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  1. Roxas_Ultima
    Yeah, but Vegas says it'll take an hour to render. I'll try to upload it tonight, but I have school.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Roxas_Ultima
    Sony Vegas is messing up on me and won't let me do splitscreen. But I'm rendering the full video of Terra and Ventus now. I can try to shove Aqua in tomorrow. (I'll try to fix the overlap problem before putting Aqua in.)
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas_Ultima
    Thanks, I'll try to finish this and add Aqua's timeline (If Sony Vegas will let me squish 3 videos on one screen)
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas_Ultima
    I think it's pretty good, but I want to know it it's worth it.
    It's Terra's and Ven's Final Boss Battles played in a timeline format.
    Thread by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 20, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas_Ultima
  6. Roxas_Ultima
    Yes please.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Roxas_Ultima
    What's up people? Haven't been on here since '09.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Roxas_Ultima
    Name any catchphrase you use or want to use. I'll add them to the list below.

    Holy Hell
    **** you
    damn it to ****
    Only true pimps have rape whistles.
    wanna ****?
    Sora, Donald, Goofy
    Omg, dude...
    Jesus Christ on a bike.
    "No. NO. BULLSHIT."
    "Yeah, uh huh. Okay."
    "Oh I'm [noun] 'OH I'M [other noun]' Oh well ****" and variations.
    "And I'm like, **** SON, I BEAST ON THAT"
    "Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman."
    "I'M BATMAN."
    *when assassinating someone* "Shhhh, shhh shh sh shhhh. I'm Batman"
    "For the love of <insert choice item here>"
    "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yea"
    You fight like a dairy farmer.
    "Looks like this catchphrase... *puts on sunglasses* Just got caught."
    "We're boned."
    "I feel like a cheese baguette"
    "What is this I don't even"
    "I'm to carefree to care"
    "Your FIRED and now your rehired"
    "From this point on all opinions are rejected"
    "What the schnider"
    "Holy poptarts in a pencil sharpener!"
    "thats janky"
    "I will cut you"
    "...alright then..."
    "I think you can eat them"
    "If you fail... make alts"
    "So's your face!"
    Oh my gosh
    Lahk-a-sum-bow-dee. <-------- Ownage Pranks is epic.
    What the hell?
    Thread by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 18, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Roxas_Ultima
    Cool, thanks! Imma go and test it and make some vids later.

    EDIT: Can you get me a code to relocate Guard Armor. Anywhere is fine, I can change the room digits, I just need the rest of the code.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Roxas_Ultima
    Thanks, but my AR MAX busted on me. :(
    EDIT: It works now, but I gotta take REALLY good care of it now. :DDDDDDDD

    EDIT 2: I just made a code to fight Sephiroth in the Final Keyhole and I'm about to test it.

    Sephiroth in Final Keyhole
    E005FDFF 004DD49C
    102B6568 0000000F
    102B6570 0000000F
    102B6574 00000006
    202b71a0 37306568
    202b71a4 6472612e

    EDIT 3: Works, kinda. Can you fix that Dark Riku code? Trying out lots of stuff.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Roxas_Ultima
    Here's a video of me testing too many codes at once. :D
    EDIT: I tried all three boss relocations at Destiny Islands and they crash the game.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Roxas_Ultima
    Thanks! So for Dark Riku, do I go to the original battle and hold R2?
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Roxas_Ultima
    Works. Thanks!
    EDIT: Can you get some other boss relocations? Like, Ice Titan or Dark Riku in Destiny Islands?
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Roxas_Ultima
    Got the Ansem battle to work, that was amazing! Testing the Sephiroth code now.
    EDIT: How do I activate the Sephiroth code? I tried holding R2 entering First District, but it froze
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Roxas_Ultima
    Can you try to get a Sephiroth relocation? Either in Destiny Islands or TT First District. And I'm able to convert the codes I'm given to ARMAX now, so I can use the codes :D
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Roxas_Ultima
    The fighting Ansem where you do in Re:COM doesn't work, and the one where you die against the phantom, I loaded a save in the Coliseum, and The area was completely black except for Phil (Who I couldn't talk to), The door, and the arena sign saying keep out. Twas cool.
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Roxas_Ultima
    Can someone convert the Riku code to ARMAX?
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Roxas_Ultima
    Anybody got ARMAX codes for boss warps or party member replacement?
    Post by: Roxas_Ultima, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Roxas_Ultima
  20. Roxas_Ultima
    I made it just last night and I think it turned out good. (Movie Maker screwed up the scenes) Anyways, here it is:
    Thread by: Roxas_Ultima, Aug 4, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio