Spoiler I think that that firebender is who Yakone was. ALSO - prediction: Book 2 - Spirit. The Pentacle in Pagan mythology symbolises earth, air, fire and water, covered by spirit. Korra has to learn the spiritual side of bending. Maybe Tenzin'll get blocked by Amon and then Korra will have no choice but to learn from Aang ... I dunno ... Also, I don't think Tarlok is Amon ... Amon's a non-beder as far as we know ... and Tarlok is a water bender from the northern tribe.
Spoiler ogwrfgiawbnfiojbfiajbsfijabfij\bkfjb\suohfb\lsdjfbou\wsefg CALLED IT I CALLED IT I KNEW THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN CLAW'S PLOT VISION STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!! Anyways ... This series just keeps getting better and better. "NO NOT MY CABBAGE CORP" sodifuh\iodfuhzidufb. Also, Asami's a badass but I can't quite tell if she's good or not yet ... I think it might be one to many twists for a kid's show. I kinda agree with that theory pluns, I think it's certainly plausible. The mechs are made of Platinum so there's no earth in them I guess? ALSO LIN CAN USE TOPH VISION I SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' I'll be more coherent later I just ... oifhiufjijfb How is this gonna end??
Patience is a virtue.
The optional and final boss from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Final boss of the true ending of Persona 4 Cie'th stone missions 51 and 64 in Final Fantasy XIII Both bosses in the Requiem of the Godess DLC for XIII-2. SO MANY OTHERS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEVVEVVEVEVEVEorejgieszujhfiwaoeubfiweubfdiwaubefpiauwbef
I've seen very few of the anime on that list becasue I tend to watch more of the newer breed of anime which isn't really on there. Things like Eden of the East, Madoka Magica, Bakemonogatari, Steins;Gate ... newer stuff. Also surprised I had to wait until the third list to see Nodame Cantabile ... probably my favourite anime. Also, why no love for FMA: Brotherhood on any of the lists ... I enjoyed its portrayal of the story much more than the original FMA because it seemed to make more sense ... and considering it's derived straight from that manga ... I dunno I just don't like to judge by lists like this ...
I ship it.
He was a dream-like-being all along, and she created him as a projection of her dying/dead friend if he could have grown up.
We did have toonami in the UK but it was slightly different. It didn't have like the majority of the stuff that americans associate with it, and was actually its own channel for a bit ... so it was a bit different. Also, I am somewhat concerned that people're gonna expect it to be like Toonami Aftermath or something liek they're only gonna show the old shows. It's more likely that they're gonna show newer shows. omg Imagine if the Steins;Gate dub was on there ... if they dub it ...
This particular challenge is increasingly difficult when the letter e is pilfered, rather than "-".
It's out here :v.