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  1. kevz2kool
    Quick question, is the lip-synching going to be altered to match the english dialogue? mehopes so....
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. kevz2kool
    By like AC I mean graphically and length-ish.

    Was it the story that killed it for you?
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. kevz2kool
    I searched and did not find an existing thread about this, but if there is one then someone please redirect me.

    But, the question stands, if Tetsuya was to come up with a movie similar to the style of Final Fantasy: Advent Children, but set in the KH universe, would you be interested? I realize this more or less boils down to the whole video games into movies debate, but with all of us being fans of the KH series, it does strike a more personal note.

    So, Yay or Nay?
    Thread by: kevz2kool, Mar 19, 2013, 29 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. kevz2kool
    I think KH2 had the best designs as well. the keyblades kept with the spirit of the keys from KH1, but improved on their strong points. The colors of the keys in KH2 worked a lot better, in my opinion, and most importantly (to me) the scale of the keyblade in KH2, because Sora is older and bigger, makes the keyblade look a lot more natural and fitting for the characters. In KH1, the keyblades looked huge on sora, which I'm sure was intended, and not even the massive keys like Metal Chocobo or anything like that, even the basic Kingdom Key and Oblivion looked too big for Sora, whereas in KH2, Sora has 'grown into' the keyblade and even large keys like Fenrir and Ultima look natural and usable by Sora. Part of this is the newer battle stance as well, but to me, the scale is huge into how they look in these games.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. kevz2kool
    I was 8. I saw the commercials on Disney channel, ended up asking for it for christmas, and I got hooked instantly.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. kevz2kool
    You're a legend for actually putting this entire video together. Props.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Video Showcase
  7. kevz2kool
    I agree, during the events of BBS itself, it doesn't really seem like Aqua moved the plot that much.

    But this is Nomura we're talking about. Its pretty much a given she probably knocked a leaf off of a tree at some point in the game that will have major effects on the plot eventually. AND it'll blow our minds yet again.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. kevz2kool
    In my opinion, KH1 and KH2 gave me more freedom during the battle sequences. At any given point i could use any magic, any summon, any drive, and any major attack without going into my menu and switching up my deck. I will admit, it has its strong points, but if every enemy has different weaknesses, shouldn't I be able to counter that without having to rearrange my deck? Yes, it stops the player from throwing a ridiculous number of abilities so you become extremely overpowered (KH2) by only letting you equip a select number of attacks/magic, but especially on a console title, to me that would feel constricting. I think the system put in place in BBS and DDD worked very well for the systems and hardware limitations that came with the territory of those games, and those combat systems were both very fun on the handheld devices. But I just cannot see using for example the BBS system on a console title, especially with the extra capabilities of next-gen hardware that is sure to be included. Menos, I agree that the personalization and customization of a player's strengths is one of the perks to these systems, and I would love to see that put into future titles. I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to have that personalization we see in BBS and COM, for example, but I also want to be able to have the same freedom to not have to select which seven spells or special attacks I can use. I don't want the strengths I pick to be the 'be all end all' of what I can do in combat besides the button mashing. I think that makes sense?

    And I'm sorry, this thread has been completely jacked.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. kevz2kool
    My apologies, I meant KH3. I didn't care for the BBS system because i thought the KH1 and KH2 battle system gave me more freedom during the games, my opinion.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. kevz2kool
    I don't see them adding much new to KH2, simply because this is more of a polishing and refurbishing of the series, not an extension. KH1 was updated to take some of the best improvements of KH2 and impliment them into the gameplay to improve it. To me, it doesn't really make sense for Square to change much. I see this more as trying to bring all the main story titles onto one platform, and bring a sense of continuity and fluidity to the series, which to me, adding more stuff they haven't done before on previous games does not fit in with that mentality. I could very well be wrong, but thats my opinion. And honestly, it's not like KH2 wasn't brilliant enough to start with.

    If they impliment anything from the BBS battle system into KH2, so help me I will dropkick a small child off a bridge.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. kevz2kool
    He's like a white Morgan Freeman...but different
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. kevz2kool
    You make it sound like he isn't interesting or still the protagonist. Yes, we find out that he was the essentially the backup, but as a result of that he's changed into the character we see now. He is still the primary protagonist and the 'hero' in this story, right?
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. kevz2kool
    Valid Points.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. kevz2kool
    I think he brings up some good points. However, I do have some concerns. He mentioned how the story needs to be simpler and easier to understand. Okay, I get that, but IMO, one of the great things about Nomura's stories is that you can look as shallow or deep into it as you want, and the depth of the story is insane. Every time i go back and play the games over again, I pick up something new. And how many times has Nomura absolutely blown our minds with adding touches to the story that completely changes the way we look at the games? Another point that he brought up that is FOR SURE going to stir up controversy is the Multiplayer. Personally, I see KH as a single player story franchise. Maybe I'm just closed minded, but it is what it is. I just don't see how it can be successfully implemented into the game, and honestly, I don't want the KH team focused on anything but the amazing experience I've come to expect from the franchise over the years. I agree with what he said about developers focusing too much on graphics, as well as putting out games with similar release dates, and allowing the extra content in the games to be distributed worldwide, making the experience more consistent.

    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. kevz2kool
    Even Kairi I can see. It's a stretch, but at least we can connect the dots. When Lea got one it was a total WTF moment. I'm sure that will all come into play later and we'll understand more, but right now....
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. kevz2kool
    Yes, i suppose you're right, But you know what I mean, right? It doesn't really capture that sense of awe and importance you felt in the first couple of games.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. kevz2kool
    I'd still play it, but i have to say, I would be hugely dissapointed. KH has always been a fast-paced battle experience, and personally, i liked the KH2 style best. The BBS system was okay, but i felt it restricted me when everytime I wanted to use a different spell I had to go back through and change my deck. KH and KH2 gave me the freedom to do and magic, summons, and special attacks whenever I wanted to, and KH2 threw in reaction commands, which opened a whole new shelf of possibilities, as well as allowing the command menu to change style depending on where you were. I think the same battle system used in KH1 and 2 should stay for future console titles. 'Nuff said
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. kevz2kool
    So glad you made this thread. My heart actually kid of sank seeing the secret ending when there are about 1532459123023155023 differend keyblades just chillin' on the ground. I honestly hope Nomura reiterates in some way in KH3 that Sora's is special and he is different from the rest as a keyblade weilder. Like it's been said, the rarity was the best thing about it, now its so commonplace in the games it has kind of lost a lot of its glamor...
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. kevz2kool
    I think Treasure Planet would be a good one for sure. I loved having Halloween Town in the last two, and I'd love to see it again IF THE STORY WORKS WITH IT. I'd also really like to see POTC make a comeback, but with the real voice actors. This was a huge letdown for me in KH2. Also, I think a Monsters, Inc. world could work well in a KH environment, again, if they can get the legit voice actors. I realize this isnt always up to Square, but in my mind, if you can't do it full-on with all the moving pieces, it's best to leave it alone.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. kevz2kool
    Agreed. Level with us at least a little. That way we can save our money on a PS4 and start saving for a PS5, because thats what it feels like right now. Nomura must think I have pretty deep pockets if he expects me to buy every system for the possiblility of a KH title.
    Post by: kevz2kool, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts