Even though I'm a straight guy, you know what you're talking about. EDIT: I'm gonna make a Roxas AMV now. My first AMV. =D
The DW Roxas moveset works for Axel (Glitchy looking, but works) but I only try the moveset and weapon mod at the same time (I figure it might have a better chance of working if the moveset and weapon are the same.) Axel has two Oathkeepers. I tried Zexion's weapon with Sora, it works, as long as you don't use the Final Limit, normal limit's okay. EDIT: When using Mickey with Riku's weapon/moveset, mickey grows to Riku's height while attacking. It's hilarious to watch. Here's a list of what I found can work on the DSi AR (So far, I'm still checking): Weapon: Xemnas - Works with Larxene, Axel Moveset: Xemnas - Works with Larxene, Axel Weapon: Riku - Works with Xion, The King Moveset: Riku - Works with The King (Haven't checked Xion yet) Weapon: DW Roxas - Works with Axel, Xaldin Moveset: DW Roxas - Works with Axel (Haven't checked Xaldin yet) Weapon: Zexion - Works with Marluxia, Demyx, Sora Moveset: Zexion - Works with Marluxia, Demyx, Sora Weapon: Marluxia - Works with Axel, Vexen, Lexaeus, Goofy Weapon: Demyx - Works with Roxas, Axel, Lexaeus, Riku Weapon: Sora - Works with Axel, Roxas* Weapon: Axel - Works with Vexen, Lexaeus, Goofy Weapon: Xigbar - Works with Axel *- In story mode, the missions use Sora's weapon, but a different keyblade shows up on the start menu. When I finish more I'll add them. They might crash the DSi if you use a Final Limit that uses charging.
A few did, haven't checked them all yet.
Yeah it seemed like when I used the codes, the movesets worked with it. Some weapons won't work with some characters (Zexion's book and Luxord for example), but others do. (Zexion's book and Marluxia - It's messed up looking, but fun to watch)
Oh, well I'm just testing stuff out, seeing what my DSi can work with.
I have a guitar =) and I got back on here to find some cheats for 358/2 Days
I used Larxene with Xemnas's weapon and it worked on my DSi
Good. Been a loooong time huh?
Hey man, it's been a long time since I've said hi. Sooooooo... HI! :)
Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on here. How's everybody doing?
any Ar Max codes that can make Riku fight with you like in Monstro? Or any Ar Max codes that can let u attack ur own team members? Plzkthnks
I agree that halo wars was just stupid but the other three are good in my opinion, because i can use halo 3 to make Machinima! <=D
I put ODST on because when it comes out people can vote. But if somebody doesn't like any of the current Halo games, they can vote for ODST.
Wow, you posted before I even put the poll up.
??? well, what is it?
I probably won't suffocate unless both my nose and mouth are sealed so i have no way to breathe. I doubt you can tell if both my nose and mouth are sealed while you're sitting on me.
Swine r fine, lloololooloololloolol.
I am Master Chief lolololololololololloololllolo i cannot answer that, because I am stupid. I did. Check my other repsonses.
To quote your Username, What?
Depends, are you Rosie O'Donnell? Infinity is when Chuck Norris gets Rick Rolled.