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  1. GarrettFinch

    He wasn't expecting much from echo. At this point he figured that echo was going to follow him anyways. So he took Echo's hand and made his way to the top of the mountain. The question in his mind what did he need help with? He did not need help. He turned around to see if echo was there.

    Echo was still walking behind him. As he held AJ's hand, AJ was beginning to turn transparent. His appearance slowly dimming as his footprints in the sand were getting lighter until the footprints were almost gone.

    He let go of echo's hand echo still there. Why was he here. Then a realization hit him as Yen Sid words came to him. "You will face your own faults and your fears." He was not afraid of himself sure he didn't want to hurt anyone but that was besides the point. Then it was himself. He doubted himself, questioned why? He was not himself he had to stop doubting himself. Ask for help from others and move on. When Yen Sid had said they would fight there faults he did not think it would be literately. He looked at Echo knowing what he had to do. He had to apologize to himself and forgive himself. "I am sorry. I have been blaming myself for what has happened doubted myself and I forgive you." He still had to question what was going on but he knew the rest of the SOS would be there when and if he needed them.

    AJ began to hover a bit off the ground "I am sorry," Echo repeated, a tear streaming down his face.

    As he floated above the ground there was now was good time to ask for help. As he thought of the Sos closed his eyes and took a breath. The faces of the Sos appeared. "Sos if someone could help me right now that would be nice." He screamed out to the wind.

    "That would be nice..." In a surprise turn of events, Echo spoke on his own. "But now it's just you... I'll take good care of the SOS while you're gone." AJ began to float higher and higher. "No one will notice if I take over for you... I may not have a heart, but it's not like you've shown much of yours. That big brain has just been holding us back. What's the point of being the smartest in the room if you're the only one in it!" he yelled, more tears streaming down his face.

    "You are right. I never really have thought of myself as smart. I just come up with ideas when the situation comes to mind." He was not really sure how it worked it more or less just happened. "People might not notice but they will know something is up when the smartness does not come out right. Let me help you. While I am not be able to give you a heart. I might be able to help you in other ways. I can't let you take my body but maybe there is something else you want. You still will be the only one in the room. You will be forever lonely in that room forever and always. Nothing will change unless you make it so. I have to change and so do you. There is a point to think and and point to act. I have been thinking lately waiting for a moment to act. I guess now is that time." He looked over to the ground and looked were he would land in the off chance he might be dropped.

    "You still don't get it!?" Echo yelled. AJ turned heavier and fell to the ground. Something was different though he had more pressure on him or something. "I don't want your comfort? You keep trying to come up with these quick solution but theyre not! Talking to you is like talking to a wall!" Echo began to float higher instead. "My problem is that I want to change and you don't! You can't try and pretend like you have all the answers." He looked up as he was floating higher. "And if you aren't willing to know how to change for the better, then you don't deserve to be out there!" Echo floated higher

    "I never claimed to know all the answers because I don't. I want to change and I am willing to do so." He understood what echo was saying. "You want to change and so do I." He could change and he planned on starting now. He had to stop doubting himself. He had to believe he could make a difference and make a change. It didn't matter if this was a dream or not he could make a stand here. It was time to end this he was on the edge of the mountain. "I believe I can change and I believe in myself and those around me." Echo was his doubts he took a deep breath and rolled off the edge of the mountain.

    As he fell he surrounded himself with Aeroga spell and activated his wind aura at them same time. He shot up into the sky as a guest of wind pushed him up. He passed echo on the way up shot through the clouds and landed on them. He was not afraid of falling. He took a few steps forward and noticed he was not that far from the crystal.

    Echo grabbed AJ by the foot. "You're gonna waste it again!" He pulled him down, as he tried to pass him.

    "What would i waste again? I am here to listen to you."


    "Life? how so?" he questioned

    “You just stand there like a dead fish when people talk to us! I think I can do a better job of helping people! Helping us! I see everything you see and I need to live instead of being stuck here with all your thoughts!"

    "Being invisable was somewhat a choice. I will make the choice to be seen. People will only listen when I say something or do something. I have to make that happen to be heard is to be listened to. It is because of what I did but I will change tht too. Not everyone wants help or needs it you need to find a balance in life." He felt sorry for echo. "You are all alone here. Do you want a friend to talk to? someone to share joy and life with?"

    "No," he gripped his fist. "I'm not an actual person. I'm just a part of you. A part of you that wants out. Talking to you is like talking to nothing. I need some one real to talk to." He looked up at the glowing crystal. "And I'm gonna find them!" he launched higher as he reached for the crystal.

    "You are as real as you want to be and invisible as you want to be. You are how you feel. You are the master of your own choices." He reached out his hand and clouds moved around Echo spinning around him at the same moment he took off towards the crystal reaching right before echo. He reached the crystal and took it in his hands "Things will be different now for the both of us. A promise that I will keep. I understand what you want. What I need to do is make difference out there to make a impact on the world. To make change in myself and maybe the world as long as i don't go over board, good, bad or indifferent. To show my emotions or talk them out. Just doing something is better then standing around like a wall being invisible to the world. It doesn't matter what I do as long as I am not standing around doing nothing. It could be actions or words or something elce." It was time to let the truth out there. "I have been afraid of myself if I let myself do something different. I have been standing behind a wall." As he said this a wall infrount of him disappeared that was there. "I have been scard of what others would think if I did something. As long as I don't hurt anyone it doesn't matter what i do. I have be so lost in my thoughts. It was all you could hear. Was it bad for you? Being invisible protected me. It is like a item of clothing that I could not take off." He looked at himself still transparent. He took his hands and stared pulling at himself this the invisible item coming off like a one peace coat. If he did nothing or stayed the same what would be the point of it he would be just standing there doing nothing he might as well be a wall. He held the item in his hands not sure what to do with it. He could see the usefulness of it when it came to the hellfire club or the red society. He tuned to echo. "I have be frustrated as this task." As he said this he slammed his hand towards the clouds causing some of them to split apart. "I did not know what to do about you. I don't know everything. Maybe the point of this task was to make a change to grow as a person. To show you that. I am sorry." That was when he began to cry. "As much as I want to change the past I can't. I cant change conversations. I can have a impact on how people feel, people are in control of what they do I control me. I will and can change me. I might not be able to change what has been but I can do something something about the future. Mistakes are opportunities to learn. If I keep doing the same thing over and over again then I have not really learned anything and did not grow. It is time for something different." Just then a clock appeared before him showing a date in the future. He took it in his hand and lines appeared and the date keep changing. He looked at echo still crying. The clock in his hands breaking apart as he looked at echo. It was not so much he was sad but upset. The invisibility coat in one hand and a broken clock.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    He was half way up the mountain. He had just past a narrow part of the mountain. He could see a glit of Quill's crystal below him not far off but far down. Farther past the tree he could see the water and the glow of kaida's crystal. That was when someone came up behind him and shoved him to the ground. Had this happened any earlier he would have fallen off the mountain. He really did not want to deal with another dream like thing. Getting up and looking at who was behind him it was himself. The first thing that came to mind was this echo did not have his personally what so ever and the second thing he noticed was he had not spoken and not thought of anything so his thought that this echo was appearing because of his thoughts was out the window. He still was not sure what the point of echo was and he was not going to fight himself. Being friends with himself seemed silly at this point and the only other thing that he could think of was this echo needed help. He stood there and thought what do you need help with. He knew that Echo could only repeat what he said well at least so far. He gestured to the sky above and the crystal of his sheen could be seen above the mountains and on the clouds above. He smiled at the Echo not saying anything but maybe there was other way to talk to this Echo. The dirt of the mountain was below his feet and reaching down he wrote the following in the dirt. What do you need help with? He stood back up and smiled at the echo knowing full well that the likely hood of Echo repeating what he had done was just there. Then something else came to mind. and he bent down once more and wrote. Nice to meat you Echo everyone needs a name and this name seems fitting if you want to be called something else then that is fine too. He stood back up one again and looked above him at the clouds know he could not stay long and had to get up there.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    All he did was continue to put one foot in front of the other. Step by step. The mountain continued to get closer and closer until the mountain was not far at all. He continued to walk until he reached the base of the mountain the rock wall continued to the left and right as far as he could see. In the distance almost out of sight he could see a shine of a crystal with a brown sheen to it must be the earth crystal he thought to himself. Quill could be not that far as he thought about going to check up on him but no he had a task at hand and that was to get up the mountain. Besides Quill had said he wanted to do this on his own. He turned towards the mountain. He knew at some point there might be some hard parts and began his track up towards the top. He took a breath and no thoughts came to mind and he just continued to walk. As he walked the path up the mountain got narrow in some parts he could see but that was not for some time.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    There was darkness and then a bight light. Soon after the light was the sound of wind. "Do you think he is alive?" "Do not be stupid. AJ is fine." "Well I am going to wake him." He soon felt a sharp pain like he was being poked with a stick. As thirst the he did not recognized the voice but it sounded so familiar. He shot up and he could not believe his eyes he must have died. Standing not far from him was Aldwin and the person poking him well that was Connie. Aldwin he thought not believing what he was seeing he must have died. before he could say anything Aldwin spoke "No you are not dead and yes it is me Aldwin. And your next question is how am i am live well AJ maybe I never did or maybe you have to have a better look around." Aldwin walked over to him and yanked him up. Looking around he saw that he was on some island and not far from him was a mountain with a huge endless cloud with a green light poking through. At first he thought it might be the sun but that could not be because the sun well it was in the east and slow moving towards the noon position but this light did not move. Then he remembered what was going on. Man he was going to have to have a talk with what ever mad man made this stupid dream thing and its pods. What was that drak figure or who was it and everything that had happened was to test him. There was a slight pain in his side where Connie had poked him. "And one last thing AJ You need to figure out what had gone on, on your trip on that ship." He turned around to have better look at the view around him then turned back to ask one last question. But when he turned around there was no Aldwin or Connie just a mountain in sight and the question rank in his mind but most of all nothing Aldwin said had really any impact because it was something he already knew about. This dream could only know what he did and he looked towards the mountain and began his walk towards it without any more thought in his mind as he had turned off his brain the moment he had set off. The mountain began to get closer and closer as he walked towards it but still quite a distance away.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    As he continued to walk he ran into himself again. Come on you are going to have to do better then that he thought. As first he thought maybe his test would be that he would be alone considering Quill and kaida left but this test made no sense what so ever. He had to outsmart himself from the looks of things. Yea nice try. He simply turned a different direction and turned off his thoughts as he did so only having the goal in mind. This place might be able to see his thoughts so the simple thing to do was not to think at all. He walked until he reached a clearing as he looked around there did not seem to be anything in sight. only trees and not a signal one tall enough to see anything that was close to the clouds. Continuing in a different direction this time other then the way he came in he went back into the forest. As he continued he came to as clearing again and once again left only to arrive at a clearing. Ok this dream was getting old. Time and again he would end back at the clearing at first it might have been a different one but no he was sure it was the same. To make sure he set a rock down in the clearing and left when he arrived back there was no rock in sight. God he hated this dream so much. Right this time he would go in and keep making turn and turned off his brain once more as he set out. As he walked he saw some light and he arrived back at the back at the beach. It looked like like the same one he first he started at. He left again and arvred back at the beach oh come on Yen sid I hate this so much this game was getting old was this place made to make someone go mad? Right he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and found himself on a small island when he opened his eyes and floating there was the crystal on a cloud well that was interesting. It began to float towards him. The was a pain and he found him self opening his eyes in the pod.

    Well that was easy almost to easy. Yen sid standing there looking at the others. "You are the first to get done." Yen sid said. "Was it supposed to to be that easy?" Something did not feel right. The dream was to be a test but he was already done. He walked out the room and into the castle and found the casle completely destroyed. None of the other SoS in sight. What had happened? Then there was a voice of Yen sid but no Yen sid in sight. "You took to long Was it supposed to to be that easy. the voice said in the same voice as his. What was going on? "You failed." No but how? None of this made any sense. He looked for the pod room again but was unable to find it. As he turned around a dark figure stood there. "Well time to meet your end like the others. Time for your fate to end." The figure took a hold of him held him over a cavern one hand hold him the other on what looked like a sword. "Any last words?" the voice said before lunging the sword towards him. He closed his eyes before it hit He could feel a feeling like he had been dropped. Then there was darkness around him...
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    He turned his attention to Kaida who was still standing there. "Remember that this place is only are real as you want it to be." At this point he walked to the edge of the forest and pick a good size stick. "So what..." He turned around and Kaida was gone and the ripples of the ocean where she want in was the only thing that could be seen. That was when you could hear Quill say, 'AJ don't follow me, this path is too rough for you just stay back.' Seriously he could take care of himself. He had not actually planed on following him. That was when a second AJ appeared next to him and repeated what he had just said. There was two possibilities here one Quill and kaida were still standing on the beach with him and he could not see them or two they left. He did not think it was the first option. So he turned to the second AJ which he had ignored up to this point and thought you are not real. Looking for a good size rock and he just kept on thinking it. As he found one the AJ that was standing there disappeared. So this dream could see there thoughts some how and he wondered if he had already figured out what it was doing. So the options left was not to think or just ignore what the dream had come up with next. Taking the rock and banging it one a larger rock until it was just the right size and sharp enough to cut something he looked to the forest and attached the rock to the stick and made his way into the forest using his makeshift weapon to clear a path. He kept walking looking for some tall tree or a mountain just something that would get him closer to the clouds. He had figure that Kaida had left wanting to do her trail on her own.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    Yen Sid led the group to a pool of glowing water. Beside the poolside were a row of nearly a dozen open sleeping pods. 'As I understand... these sleeping chambers will help to monitor your health while in deep meditation. Should anything life threatening occur in your dream state.... I shall wake you up.' A dream how interesting. 'Andrew must find his hidden in the clouds.' while ordinarily he would be worried on how on earth he would get to the clouds without a keyblade he had quickly came up with a plan. 'And Kaida must find hers at the bottom of the ocean.' Oh no he knew Kaida was not found of water after the whole ocean thing. He opened his eyes and found himself on some unknown island. Quill quickly ran off. "Wait Quill." It might have been to late while he could go after him he did not like the idea of getting lost in the forest no mater how dream like this place was. While yen Sid had said no keyblades there was no mention of not working together and his first thought was to do that but seeing as Quill was gone that was kind of out the window.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    As he walked with Quill and Kaida Yen Sid had came up and wanted to take over the class. Were they that bad that no one wanted to teach the group? 'I know you are still weary of the darkness that comes from peoples hearts... but we should not scold those who have yet to conquer theirs...Please forgive him... darkness has caused him much pain in his lifetime,' "Ah darkness. From my understanding you can not have darkness without the light no light without the dark. The same coin two different sides." Soon Eraqus left and headed towards the library and he wondered why he was heading that way. 'I can...understand why he fears it.' Quill had said. "Perhaps he does not fear it but does not understand it? Something unknown is far scarier then something that you understand." 'That's kind of you to say...AJ...yes AJ. Thank you, but I suppose I should expect this treatment. I'm rather...unsightly.' "Humm I think I should tell you a story. It does not matter what others think of you but what you think of your self. One can not move forward with first taking a step." This could be taken literally and figuratively. "Back in my home world there was a rumor of a well The well of delight. This well was said to grat any wish. So at first everyone worked together to find this well but over time this faded until everyone was against each other only wanting one this to wind the well for there own purpose. They wanted my help to figure out the clues left behind. But everyone wanted something for there own selfish reasons. So in the end you need to figure out what step works best for you Quill because you are the only one that can. Just know that there are people here that can and will help you. All you have to do is ask. " He turned his attention to Kaida who was zoned in near completely in a phone game. There was a time and place for that he thought to himself.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 7, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    He stood there and when Eraqus said, 'Seeing as how Ventus has yet to take the mark of mastery... it could be that his lack of elemental training has left him under leveled...' It kind of made sense. Then Shiro said, 'Masters Andrew, Quillton, and Kaida will join Eraqus in the Meditation chamber.' No one called him by his full name but Bob so something was going on. 'Second form Aura...?' Ven had asked him. "Um yea it might need to be unlocked to unlock the 3rd..." Or something else he thought but he left his voice trail off. "A second form is a more powerful version of a aura." He explained to Ven. Soon Ven went up to Aux and knew his name oh god this could end up badly. Then Aux went and apologized in the worse way possible. This was turning out worse then he would have thought. Dude he thought to himself as he mentally face palmed at Aux. He turned his attention to Ven. "So Ven feel free to join us maybe you will pick up of things on and about auras." He did not see the harm in Ven joining them and he left the offer hang there. Truth be told he was not all that excited about aura training he much rather unlock it him self. He saw how the 3rd aura had affected Shiro in the heartless battle and wondered if it was as painfully as it looked. That said he did not see the harm of what Eraqus had to say. "Come if you want Ven. If you want I will explain more of what I know later." He then left Ven and went after Eraqus. Soon his attention turned to Quill and his questions. 'You don't seem fit for the EARTH aura, I'm rather unsure I'll be the one to train you.' He also did not know what Quill's aura could be other then some off the wall one but as for training he did not see why it mattered if one wanted to be trained then one should help that person. 'If it were my choice you'd leave immediately, but we need all the fighters we can.' What was going on? Was every master out of there mind? That was something that could have been left unsaid. "Well I am glad you are here Quill." He tied to think of what the training could involve. Quill had some unknown past which he might need help with getting through. Maybe that was why he was in this class? If nothing else he might be able to help Quill out with his training and then there was Kaida who had time which would more then likely have her mind look at the possible outcomes of the future which could be helpful if his thoughts were true.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    Ah he held the orb it changed from green to pink to a white color then let out a light before changing back to green. As he waited for Ven to say something Shiro said, 'NOPE! Just to power you up to your max potential. And seeing as how the primal orb you are holding is still green and that puts you in Eraus' class!' He walked over to him and picked him up by the collar. He walked over to Eraqus and dropped the boy down in front of the master. 'Which is great for me, because I don't like answering questions.' He did not even say anything to Shiro. He already knew what class he was in so there was no need for him to say anything. He was already glad that he was not with Shiro. As for not liking answering question if he did not want want to answer any then he should not have asked if they had any. He was talking to Ven and moving him was he was not sure how to put it. Shiro then proceeded to say what each aura forum would be in. From what he had said he would be taking the class by himself. Soon Quill picked up a orb releasing earth while he did not forget about Quill and this met he would be with him he did not think that Quill's aura would be earth. He did not know quill that well but he always thought that Quill would have a more obscure aura. He turned his attention to Quill who seemed to be worried after seeing the display perhaps the orbs could pick up the other auras a person had. Ven was next up and his orb did nothing which was interesting. 'I think mine is broken.' As he thought on what he saw something came to mind. As he made his way back over to Ven. "Maybe you have to unlock your second form of an aura before the orb is able to detect the 3rd form", he suggested. If already had that was not it then he was not sure what it could be. That said he did not know if Ven even had his second form of his aura or not.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 2, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    As he waited for an answer Ven asked if it was possible to have more then one aura. He did not think so and he wondered why Ven wanted to know. Shiro then said, 'While this orb helps IDENTIFY your aura, it by no means empowers or awakens your final aura. As far as we know most everyone has only one primary aura that can reach a third level.' Oh that was kind of disappointing. The orbs would have been much cooler if they did something else. The swift and transparent tempest of wind would be spiritual. so that met that he would be with Eraqus. 'Regardless, we should be able to train you for roughly a week before we know our net course of action.' A week that was a long time did they even have that much time to do this? He turned his attention to Ven. "So is there a reason you wanted to know about the aura or is there a particular one that interest you?" While he waited for Ven to answer he thought of the task that would be coming soon.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch
    As he waited for some sort of response Beuce said something about them going through some pretty intense training. Part of him wondered if that would be enough to fight no heart. 'For now, we need to get a good night's sleep.' Yea he did not see that happening. He left the room and began walking the halls in a random direction. As he walked alone he scanned the walls. It was quiet and dark but he continued to walk the halls away. After the first hour he thought that it would clear his mind but as the second hour came and went he knew that was long gone. After more time had passed he probably walked the castle a few times not finding anything noteworthy. He went to his room but after laying in bed for what must have been a few hours he gave up on sleeping all together and made his to the training area. It was still dark and an punching bag had a dent in it. After some time he headed back to his room. The morning light just peaking through.

    ~~The following morning~~
    He did not get any sleep and if he did it was not enough to matter. He got presentable and made his way to the training grounds where Shiro dropped a large case of crystal orbs on the ground as DJ, Eraqus and Yen Sid were beside him. Shiro then talked about a Primal Orb. 'My primary aura is WIND... Think of this orb like a mood ring for your elemental affinity.' He tossed the orb to him before continuing on. He was able to catch it but dropping my and it breaking was a possibly almost. Upon catching the orb the orb began to glow green in his hands as soon as it touched them. How did Shiro know what his aura was? He tried to think of an instance where he might have used it with Shiro around but could not think of any. He tried to think of some questions and a few came to mind. "So the Primal Orbs are they used to help awaken the next level auras or are they just for determining what auras we have?" If they were used then they were like a power supply almost. Based on the description so far it seemed like they had to just do the 3 C's but he could not be so sure.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    As he stood there Luna left. Then Karina said, 'If DJ is locking down Central Haven, then I am sure it would be fine. But if you want to go on a wild goose chase after another one of his poor lies, then go ahead. I will not stop you, but nor will I be joining you.' Karina was missing the point if the security system was down which should have been on this whole time then regardless of if Orion came here by himself or not then someone else could have gotten in. He hoped this was not the case but time and again the universe like to throw curve balls there way. While staying in touch was not a bad idea something still felt off. Karina then said, 'So are we all just going to sleep or are we going to do something more interesting. I am in the mood to punch something.' "Sleeping is the last thing I want to do" he said offhandedly. "I want do something else. Anything other then sleeping." Kel then something about figuring out how to use the phone while the concept of trying to explain something like that to Kel would probably be daunting he would do it when there was time. He was not sure why Kel put so much trust into someone whos scanner failed to find Terra and someone who forgot to turn on a security system. It was all convenient. Dj so happened to have a scanner that did not work and a security system off and Orion showed up. "I doubt the door if it is actually a thing would be easy to find." If anything it would be blended into the wall floor or ceiling to look like it was all one peace. He pulled out his phone and had a look at what it could do there where a number of things on there some which could be useful. "Maybe I can help you figure out your phone some time Kel." He stood and waited to see what the others would say or do.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    As he stood there kel said, 'He also said something about a secret exit, don't know how true that might be but it does sound like something that should be looked into should it be so.' That was interesting. Before he had to chance to say much Shiro said they did not know about any secret entrance. 'Besides, everyone should get some rest. I'll activate Haven security just in case anyone else appears', DJ had said. He could not believe what he was hearing. From what he had heard about DJ he was smart so why was the security off? That just was not smart. DJ and Shiro left the room with Terra. Then Oswald gave them a small box of Gummi phones. He was sure they could be tracked with this phone but he took one anyway as it might become usefull in the future. It was just another thing they could be tracked with in his mind but at this point it did not mater. At this point it almost seemed like Shiro and DJ wanted them to be found. First the device that searched to see if there was anyone here did not work then the Haven security was off for some reason. It just was not adding up. Seeing as they left his turned his attention to Kel. "I have to agree with Kel that looking for this secret exit would not hurt. I don't know about everyone else but even if there is no one else here searching this pace would make me feel better." He stood there trying to think of what could be at play here.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    As Karina patted his hand away and then said that curt was a liar, and terribly naive as well. 'What does that mean for us and whatever you guys were planning in there? I can't see this boding well for whatever you thought was going on.' He did not give much thought on what was going on before but as he thought on what Karina had said he did have some input. "Well if Terra is here or whatever he wants to call him self it could mean more then just him could be here. It could not hurt to check out everywhere we do not want any more surprises." He was not happy with DJ telling them there was no one here. "If there is no one here and even if there is, there could be more coming. If there is more people here we can deal with it then. So we should prepare for people to be coming here in case there is more coming." Why would they leave and then come back? So far every plan the others had was divide and concur but now they where all in one place. Maybe the plan changed to take them all out at once? "Then there is what do to with Terra, Kurt, Orion. If his body was taken over there should be a way to reverse it. So we should figure that out." He just was not sure where to began with that.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    He had not even made it 30 seconds far if that, when he heard a crash of a door coming from the direction he had just came from. What now he thought to himself. Someone was here because it did not make much sense for someone they knew to to knock down a door. He knew full well that the members of the meeting could take car of themselves but he was curious what was going on and if one person was undetected there very well could be more. He thought DJ had said there was no one else here so much for that. He summoned his keyblade and mad his way back the way he came. Arriving back at the meeting it looked like he was right on there being someone here. As Shiro summoned his key-hammer and slammed Terra and knocked out on the floor. While he was not surprised in what he just saw happen he was in fact disappointed. Shiro just could of very well just knocked out the only person that could tell them who else was here besides Eraqus and he was not in any position to to tell them much based on how he looked when Shiro took him to the med bay. Now there was the task of searching to see if that was the only person or if there was more. Time was not on there side and now it seemed like there was even less so. As he stood in the doorway he looked down to Karina. He would have asked her if she was ok but that just seemed like a kind of stupid to say. So instead he offered his hand to help her up.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    As he stood at the door way Bruces said, 'You've been masters a lot longer than we have. You're more experienced. So, If I may, I believe you should train us. There has to be a greater level of power we could achieve that would give us an even playing field. What about...A greater form for our Auras? I've been on the cusp of mine but...I'm stuck. I can't figure out how to break through into the third.' While it was a good idea Shiro training them seemed odd. Soon the conversation changed to Nequa. He tired to think of something that would be helpful but Nequa was Magically gifted which was known. She has deceitful intentions. Other then that she has playful personality. Knowing far more than she lets on, She enjoys toying with the protagonist keybladers producing more questions than answers. No of this information seemed particularly helpful. Seeing there was not mcuh to add to what was going on it was best he took his leave.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    When Faust came up to him and spoke he was a bit surprised. 'Hey if you guys need me i’ll be looking over that library seeing as i'm not needed here.' "Will do." He did not think there would be anything in a library but burt pages. "You might have the right idea" he told Faust before he left. There may not be anything in the library but that did not mean someone was not around hiding somewhere. It made to much sense not set set up an ambush. That said he would not but anything past the red society at this point not to think things though. They were told there was no one around but that did not mean it was true. Perhaps they had some clocking device. There was also the fact that they could just portal wherever they wanted on top of everything else.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 20, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    Soon the the meating started and he stood leaning on a wall next to the room and where they came from. Soon Kel and Karina left him alone which was not all that surprising. As he stood alone he his mind began to wonder. Something more had to being going on then it seemed. Everything was far to relaxed. Red Society was up to something that much was clear. While the meaning was going on he had to figure out what to do with himself. but what he did that he went over his plan that he had formed in his head.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 17, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    Shiro left with Eraqus without saying much. Part of him wondered how he got here. The only thing he knew was that Eraqus was taken to a different world. Ven asked some question but left it to Kel to answer. Then Aux said said something about not wanting to be involved in planning. He tryied to rank his brain on what he knew about No Heart but nothing really came to mind truth be told he knew more about Nequa then no heart. He looked to Karina and wondered what input she could give considering she was from a military homeworld. No heart was powerful and fighting him the last time did not go that well. What he had planned for the red society would probably not work on no heart. He tried to think of someone that could join in Aux's place but no one really came to mind. Kel would be a good option if they knew what to trust. Was what Nequa said true or was she just playing games with them? It was hard to say maybe that was what she wanted. "Why would No heart just up and leave this place?" He asked offhandedly. No heart leaving this place did not made much sense.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 8, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena