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  1. GarrettFinch

    He watched as Hook fell backwards as Pan dealt in a final swoop. The pirate flailed his arms on the edge of the moat as he nearly fell into the gaping maw of the crocodile. The crocodile left it's mighty jaw open like a bear trap, just waiting for Hook to finally tip over. For a brief second, it almost looked like the captain was going to save himself. But at the very last second, bur then something happened and hook fell over. Deciding not to say anything on the manner for the time being but keeping a note on it. Hook struggled as it ran around the moat like an animated cartoon character, the crocodile snapping away at his cloak. Pan and the lost boys laughed. Pan donned the disgraced Captain's hat as he tossed the dismembered hook hand to the party. 'A souvenir for your troubles,' he coyly remarked. That was when Ananta said, 'Uh, I don't....really need this...uh....anyone else want it?' she asked, glancing at her party members. 'If we can't figure anything else, I guess I'll just attach it to my belt...?' "It seems Kind of dangerous to me", he said offhandedly. They should just toss the thing into the ocean and forget it but on the other hand if it was with them they would more or less know if the hook was in bad hands. "That said it is better in someones hands we know then out there where the organization can use it." The cheering subsided, everyone gathered around the chest to see what was inside. 'After you, men!' Peter announced, having Slightly and Cubby open the chest.

    Their faces lit up briefly only for it to be quickly faded. The chest was filled to the brim with jewels and treasures. He wondered if it was worth anything but now did not seem like the time to ask. Now that Hook's ship is now without a Captain! they need to find a way out of here. 'Whadya say we take her for a ride and get you lot home?' "We are not heading home but to a mountain." He wanted to keep it as vague as possible as he did not want to give much away. Getting to Olympus was going to be interesting. Pan wanted to check out on something. Soon The party was led back to Hook's Ship where it was subsequently abandoned.

    The group had taken Hook's ship, Tinkerbell having used her pixie dust to make the vessel fly out of the water and into the lanes between. He never saw a flying ship before that said after all that has happened nothing really surprised him anymore. There was not really anything noteworthy as the ship contained to fly in the sky. Hopefully they would not get attacked as the ship they were on looked like a prate ship. Ananta then asked where they were going to captain Zidane.
    "Wherever you would like. I do not know anything about a mountain but maybe something will show up", he told AJ. Soon a large purple portal opened up in front of them, big enough to fit the ship in. The entire ship kind of worped time and space and somehow they were falling from space.

    The Flying ship made it through to the other side of whatever just happened to what appeared to be an entirely different world. He looked around and there seemed to be clouds everywhere. "Well look it seems like we are somewhere else." Where they were at he could not say. As he continued to look around he spotted Balthier's ship and other small vessel. Well this was good or bad. They had a target on there back from being on a pirate ship.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    Cannon balls began to fall down and it looked like things were not going well he knew he needed to be fast again.

    AJ used copy to copy Kaida's speed
    AJ used Curaga on Stratos
    AJ used Curaga on Faust
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    With no one answering him he figured that it was tine to move on. He knew that sooner or later the hook would show up. Taking this moment to find an place to surprise hook of he showed up. There was not many places to look in the first place. A large gate closed behind them, as Captain Hook emerged from the shadows. 'Thankfully the lot of you managed to clear any of the booby traps that lay dormant in this stronghold. That treasure will belong to me, Pan!' He was not surprised in the slightest the hook showed up. Hook then he came for his hand. 'No one walks into the crocodile's lair without losing something.. But I really should drop the ruse now...' He took a necklace around his neck and cracked it with his hook.


    So he turned out that hook was somewhat telling the truth but not really. Well it looked like hook wanted them dead which not all that surprising. With the battle about the start he readied himself. What ended up happening was a bit of a shock. Hook had manged to some damage and if they were not careful things would end up bad fast. The first thing to do was to protect himself so he did. He noticed how fast Kaida was moving maybe he could do something with that.

    AJ used Aeroga on himself
    AJ used copy to copy Kaida's speed
    AJ used Curaga on Stratos
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    He continued to run man the cave really wanted to kill him. As he ran he could see that the path opened up to a bigger area up a head. As he ran into the open area the path he came from got blocked off from some rocks blocking the water from rushing forward. "Well there is not going back that way. The first thing he noticed other then the fact the path he came from was that Stratos, Cubby and Slightly were already there. Soon after the others showed up and pan said, 'Well a deal's a deal, lost boys and girls! Their team gets first dibs at the treasure.' They almost died and Pan did not seem to notice. "So did anyone else have a path that ended up being deadly because ours hand falling rocks and water coming from the walls." He then gestured to the path that he had come from and the only thing that could be seen was a blocked path. Blocked by rocks.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    Rocks began to fall from the everywhere. Water began to come out the walls. "Lets go." At this moment he gabbed Pan and be started to run. He would be lucky if they did not wind up dead from all of this. The tunnel started to open up and they narrowly messed being crushed from a rock. Squeezing by the narrow path that was left he continued on. The rushed forward in the cave behind them and he wondered this this cave was trying to kill them. Pan would more then likely be fine. What is going on in this place wondered to himself. Rocks and water continued to come from the walls and everywhere else are they continued to run. This was not fun. He did not really have time to say anything to Pan as he was busy trying to avoid everything coming at him.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    As he continued to walk on the odd bend path in the cave he noticed that it was getting wetter. It would not be long now. He noticed that the path was starting to straighten out some which was good. The ground of the cave was noticeably wetter along with the walls. He wondered if there was some kind of river or lake or some body of water that ran through the cave. At this point he had gotten use to how dark it was in the cave and continued foreword. "So what...?" he did not get to finish his question because at that moment there was a BOOM and the tunnel he was in began to shake. Then it happened....

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    As he looked at the bend in the path that they had reached he noticed that this bend was sharper then the rest of the turns and the walls were closer together. Nothing where he could not just continue to walk without toughing the walls. "So you have no idea how they got the weapons?" "No They all have them when I met them." He did not want to tell to much to Pan. Keeping outside forces a secret was for the best. What would someone do if the found out about other worlds? Perhaps that was what happened to the hellfire club. He knew that he had to be getting closer to something because it seemed like he had been walking for some time. It could not be long now he thought to himself.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    He was not particularly sure how to answer the question. "I am not sure. They always had them so I am not really sure." At this point they reached the bend in the cave and this one was sharper then the rest. As he wondered what was on the other side of the bend and continued forward.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch
    "I just like giving him a hard time it is so much fun." He continued to walk and still wondered if what Pan had said about the cave was true. "So this fight with Hook is just to mess with him." He wondered how much longer the world be. They were walking straight for some time now. He could see a bend coming. "So where did your group get the weapons the used in the fight on the corfish's ship?"

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    After some time walking with out saying much he wondered how big the cave was. Pan then asked
    "So what do you think the treasure is?" "I don't know. For all we know there might not be any treasure."
    "Nah has to be important to the codfish." "So how long have to been giving hook a hard time?"

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    What about him?
    "What about me. I know I am not the best." "I think you give yourself little credit." He shrugged at this as he wasn't so sure as he continued to walk forward.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    It was hard to say who was the best fighter.
    "Of the ones you know it is probably kaida or Stratos. I have not known Faust as long as the others so it is hard to say for him. As for Ananta she is more of a support person." Then he started back up walking again. "What about you," Pan had asked.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    "It is what?" Pan asked. "You seem to be thinking about something." "Fighting has always been about defending myself but now it is more then that. It is about protecting the people around me too. Not that has help all that much." "Nah it about having fun all the time." Pan was so into not really caring about anything but just being in the moment. It must be nice he thought to himself. "So Zidane is into sword fighting?" "You could say that." He looked around it was somewhat peaceful in the cave. The water dripped ever so often and he figured that he should start moving again. "So Zidane is our best fighter who is yours?"

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    Not know what to say at first he just continued to walk. He then stopped a few few from where he was. "It is a bit complex. I am more or less self self taught. Sure I took some lessons but it was not to last. Someone back how taught some some thing but it was always about out thinking the person who wanted to fight then to fight. Why fight if you don't have to." Aldwin was the one who helped him he always made it seem like it was the last resort too. "I was not taught to fight using a weapon it just kinda of happened." Maybe that if he was better prepared about fighting Aldwin would be alive he thought to himself. Would he be here tho? He was lost in thought for a moment. "It is..." his voice trailed off.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    He was not sure what he wanted to do after this. "Part of me wants to go back home but the other park knows that i might not see some of these people again. I guess I will go wherever the path takes me." It was hard to say what would and would not happen. "I am sure you are going to continue to go after hook." "Yea making the codfish's life hard is so much fun so where did you learn how to fight," Pan asked.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. GarrettFinch

    Friends was a really odd way of putting them. Some of them he did not know that long. Of the ones on this world Faust was the newest member. "Kaida is free spirited, and Faust likes puns. Stratos keeps to himself for the most part." He did not know what else to say. At that moment he wondered how the others were doing and if they found anything. For the most part the path he took was not doing anything but bending every once and awhile not branching path yet. He just watch Pan float along the path. "So what you want to do once we find the treasure?" Pan asked.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    He was not sure how to answer Pan. He could not tell him everything. There was a world order or something to keep. "We were on a raft a large wave took us above hooks boat and we crashed on it." What he told Pan was the truth but it just was not the whole story. He did not kneed to say much else. This world was different then the others so far but none of the worlds were the same. "It seems like you have known Zidane, Slightly, Cubby awhile." "yes, Zidane is into swords. What is your friends like?" Pan had asked.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    He was already off the boat and into the cave. There did not seem to be anything of note just that the cave continued on forever. He just continued to walk and Pan just hovered around and toughing the ground. "Nah everything is a game have fun and not worry," Pan had said in a carefree way. "You should not worry so much." Pan had no idea what was out there. It was not so much worry then it was concern. "So you really have no idea what this treasure is?" He asked Pan. "If the cODFISH wants it or sent you this way then it has be be valuable in some way." Pan did not seem to care what the treasure was just that it was there. He just continued to walk though this cave and wondered how big of a cave this was. "So how did you get here?" Pan asked.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    Faust did not seem to care how the group of them were split into groups. Then Ananta said, 'Honestly, I kinda just wanna get that treasure and go about our business. Besides, I kinda don't trust any of you...other than maybe Stratos, to stick with Kaida. She an take care of herself, but she's still smaller than the rest of us.' After what the group has been through she could not trust them. Kaida could take care of herself and the smaller thing was a bit off. While Ananta or Stratos was probably the oldest looking child in the group that did not mean anything. He himself was maybe a year off from Kaida and Faust was kinda of hard to judge. There was not really time to say much and they did not come up with a time that they should take before they went to regroup. Peter Pan nodded in approval before Tinkerbell could be seen miming her own disapproval of the situation. Pan then said, 'Ananta and Kaida will take the first tunnel! Zidane and Faust will take the second! AJ and I will take the third! And Slightly, Cubby and Stratos will take the fourth!' He was somewhat surprised that he was put with Pan but he did not really care. Pan continued with, 'Right! Hop to it lost boys! and uh... girls? Remember that Skull Rock is a place of misdirection! It'll try and show you things that may or not be real...' Well that would have been nice to know before they landed on shore. He was unsure if Pan was joking or not. Pan then said, 'So what's the deal with you. You look like a kid and sound like a kid... But you treat everything as if you were a grown up. Where's the fun in that?' "See that is where you are wrong," he said jokingly. "I treat everything how it should be. I have a lot of experience with life," he said offhandedly. "The key to everything is when to know when to poke fun at things and when to take things seriously. I get the feeling that hook is someone that at the time was not to be messed with. I really do not know what we are doing here to begin with and the pace where we are to meet it can not be.." His voice trailed off as he thought about Olympus.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 26, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    When Faust said, 'look the mooks probably gonna and try an pull a fast one on us that much is a given, ya hear? we just need to send the dodo and his crew of rent a mooks packing when we find it, pretty simple and clean plan right there.' He did not think it would be that simple. Nothing was really ever that simple when it came to anything. Tinkerbell then turned to Ananta, and despite, her flattery, blew a silent raspberry at her before running behind peter. She pouted with her arms folded in displeasure. He did not know what to think of that or say. Pan then said, 'What he means is he wants a challenge men! I don't know whats in that chest, but if Hook wants it, then it's gotta be worth somethin! And Peter Pan will never lose to a codfish!' "I gues so." He said off offhandedly. This whole thing still felt off to him maybe it was the new body. He could not really say.

    Pan continued saying, 'Hmmm, way I see it is we can split up to look for the treasure. The pathway to Skull rock goes in four directions. First lost boy...' He did not really like the idea of splitting up but if there seemed to be not much of a choice. Then Kaida who been not saying much up to this point said, 'How's about Ananta and I head together. Ya know, so Tinkerbell doesn't have to act so jealous all the time.' He did not particularly care who went with who. The only thing he could think of was to split off so that each group had mystic in each group. This way if something went wrong then they would have someone that could heal them. He shrugged, "I guess that we should try and all meet back here after words. All need is a time to meet back here by" As he said this the concept of time itself was just odd as he still could not grasp it. Time never really made much sense. It was still has hard to say how much time really past sense he left his home would.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 18, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena