This is a good point. Sora could really be granted some intelligence for the next go round. Just remembered my other major gripe about KH1, having all special attacks being in the bottom slot of the command menu. IMO, reaction commands worked way better.
I agree. The music has definitely been on of, if not the, strongest point of the entire KH franchise. The music makes you feel and manipulates not just how you see the story and experience it, but even how you play. The KH series has bar none the most beautiful music of any video game I can recall at the moment. IMO, the sound effects and VOs have always been exceptional as well.
This. Explained way better than I did, but pretty much what I was getting at.
I think it's meant more that Riku is no longer being controlled by the darkness, but instead has control over his darkness. Meaning he can utilize the darkness how he wants too, without being possessed or influenced by it.
Easy there, buddy. The censors are on here for a reason. keep in mind the younger audience that is on here to, just saying.
Xemnas' last battle taking forever to complete, with half of it being completely pointless. Why do I have to fly on a ship and break his ship piece by piece until I can even begin to inflict damage on Xemnas himself? same goes for taking out the reactors or whatever, it makes zero sense whatsoever.[DOUBLEPOST=1365352296][/DOUBLEPOST] This is why I will be so glad if (when) the next one includes an autosave feature.
+1 to the Bioshock and Batman series. Infinite and Arkham City have amazing stories and both create immersive worlds that are just astounding. Infinite is hands down the greatest game I have played that I can recall in recent memory
For the sake of the complete KH3 package as a whole, I hope not. KH is not a multiplayer-esque experience. Tomb Raider, Bioshock 2, Dead Space 2...these are all titles that have always had a special and definitive single player experience, and slipped up on the multiplayer. Not saying it cant be done (or wont), but especially with the long wait and high expectations for KH3, SE needs to stick to its guns, IMO. Not saying they shouldn't be innovative and try new things, but multiplayer is a different beast entirely.
I will definitely be checking it out!
Not a party game but I was very pleasantly surprised with Sleeping Dogs. I bought it early last fall and still pick it up pretty regularly. Again, no multiplayer, but if you're feeling like mixing it up a bit, it was definitely worth my 60 bucks.
Well done. Video works for me as well, FWIW. Its nice to have all these in HQ all lumped into one video. Gold star for you!
If you look really really closely, you can see that isn't actually Donald.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that your ordinary person who decides to try a KH game is pretty much forced to play one of the spin offs. It has been years since one of the originals has been readily available. Like I said, if someone today decided to try one and went to buy a KH game, they're forced to go with one of the newer installments in the series. I agree in full that you should play the originals; the spin offs don't capture that same magic as much as the KH and KH2, but because those two are so outdated, your average person wouldn't be able to pick either of those titles up, assuming they don't have a friend with the game. That will all change come fall, but for now, this is the dilemma.
What else are you going to play? Sure, this fall you would be able to pick up the Remixes, but if someone had the inclination to run down to buy a KH game today to try for the first time, the handheld options are your only real option, am I right? Obviously if someone was going to play for the first time I would recommend playing KH1 or 2, but seeing how its been seven years since youve been able to buy one of those new at gamestop or walmart, wherever you go, you just don't have the option to pick a copy of either up very easily anymore.
LOVING THIS!!!!! The tracks sound amazing so far, KH1.5 is going to be worth the 40 bucks just for the music
I disagree with him to an extent, allow me to explain. Had you asked me 6-8 years ago, I would have told you flat out NO! But nowadays, it is hard for the series to live up to the hype of KH, CoM, and KH2, when all we essentially have is spin offs going on for almost a decade now. Yes, to those of us that adore the series and wanted a keyblade more than life itself, it works. The games were still great for the most part, and we love indulging into the story even further. But lets face it, hearing someone go on about their love of the first three KH games and then playing DDD or BBS as your first KH game, they don't capture that same magic as the first three. Again, I still love the sequels and I have not yet played a KH game that I haven't loved, but you can kind of see the argument. Please don't hurt me *cringes*
I agree, but still, its a very entertaining idea.
Any iteration of Destati. It always puts a solemn perspective no matter what the player is doing, and it sounds amazzzzzing.
So true.
I love this idea. Especially with the kickstart that the KH series has put into the Disney nameplate, I think they really should be embracing the KH universe more, rights and licensing permitting, of course. Although I am sorry to say I will not be able to attend, please let me know if there is any other way I can help support!