perverts all of you (yo misty hit me up sometime hehe)
14? not young enough
I can't honestly answer that, seeing as I view myself has having many qualities of each. I like being the 'side' character in the sense I don't like getting involved with problems (even when they're my own). I can be the protag in the sense I usually make good decisions and try to be as efficient as possible with dilemmas in my life (but still not wanting to be involved like previously stated). But then I can be a bit of the antag because if you say something rude to me randomly in public and I don't know you, I'll ***** you the **** out.
*magic etc*
I find them all over the place. Usually from tumblr or pixiv. Speaking of which I like your YMX avatar. <:
you think i founded khv wat
I guess so yeah. I have no idea how it happened but back in 2005 that place was just flooded with artists and ever since it has been a pretty...
are you implying i haven't already finished? ... *hasn't finished* lol
u mad? lol
I want a certain sabby-chan 3DS and Ocarina for christmas huehue
yeah i played the first. wasn't a fan
I'm... so sorry you haven't played that game yet. Easily the best DS game of 2007 (besides the Pokemons) :(
lol probs. i honestly don't have much else to do besides browse khi, reddit and here. haha
eh, i actually come here once a week to see whats going on. just never post.
I think the only games I'm caring for at this point (which aren't release-date titles) are the Persona games. Persona 4 The Golden and the Persona fighting game.
If you already activated the glitch you can't resolve it. But this is what I did (before learning about the glitch): Beat all of Lanaryu Desert not talking to the Goron in the cave (didn't really care enough to see what he had to say anyway), then went to Sealed Temple/the now-flooded forest, then the volcano. As long as you don't talk to the Goron after finishing Lanaryu, you should be fine. And Scruffy is right. If you do Lanaryu last it won't even matter. lol
swoon .
i kinda like the logo. it's a tad cluttered for my taste but it's still effective. <3 blue
use the dark version? i would feel like a pedo if i responded even as a joke to this... considering i first met her when she was 12. LOL