And you're not the only one. IMO, Square has really been dropping the ball for the PS3 generation. Their team has been lined up to create the same 2 games for the last six years. I'm sorry, but there's a fine line between 'filling in the story' and over saturation of spin-offs. I get it, we're just the audience, and i realize I am not writing the checks or on the work force for the new game, but as that audience, we have really been taken advantage of over the past few years, the least we can get is at least SOME sign that there is any progress at all being made. Look at us, a lot of us started playing when we were 8-12 years old, (at least I did), and now we're getting into our twenties and we are still waiting for the third main title. Honestly, Square is going down a road, especially with their FF and KH titles that is going to completely kill off their fanbase if they don't start turning out legitimate titles. Which would suck, considering no fan base=no games. Not saying that some of the spin offs have been really bad or anything, but come on; enough is enough. A lot of KH fans bought a PS3 solely for games that Square has had in development, and now they've missed a whole console generation for these titles, and pissed off more than enough fans as a direct result of it. Yes the Video Game market is rough now. It's time for Square to step up to the plate and remind us why we've sworn by them for years, and also remind us what they can do when they try. [/Rant]
Okay, hate me, but im going to bump this. Now that we KNOW the PS4 is going to be released late this year/early next year, with Microsoft sure to follow, it's pretty much a given we're talking next gen. Personally, I got fed up with waiting and bought a 360 last year, mainly because that was what my friends had, and i wanted to be able to play online with them. A year ago, I would have told you the next KH would be on the Sony platform, but honestly, after owning the 360 and seeing all the consoles the KH series has spread to...what exactly is wrong with putting it out on the next Xbox as well? Doesn't it make the most sense from a business perspective for Square?
Dropping another herrow...
Not going to lie, I am loving this so far. The story is deep, as well as believable. Keep up the awesome work, I am definitely going to be staying in tune with the rest of the story!
Tru dat. All the old members....we had good times. The OM was the stuff!
I wouldn't say I'm gone... Wow this thread is pretty much dead. (Baha that rhymed)
Hope no one minds if I just settle in here and make myself comfy for a little bit and say something.... HI! :D
ello, fam. whats up?
anybody still here?
doing great! played a gig on new years eve, so im doin pretty good right about now
ya, funny how that happens... howre you? have a nice christmas and new years?
wassup? *fills*
hey guys wazzup? sorry i havent been around much these last few days... between basketball and homework im havin trouble keepin up with my stuff....any free time i have im playing guitar, tryin to get as much of my 3 hours or so in as possible....
doin alright
lol, true...there is only one chuck norris....
well if it isnt the great and powerful higherbeing...
lolz *fillers*
i think the funniest thing is that fate just pops in every 15 mins. leaves a comment, then leaves lol
hmmm....i wonder why
ya, same here