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  1. GarrettFinch

    As he looked around Karina said something about she did not trust what was going on. The red society or the hellfire members attacking them here was beyond stupid considering how many of them that was here. That said both the groups have never been all that smart. 'It feels like we're being allowed to get in this far.' "Maybe" 'Places looks deserted for the most part. I can not make heads or toes of it. Everything was just wrecked about or burned. The library alone is decamated!' "So they got what they came for more or less." It seemed who ever did this was still gathering information. For what purpose? Then Shiro said, 'Not everyone need attend, but we need a strategy to conquer this threat.' "It seems like they left for the time being or are waiting in hiding for something." What other information were they after tho. So they where going after other worlds to spread darkness. The first task is to find them before they find them. What where they waiting for? He had some ideas on how to stop the red society.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 7, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    Soon Oswald said somethings along with DJ and Shiro. Then sora, Kairi and Riku left to stay on the world. The one interesting thing that was said was 'Besides, Traverse town is one of the hardest places to find, making it one of the safest... You can only find it when you're lost or in need of refuge. Something our villainous adversaries don't seem to grasp.' That would explain why there was no sign of the red society. Soon the arrive at some sort of abandoned base and he wonder what the point of coming here was. He glanced at Shiro who seemed to be hiding something in fact he was completely different then the last time he saw him at the battle of the heartless. What was he hiding? Then he looked to Aux and knew he had not talk to him at some point but now was not the time and if he got the chance that was fine and if not what he wanted to ask was not that pressing.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    He continued to walk knowing who he was going to look for. He had some questions for Aux mostly involving Ven among other things. As the questions rance around his mind and he thought on the red society he walked on a path ofmarket of the first district. There stood Aux holding a small bag in one hand and Beuce not far from him. He guessed that his questions would have to wait as a fight started between the two. He knew something was true now that he saw everything of the last 24 hours. He was more unsure of everything and felt more alone then ever. 'I know that I'm still a fish out of water here.' That could not be farther from the truth. He decided what he was going to do when he saw the red society next. Then the fight continued and ended with a punch and smelling of fire. Soon the two walked off back towards the ship. Shorty after the two got on the ship he got on the ship as well as he took his seat from before and waited form them to leave. His walk did nothing to put his mind at ease it made him more on edge.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    He turned to kel when he said, 'Wouldn't it be better if we just waited back at the ship for everyone to return?' "Probably." He had so many things on his mind that he was just wanting to clear his head and maybe just walking off for a bit would do just that. Ven went to lead back to the ship. "I will join you in a few minutes." He walked off trying to wrap his head around the red society. There was so much to think on and he still only had one solution to them. He continued to walk lost in his thoughts.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    While he thought on Ven the one name he could not place why it sounded so familiar. Eraqus. "Eraqus..." Why did that name seem so familiar did someone say it somewhere or did he see the name? Then it hit him where that name was from. The information that he did have on Eraqus was somewhat vague. He had knew that Eraqus was no longer in the land of departure. 'Well, I don't have an exact timeframe. You'd need to talk to Kel for that one, but if Eraqus was still around when you were there...That would've been well over a year ago.' Before he could say much to Ven or Beuce they were off the ship. "Wait" As he went after the two. Ven's question went trought his mind. 'Sanctuary? What's that?' Kel then told Ven information about Terra, and Aqua and what happen to them. A question was brought to his mind in that moment. Why had Aux asked Kel to find Ven on the Sanctuary only for him to be the one that was sent to check on him. He turned to Ven to answer his question from before. "Sanctuary is the name of the ship we found you on. We found you only for you to be taken to the med bay. I went to the med bay to check on you but I was unable to wake you. I am sorry for that." He knew the next step that was to be done was to find Aux. "Um maybe we should find the others?" He avoided saying Aux's name because he was not sure if it would bring memory back to Ven or not. It was also not his place to tell Ven what happened that would be up to Aux.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    When Beuce arrived and said, 'I don't think that was quite the answer he was looking for AJ' He knew the answer that Ven was looking for and that was everything about the SOS that they were apart of it but when someone was ready to explode the first task was to clam them down not tell them everything. Beuce then proceeded to tell Ven about The SOS then he said. 'I don't know what happened to you, but we got you out of the hands of some pretty bad people we've been fighting against. What's your name, and what's the last thing you remember?' He know what the nurse had said on the ship and Ven had the right to know that said it was for the best he waited for Kel and Aux to return. Karina spoke but had not said anything that was helpful. 'I the last thing I remember was I was trying to get to sleep in The Land of Departure where I was training under Master Eraqus with my friends, Terra and Aqua. And then these masked people took me out of my bed and... I fell unconscious.' "So you do not remember anything on board the Sanctuary?" That was interesting and confirmed what he had thought was the case. Ven did not recognize his voice when he spoke to him when he was comatose.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 23, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    Beuce and Karina left but his mind was on the red society still. Will Aux leaving at some point after them. Then kel leaving too. After some time he decided the he should get up and move his lags perhaps he could find some information on the red society here. Standing up but before he could do anything Ven said, 'Who are you?!' His eyes wildly scanned the room, but there was no one familiar to him in the space. Not at first. 'Where's Terra?! Aqua? Master Eraqus?! Where am I?!?' His back was up against the wall by this point and he looked like he was about to spring into action. Ven seemed ready to explode. The first thing to do was calm him down. Thinking back to what the nurse said, Everything seems to be in order... but it seems this young boy is still in a comatose state. His vitals are healthy, but it's almost as if he's not entirely there... like his consciousness has left his body.... Another strange anomaly is his heartbeat seems to stagnate every now and then. Nothing to an alarming degree... Just a shocking sensation that changes his heart rate. He still never got the chance to tell Aux what was going on. He knew that telling Ven everything might as well set him over the edge. "You are safe here. On the gummi ship. We are docked at a location known as Traverse town." he said in calm voice. He was not sure what to say on the three he mentioned as when he said Aqua's and Tarras name to Ven when he was comatose it had no effect. "As for who we are well, I am Andrew Jacob Canvasback, AJ." There was so much to say but it would come in time.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    The ship took off and he looked out the window tiring to figure out what to do about the red society. As the ship left the bay he thought he saw someone with a smirk on there face. There was nothing he could do as the ship took off and he could do noting. He was thinking about the red society when the sound of Tap, tap, tap tap made him look around. He he began to pay attention he noticed the Quill was using morse code. It was a neat trick and somewhat interesting. The morse code stopped and a conversation started. Looking back out the window all he could do was see the vastness of the empty space between worlds. They soon arrived at another world and DJ took off. Sora, Riku, and Kairi opened the hatch door to the gummi ship and showed mixed reactions on their faces. Faust greeted them and he just gave them a smile as he went back to his thoughts.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    As he stood there he could not help but shake the felling that he was being watched and he probably was. 'ALL ABOARD THE S.S. BEACON!' yelled Shiro, addressing the rest of the S.O.S All things considered it was probably best if they did not show the light off but he stayed silent. As he took went on board the ship his mind began to wonder and he knew what he had to do. So far Shiro did not show any signs that he was going to be helpful. He had already made up jis mind on what he was going to do and first chance he got he was going to do that. That said he already knew what he thought was likely not going to work as nothing really went to play and he was sure that sooner or later something would go wrong. As Shiro read the note he said nothing. Steel was gone and that was his choice. His mind began to wonder on what the red society would do with the information that gathered on the ship. It was not anything good and it was clear from the get go that was what they were after. Know your enemy and it was easier to take them down. As the ship was readying to take off he still could not shake the feeling he was being watched.

    Bob stood in the shadows as Andrew boarded the ship unnoticed by all. He smiled as he was able to over hear everything that shiro fellow was saying. He knew sooner or later he would get his chance to strike and instead of listening to so random figure in a cloak he would do things on his own. He left the area as the ship took off and disapere4d into the unknown.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    Faust had saaid Quills name so he knew what the his name was. 'AJ, nice to meet you. I apologize for how curt I was before. My name is Quill, I would’ve introduced myself earlier but uh, prison bars make things awkward.' "I soppopse so." Quill left. so why he was gone he turned his attention back to Shiro. He thought back to what he said. 'AN OBJECTIVE WE CAN POSTPONE. RIGHT NOW, WE NEED TO MAKE A FEW MORE PIT STOP BEFORE RECLAIMING OUR BASE OF OPERATIONS.' He could not image what could possibly to more important the the red society. "They need to be stopped and we should being going after them. What makes you so sure we should wait.?" He was mostly wondering his opinion. It was then the Quill returned. "So Quill happy to see that you are joining us we need all the help we can get." He smiled at quill they would need all the help they could get for what was to come.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 17, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    Shiro was not helpful at all. So he turned his attention back to Quill and Beuce. "Beuce is right. I do not beleve be met properly I am AJ." Then he looked around to see what others were doing.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    While he waited for shiro to answer him the silver haired person for the cells came up to where he was. (quill) He then said, 'I’m an outsider in all this. I’m…still weighed down by countless sins, so if it’s all the same I’ll be returning to my cell until the courtroom is ready...' "So When you were in the Jails you broke out one way or another only to want to go back?" It did not seem very logical but for the most part, nothing really was. "Then there is the fact that you will be tried by Karen Miller. Do you really think it will be fair when you are judged by a nut job like that? I am sorry but just by just being around the SOS and fighting alongside us in that battle you will forever be associated with the SOS." He then turned his attention to Kel who just he told them everything regarding Nequa using him to essentially be the 'traitor'. "So what difference does it make? They knew where we were regardless of what was going on or so it seems. They just want to scare us and you Kel. They could be just saying all of that to get to us. Even if what you said is true in the slightest they are doing a bad job with everything they got." They more than likely wanted information more than anything else or use Kel as bate. "Just continue doing what you are doing Kel." He was not really sure what to say to Kel to make thing better for him.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    On his way toward the docking bay Shiro ran past with Kel in hand and the red society nowhere to be seen. Part of him wondered what Shiro had been up to. That was when Aislinn tried to convince him to return to the summit area. He was not paying any attention to Aisliin at this point. He ran after shiro to find out what was going on. Shiro then started giving some speech to people. He walk up to Shiro. "Where have you been? and what have you been up to? Should we not be going after the red society?" He was mostly curious what he was up to.

    else where
    Connie stood next to someone. "we are out of time and we got to get going Bob is gone and AJ was fond but I was unable to talk to him." At this point Bob knew the plan did not did not work and Aj was with others right now.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    With his thoughts more or less finished with what to do about Sho. He looked up and saw that there was a spacial rift and the two were disappearing through it. Not on his watch. Time to go after them he thought. He was not about to let them take Kel. He summoned his keyblade and ran out of the prison block and towards the Docking bay area. He was not about to let them get away.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    The prisoners ignored the instructions and all escaped into elevators, clearing the area. He was not really paying attention and instead was racking his brain on how best to deal with Sho when he entered the next area where they found Alpha and Kilo. The cell had inside it 2 people; kel's father, karinas father. 'Hey, let us out of here so we can help you!' Commander Xares instructed. "I would sooner take my chances with No heart then let you out. Besides you are the most deseving person to be in there. You showed such wonderful help so far it is the best i have ever seen." He then turned his attention to Nathan Siegand. "You must be Nathan Siegand." It was hard to miss someone that looked like Kel. He had do do something about shoe and Kel and wondered how much Nathan knew. That said he could not do anything until he found Sho and that was what he was going to have to do.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    He turned to Karina when she said, 'While you aren't necessarily wrong AJ, the best place to start is here in the prison block. Vanitas told Aux and I that he put our mothers in prison somewhere, and unless you want to face the wrath of Aux when he gets his wits about him.' There was never any mention of finding anyone other then the red Society. He touched his head with what was going on. He was somewhat frustrated with everything. The objective was to find the red Society from what he has been told. Beuce did not say anything to him so there was not much to do there. He absentmindedly followed Aislinn who was pushing rioting prisoners that had escaped back into their cell. He silently wondered if they were put here for a unfair trail too. There was nothing to do now but to let Aislinn do her thing while he thought of a plan to stop the red Society.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 20, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    He turned to Beuce when he said, 'A couple people have been kidnapped by the Red Society. One of them is Kel. They're probably somewhere still on the ship, so we need to split up and look for them as quickly as we can.' He wondered why. He did not like the idea of spiting up after what just happened. "So you want to search the whole ship?" If Beuce wanted to search the whole ship he was not going to stop him. 'Any objections?' "We know what the red society want more or less. Information and leverage on us." He pulled out the map and stood by Beuce. "If you want to find the Red society they could be anywhere on the ship but I would a think they would want to leave as soon as possible. So one place is here." The pointed to the area mark arrival bay on the map. "Seeing as this is an open area and rather close to the med bay I would think that this is out. Then there is hanger or possibly the bridge. So they would think they would want an area off but easy to get out of here. Then there is this area." He pointed to an area labeled docking bays. "Look I do not know where they could be but out of all the places those make the most sense." He did not say what he had on mind as he was sure they would not like it. There was nothing to do but go off he guessed. Aislinn was in change of group A so there was that and she took off ready to hunt The red society down.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    When Beuce said that he was right about getting the other out he shrugged. It was better then fighting them again with there current numbers. Aislinn went off again bout the ship and there was nothing to be said about it. With nothing to do but heal everyone in the summit room he did so. Beuce soon left the area and began to run to the jail. With nothing do do here as everyone in the room was back up to full heath he guessed he would just follow Beuce. Soon there where met with Aux, Karina, Kaida and two others. Then one of them shot Aux in his arm. Please don't tell me there were the people who attacked us on Olympus he thought. He looked at the two. "What is with wanting to take people to the doctor for injuries? When we have healers right here." It was completely unnecessary and a waste of time to go to the doctors for blood coming out. He used Curaga on the SOS group that he did not before. Then turned to two new people. "Are you the ones who knocked us out at Olympus?" he asked.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    He continued to look at the map when Aislinn said, 'We need to find out where they are, we need to get them, just... how. Do we know where they would take them?' "They took off rather quickly." Faust then said something about the group they just fought getting off the ship. Seeing as there was no reason to repeat what he said the said nothing about where they went. "I suggest we get the others out of jail and get everyone together. As I do not idea of fightting them again with such low numbers and maybe one one of them have an idea of what to do." Seeing as of late what he tried doing never worked it was probably best someone else took the idea ring.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    How Hotel manged to fire, two shots, crystallizing and immobilizing Aislin's lower half was beyond him as he was standing in front of her. He then said about taking Kel. 'Aw come one, can't you deal with the blonde one. He seems to be a pain in the butt.' X-ray complained as he still stood there watching everything happen. No one had attacked him, so he wasn't going to attack them. Perhaps they would just give up, if not then he would dispense of them quickly so he could get out of there. He had to do something. Seeing as they were just standing there just ignoring him he had to act. He pointed his keyblade at Hotel. But before the spell went off. Hotel took the opportunity, and fired two ice shots to immobilize kel's hands and feet. He leapt forward and grabbed the young man aggressively by the collar. He tapped an earpiece to communicate with his other red society members. 'Package secure.... Let's high tail it outta here...' Hotel opened a portal and quickly jumped through his portal with kel in toe. His attack went off harmlessly into the sky as where hotel was standing was now empty space. Them taking Kel was not good for them or him. They wanted him for something more than likely. He had to do something. Seeing as Aislinn was still frozen with ice he walked up to her and use his hand to melt the ice away with fire carefully to not hurt her or the child. Now that was done it was time to get and the task at hand and find where they might have gone. He pulled out his map and looked at it. Seeing as everyone had fled it was just a matter of finding everyone.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena