighting. The one thing he gathered from the cells was that they were just as advanced as the rest of the place.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 17, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    They soon reached the elevator. "It won't be long now." he said offhandedly to Ananta. He had actually planned on looking for Kel or Beuce before heading down to the cells but finding out was going on down there was a more pressing issue. They stepped in and he hit the button to head down to cell block G. He soon stepped out of the elevator and the doors for the cell block were in sight.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch
    Cell block G

    There seemed to be some sort of club that was about destroying worlds. His lies were not working so it was time to try something else. "Fine it is your lost." He could see he was out numbered here. "This group is so.." He left the thought hang. There people won't listen so it was best he got out of here anyways. "You will find out anyways. My real name is Bob. I know Andrew Jacob Canvasback. You are all to much like him. Now I take my leave. How he got so lucky is beyond me." He turned to kel before going. "I could care less about helping any of you. I am looking out for number one me." With that he walked away and farther away from everyone.

    Bob left the area.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch
    Cell block G

    Next to speak was the teen with blue hair asking why they should trust him. "I do not particularly care if you do or don't. But think before you speak. Why would I help someone that I don't know? Hay if you you want to be just like him then go for it. You would be making a mistake just like that Aldwin kid. Once you know someone for over 10 year you get to know a person. It would be just like him to have people around him like himself." Just dealing with these people was reminding him of Andrew. It made him sick that there was more of him.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena