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  1. GarrettFinch

    He kept on swinging his keyblade at the Gargoyle untill it went down. "Any else think that the 'monsters' being here is convenient? I am thinking that Oogie has something to do with them. Controlling them or at the very least they have some sort of connection." He turned his attention to Quill who had Gargoyles and the many Neoshadows surrounding him. Now that the one he had been fighting was down he went to quill's ade to help him out.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 13, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    When Jack said, 'Oogie is in the same place he is every year. It's a bit trick to get to, so I have no problem escorting you there. I just have to make a quick stop at the Doctor's lab before we continue if that's alright.' He did not really want to bother him but seeing that there was not much of a choice he was going to have to keep a eye on him and this strange world. Jack then escorted the group into the lab, where they found a pale, fragile man in a wheel chair. He hound small, tinted spectacles on an enormous head. They soon left the lap and onto a path. Then Jack said, 'Just be sure to be on your guard. A lot of less friendly horrors have been popping up lately. Are you all prepared for that kind of threat?' "We always are." He said off handly. Then there was this whole thing will Quill that he noticed but said nothing on if for now he would just have to stay back and Luna seemed to be doing a good job with talking to Quill. As they approached the hill, He felt like they were being watched. Soon after several Halloween heartless appeared around the group. White Knights, Hover Ghosts and Gargoyles began to corner in on them. Neoshadows also rose up from the ground. Jack quickly took guard with his Soul Robber. Really he was not surprised and he was not really sure he wanted Jack to know that they were not from here so now that heat less where here there was nothing to do but summon his keyblade and fight so he held out his hand the keyblade taking longer then normal to show up and then it was time for battle. Jack was a skeleton so he could not die twice right well it was best not to take any chances. With the heartless here something came to mind that he would have to ask later and that was what did the others thing about Oogie and the heartless. If he had to guess he would say he was controlling them or at the very least they had some sort of connection. With his keyblade out he head towards one of Gargoyles swinging at it with his keyblade.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 9, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    Soon Kel and him found themselves in a graveyard. Kel seemed on edge as they walked there. "It will be alright we will be able to take care of anything that comes our way." Then there was a skeleton that was basically towering over them. He had said something about Halloween! and the Pumpkin King. He turned his attention to Jack. "We are actually look for him. You would not happen to know where he is would you?" The tracks of the children ended here so the children knew thay were following them or they went under some sort of secret compartment ether way they had to find Oogie Boogie.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    Before he could say anything to Quill he ran off. "I hope he does not get lost and it is not hard to find him." He said to Kel and Kaida as Luna left shortly after. Then Aux said, 'It's better not to ask.' He was not so much asking then stating they should be careful. He tuned to Kel after Luna had left as he said, 'It may be too easy, but it's really all we got to go off.' "I know but these children following Oogie can not be a good thing. I guess we should go after them." he told Kel and Kaida. Be fore heading off after Quill and Luna he gave Kel his number as it might be helpful. "You never know when this would be helpful." He Aslo knew that something was going to happen sooner or later so it did not hurt to have at least one number. He he reached the gate and went into the town with kel he did not notice at first the blend taking hold.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    Aux went on about some rat the continued to go on. 'What kind of costumes are those!?' A voice of what were children raiding in a bathtub had said. 'We should tell the pumpkin king and have them punished ' He was not sure who the pumpkin king could be. He first thought was some sort of monster with a pumpkin head. The only other thing he could think of was Oogie Boogie as they were told he was on this world. Before he could say much on the matter the three children said they would take them to Oogie Boogie. That was fart and it also seemed far to easy at the same time. 'now might be a good time to do that contact exchange thing that DJ had mentioned when we got these. Given our track record, we could use the extra help in keeping in contact with one another.' He turned to kel to ask him something but, Karina reached into her pocket and shoved her gummie phone at Kel. 'Here figure out how to do it yourself. I am going to get this door open.' Well that was kind of aggressive but he said nothing on the matter. With Karina had walking through the door and nothing that could be done at the moment he turned his attention back to Kel. "Doesn't this seem all to easy finding Oogie Boogie? While this could be a trap of some sort and there is defiantly more at play with this pumpkin king thing. We still should not past up this opportunity. I guess we should be on guard." he said offhandedly. Not sure what this pumpkin king other then the fact that this children may in fact think Oogie Boogie was the king here which might be true but could also be dangerous.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 19, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    As he looked at the trees Kel said, 'Is that a...Christmas tree?' "Looks like it." Then it clicked in his mind. "It all makes sense. This is Halloween town." With Aux pointing out that each tree had a very old a rustic doorknob that was roughly the size of an egg. "This world must be like game central station with each tree acting like a portal to a different world that is holiday themed." He told Kel. 'Thanks AJ, even I know what a heart is.' He was not talking to Karina in particular. Then he thought on what she had said. Um..." He thought it best not to say anything elce. 'Yeah, there is something here, and I think I know what it is. I am going to kill that oversized rat.' He looked at the door some more and noticed that there was black along the outside of the door was not a shadow or an outline, but ink of some sort. That was not good. "The option to use our keyblade to unlock the doors is always a option if need be." he said offhandedly. He did not see a reason to do so tho. "So why is there no Halloween tree?" he asked no one in particular not really spotting one near by.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    He spent most of the day over looking the sky alone. While he was able to relax somewhat he knew that it would not and could not last forever. The days went on more or lest with nothing happening and for the most part he kept to himself as he thought about the last couple days and the trail.

    Soon they left on got onto a ship and landed. Everyone found themselves in a barren forest where the trees cast shadows that looked disturbed and haunting. They found themselves in a clearing surrounded by several trees, each with interesting symbols on them. A colorful egg, a turkey, a Christmas tree, a heart and various other ones. Faust then said, 'wonder what's up with this? you don't normally see someone carve a tree into another tree at least from what I've seen.' Followed by Karina saying, 'No clue why they would do this.' As he looked around the various tree they all had a symbol of some sort. "I do not know why be the they likely represent or mean something. People or whoever did this just don;t typically just carve something into the tree for the fun of it it has to be here for a reason or mean something perhaps it is a clue to some sort of puzzle?" He then pointed to one with the shape of a heart. "This one for example is rather common were i come form or use to be just not anymore, anyways this heart means love between two people usually but normally there is letters and not just a heart. It looks almost unfinished in this state." As he looked around at the rest of the trees they were all different. "Maybe there is a common thread between all the trees." After he had a good look at more of them he was sure he could figure it out.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 11, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    After he got the last AJ there was nothing left to do but head to the Shiro's training session. Soon DJ showed up saying to go to the Council Room. 'HADES. God of the dead. You guys ran into him on Olympus, but from what Alex told me, he severed ties with the group for ' It did not matter if what DJ had said was true or not the hellfire members were dangerous it it should not be taken lightly. "He seemed to be planning something when were were at Olympus more then the fighting something else. So him going MIA seems odd." he said off handy. Karina said something about having the rest of the night while that would be nice they had to keep fighting and to keep moving forward because who they were fighting would not just stop. With the meting over there was nothing to do but to leave the meeting and go somewhere until they had to leave. He sat on the edge of a over hang over looking the castle and he looked towards the sky enjoying the peace while he could.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch
    I am going to spend 30 crowns on resistance bringing it to 37

    Crowns remaining 440
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 29, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. GarrettFinch

    He turned his attention to Quill when he said 'How do other 'AJs' appear out of nowhere? And weren't you just doing your training?' "Well I came out of the pod in the spiritual training room and one moment there were was nothing in the room but the other pods and Yen Sid. In the next moment, the room was filled with seven other AJ's. Yes, I was doing my training but this is part two I guess?" The statement came out more of a question as he was not sure himself. "I do not really know. It is all very confusing to me." He looked at Quill for a moment. "The other AJ's completely destroyed the pod that I was in and part of the room." 'Yen Sid's training really does a number on you I guess.' "Yes it does. If you ever want to talk about it i am here." Kaida may want some time to process everything that had just happen to her. Thinking about the first part of his test he did not even get a chance to process what was happening before he had to got into the second part of his test if that was what all of this was. Echo and the whole mountain and getting into the clouds. Echo repeating everything he said then acting different. Then there was the fake out test where he was still in the pod but he was in the castle. Then he was back on the island in the dream state once more and he saw Aldwin and Connie. He wondered if that was his mind telling him something at the time or now that he tohoight about it it was all apart of the dram state. Then the pods and the AJ coming out. The destroyed pod it was all to much really but now was not the time to dwell on on there would be a time to process everything what happened in that dream state. That was when Beuce said, 'Well if it makes you feel any better you aren't insane. There's actually a bunch of AJs running around. Its his test, apparently. Not really sure we should interfere more than we already have...' "I suppose you are right if you helped me more then you already have then it would not be a test now would it. You helping me would make the test to easy." He sounded disappointed but at the same time it came out like he understood at the same time. "Thank you for all you have done already. We are here for each other." He told Beuce. He was not sure if he expected them to help him or not but what they had done so far had more than enough. "I don't know about the rest of you but this training has been interesting." It kind of made a interesting twist to the test the way it all played out. Before he left he turned his attention to Quill. "I guess it would be easier to show you what this is all about than to tell you." He walked up to Quill and took a hold of Studious' arm and leg followed by lazy's head. They both disappeared and all that was left in there place was two pieces of crystal, which fell to the ground as the AJ's disappeared. He picked them up and joined them with the rest. He guessed that showing was far better than telling them and what he should have done in the first place. "I will enplane everything in detail if any of you want after this is all this craziness with the other AJ is over." He turned to leave but before he could get very far a other AJ entered the room. Well this was odd but why would a AJ enter this room? That would just make this interesting he guessed.

    Tryhard who was quite bored of watching the test of Kel, Karina, Faust and Ven moved his body a bit. He was hoping to have and conversation with them when there test was over but it was not met to be. There was this whole water raft thing that was going on and it looked to be fun. Maybe he would get to try it at some point. He would get to try really hard at this raft test or maybe not. trying was doing and doing was trying. But seeing that there test was still going and it might be a while it was time to go check out more of the castle. He wondered where everyone was at. There was four at the rap water ride and the rest of this castle's people he had no idea but it was time he have some fun or at least find some people to talk to. He then left the area. He first went to the bell tower and noticed the setting. The tower was large and tall and he had to make his way up there to see the view. Once at the top of the tower he noticed how far he could see. The sky the clear and he could see for a good distance away. He did not see anyone at the bell tower. Maybe they had just left or they where out of eyesight but he did not see anyone that did not mean they did not see him. He climbed back down the tower the same way he had made his way up still not seeing anyone on the way up or down both times. He then walked the castle some more not really seeing anyone that was until he rounded the halway and entered into the hallway where Quill, kaida, and Beuce were at. "Hey hey hay what is happen' my cool folks? this must be where everyone is at." He reached into his pocket and placed some cool shades on top of his head. "What is the down low? What are you cool peps doing?" At first, AJ was shocked that this AJ did not see him but after some time past he came to the thought that this AJ was just choosing not to pay any attention to him. This AJ had a odd way of talking it way like he had no care in the world or he cared to much he could not be sure. "This must be where everyone hangs out in a cool hallway. YEah, lean-in and what not. That was when he walked over to the wall and leaned onto it.. He put his had through his hair. "I was not able to find anyone until I saw you. The other are doing some sort of boat rafting water thing it looks hard. Everyone just doing some task trying their hardest. I bet all of you did your best. Yeah. working hard at everything you do." AJ took a step forward this AJ was trying to hard to impress or do whatever he was trying to do. That and this AJ talked a lot more than he thought he would. What was this AJ trying to do? He guessed that he should not question it at this point. He looked over the Aj that was moving closer to him. "Well I got to be going this cool dude is cramping my style." He left the room before AJ could get to him.

    AJ looked at the others not sure what that was all about. That was one of the oddest experience he ever experienced. He felt like he was going to die. He would never do what this AJ just did or would never say what he would say it was like this AJ had a mind of his own. If he did not know better he would say it was almost like this AJ was not apart of him all all but he knew he was. He guessed that at this point he should not question what was happening and everything was just going to be odd no matter what was going on. He looked to Beuce and hoped that he would get to ask him the question that popped in his mind when this training started. Now was not the time to ask he had already stood in one place for far to long not going after the others. He gave them all smile and wave and left the room. Mentally facepalming as he did so. He could not believe what the other AJ just did actually he could as he just saw it but it was unbelievable all the same. He left the room and into the next where tryhard was and the emotional AJ were at. So the one from before had not gotten that far after all and he was talking to the other AJ he just kept talking and taking. "Do you ever stop talking?" The AJ said in an angry tone. "I thought that this one was bad just thinking all the time but you are somehow worse than that." "Hay hay hay now we are all cool here. We are all on the up and up." They both turned to look at him and when he got closer. As they went to leave they crashed into each other and fell on to each other.

    As they crashed into each other this was his one and only chance to get them. The tryhard AJ had fallen on top of the emotional AJ and it looked like it was a twist of body parts. This was the last two of this test thing. After this was over he was not sure what he wanted but he knew that things would be different and him and those that saw the other AJ's. He was unsure if he could ever explain any of this or if it would just a hard as the test but this SOS group was the family and friends he never had back home and he got that now. It was a family not everyone got along and there were fight but that was made it a family all the same. He took off in a full run after the two before they could get up and do anything. Reaching tryhard first as he had fallen on top of the swinging Emotional AJ. He pushed the Tryhard AJ off the one AJ momentarily forgetting that it would disappear. As the AJ lifted off the Emotional one he disappeared he took a hold of the other AJ before he could get up and run away or anything else and he vanished too. He picked up the two crystals that had fallen to the ground and joined them with the rest he was not sure what he was to do with his completed crystal but the answer would come in time he guessed he was done trying to think of answers that would not come for some time and now he real only had to think when there was a reason to. As the crystal was complete he felt different. He felt tired and rested at the same time it was a odd feeling but he was not going to dwell on it for to long. He felt all different things all at the same time it was like the AJ that left were a physical part of him and when they left him they had left him a shell. but this till felt different then before this test maybe they were locked away behind a door or maybe something else was at play here he could not be sure. Now that he was alone once more there was nothing to do but wait for the next hing to happen and hopefully it would not be till the next day. As he had to do something about how he was feeling it was really hard to explan because it felt so different and odd he never felt this way before and he wondered if this would stay with him or if this felling would go away only time would tell but more then anything he felt alive.

    All AJ's found.

    TLDR all AJ's were found and things happened.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    AJ walked some more around the castle. He did not find any other AJ's so far. He was just entering the bell tower area when on the opposite side he was just able to catch a glimpse of another AJ waving to Aux and Luna before they headed out. Picking up his the speed of his walk to faster speed he quickly went towards the AJ that just left heading after them

    Andrew yelps and runs away

    AJ was on a full run at this point as he went after the other AJ.

    He runs faster.

    "I'm not going back!"

    studeous The wind was knocked out of him from Beuce's attack. He saw the other AJ that was with Quill but failed to get away as Beuce had knocked the wind out of him and his attempts came out weak.

    AJ was getting tried of this whole going after all other AJ's at this point. This trail was not what he expected. He guessed that was why it was one. He did not really know how to respond to what the AJ had said. Every Aj he was going after so far all them seemed pretty different this one was happy and care free one second and the next seemed almost upset. He was not really giving the other Aj much of a choice. "I am not going to stop I am not going to give up on us. I will never stop fighting." He said this as he closed the gap between them but was still a good couple feet away. As he continued to chase the other AJ ready to continue going after the AJ until he got him. He picked up more speed and continued after the other AJ.

    Emotional rounded the corner and onto a hall way where Quill and Beuce and two other AJ were at and momentarily stooped in his tracks.

    AJ rounded the corner and spotted Other AJ's Quill and Beuce. The one AJ he had been chasing was between him and Beuce and Quill. "Hay Beuce and quill." He voice was of shock that Beuce and quill were there and had other AJ at that. Um I guess I should enplane this." He gestured to the other AJ's. "The short version is they appeared out of nowhere and i am supost to tag them to get past this trail?" He shrugged. "I don't know how it works to be honest. I appreciate your help all the same." He said.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    As he walked he tried to think of where the other of him would be. Quill and Kaida where still training as far as he knew, That left Aux, Luna and Beuce where the other potential other AJ could be. But truth be told they could be anywhere. As he had found the other ones of him he thought it might be easier but as he found them there was less of himself to find so in the end it would only continue to get harder. It would have to find one of the others, check everywhere or get lucky and find another AJ. He shrugged and just continued walked around the castle. As he would have to check the cassle once over of just find one in a place he had not checked yet.

    Lazy who was more of a dead weight more then anything else did not move did nothing. The movement that were there were slow and seemed to take all the effort and energy in the world.
    The word cam out slow to Quill and almost like he was out of breath and the act of just speaking took more energy then he had. After he spoke to quill he closed his eyes and just remained like a dead wight to quill once more.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 17, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    As he chased himself through this course he realized that the one he was chasing was rather Contestant. Swinging across the pit and walking with such balance across the one rope that went over the pits. Where he had to take his time because he almost fell a few times. The other one of him had no problems at all. Contestant reached the monkey bars and made it to the third ring before falling to the ground below. As he reached the monkey bars he jumped down hoping to land on top of the other one of him. At the last moment Contestant rolled out of the way stared to stand up to run off again. he reached out his hand and took a hold of his ankle and Contestant disappeared. He stood up after grabbing the crystal that Contestant dropped he wonder what he should go next and stared walking the castle once again.

    (3/7 found) {dedicated, Farsighted, Contestant}
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    He took the rope in hand and swung across. Up ahead he could see that Contestant was crossing a rope bridge over another hole. This bride was different then ones that he had seen before as this one was just one rope over the fall. He could see that after that was some monkey bars. He was now on the other side of death trap and Contestant was just reaching the beginning of the monkey bars.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 3, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    He ran after Contestant into a room where there were ropes, monkey bars and a lot of other things. It looked like it was used recently. Contestant rand onto the course swinging across a pit using a room. He had no chocise but to follow himself so headed onto the course.

    Studeous looked up at Beuce then back down and wrote down on his notes 'when threatened or scared summon a keyblade.' He looked back to Beuce with a blank stare and waited for Beuce to do something else. He might have been acting odd but information is key after all. He would continue to study these people and wright down everything he saw.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 2, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    After telling Ven about what was going on somewhat it was time to go looking for the rest of the others. He figured that the rest might be somewhere near so of the other sos members. Seeing as Kel, Ven, Faust and Karina were here then that would me he should look for someone else. So he left the area starting to look for someone.

    Tryhard stood overlooking the raft test.

    lazy who had been there for some time looked to be sleeping next to a wall right next to Quill.

    studeous Who had been still writing note standing by Beuce looked up with a shocked look on his face and took a step back into the shadows somewhat but was still standing there writing everything that was going on.

    Contestant was walking down a hall trying to not be spotted he rounded a corner spotting AJ rounding the corner in front of him and took off back the way he came.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 30, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    He was getting quite tired of chasing himself. Something had to change but he was not sure what. Farsighted was looking back at him not paying attention. At this point he cast blizzard onto the ground of past Ven and himself. Farsighted then tripped and feel slipping onto the ice. He tripped because of the scarf that was around him failing down too. Farsighted slid to the other wall hitting it with a thud. He reached Farsighted and touched him on the shoulder. There was a light and Farsighted disappeared and the crystal fell to the ground. He piked it up and the crystal fused with the other one. He looked back at Ven who had a confused look on his face. He was not sure what to say. "Um I do know what is going on or how to explain it." He still could vary well be still in the pod and this was part of the dream. "I woke up and saw several of myself running around. I have to find the rest of myself I guess?" For now this was all he had to go on so it was all he could tell Ven.

    (2/7 found) {dedicated, Farsighted}
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 12, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    He followed Farsighted into some sort of storage area with junk pilled everywhere. Ruining and ruining until this point he probably could not out smart this other him he was not really trying to. Getting this one of himself would require luck more then anything. He crashed into many different thing on his way through this storage area. Crashing could be heard in the next area over as different things were knocked over. He could see the exit of the storage area and ran out into the next area. some kind of training area running into the area he could see Ven standing there waiting for someone as Farsighted was getting past Ven. He was not sure how he was going to explain there being two of him but that did not matter now as he was now in the open area of where Ven was.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 5, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    AJ ran out of the pod area and turned a few corners. He found himself in abandoned part of the castle. Standing there was another one of himself. With another one of him self this one taking off right away in the opposite direction. tossing anything they could in his way. The one was smart crafty this one seemed farsighted. He was not sure how he would go about getting this one but he tried not to think of it to much a he chased after Farsighted. Continuing thought the castle ruining and running. The other AJ always one step a head of him. Knowing what he would do or what path he would take.

    Studious looked up when Ventus said something but it was not really acknowledging him. He was far to busy writing down notes so looked back down writing down every detail of there training after all knowledge was power.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    The pod opened up and he got out. Something felt different he did not feel himself like something was missing. As he got out of the pod and stood up the pod hatch he was in closed and began to glow different colors. This was when he noticed he was holding something in his hand. Then the pod he was in opened up and smoke began to come out and standing there was himself. The pod closed again and open 5 more times. Each time more and more of him was standing there was was going on this had to still be the dream world right? The pod closed once more and this time when it opened the hatch door of the pod flew off nearly hitting him in the head. Hitting the wall behind him and exploding into peaces. He stood there looking at Yen Sid for a moment wondering what was going on. The room began to shake and the AJ started running out of the room over the rocks and peaces of the hatch lid. Two went to the left, to to the right and 2 to the south exit. He opened his hand and notice he was holding a broken crystal. He went over to chase one of them to see what was going on tipping and landing on himself. (dedicated) He put his hand out and touched his shoulder then there was a light. and he disappeared leaving behind a fragment of a crystal. He picked it up and it fused with the one he already had. He looked around the semi destroy room from the pod exploding lid. While he would normally stay around he had work to do. He wanted to ask Beuce something too but there was time for that another time. "I will be back to clean this up after i get myself?" It came out as a question only because he was not sure what was going on. He headed off to find the others.
    (1/7 found) {dedicated}

    Tryhand heading towards the training area were (Karina, kel and fust were) studious went towards the roof and the rest went to other locations.

    Studious made his way to the roof. Beuce, Ven, Aux and luna would find AJ standing there with a notpad and a penal writing thing down glancing up for a second only to look down again and continue to wright on the note pad.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena