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  1. Clawtooth
    The entire Livestream site appearas to have crashed. Maybe there was a sudden massive influx of people or something or they were updating. Either way we'll be back soon.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Clawtooth
  3. Clawtooth
    I started writing when i was really young. I remember vivdly my brother and I would write stories together (lolnerdz), and particularly on one holiday to blgium we wrote a fair few which I won't post here because they're embarrassing.

    I always really enjoyed writing stories for class, but because my writing is really small and I take a while to come up with ideas my teachers were a bit like "you need to write more B|", and at one point I actually got into trouble because I hadn't written enough and was told to write it out again. It turned out that the teacher wasn't satisfied with my writing being as small as it was that day which irked me.

    After moving to high school when I was 13 (Scottish system lol) I started writing a little more. Unfortunately, creative writing (as in making up your own characters etc) wasn't really encouraged at school, we focused more on Personal and Reflective writing about taking lessons from life and stuff which I used to improve my craft with description and stuff ...

    Last year I moved to a different scool where they allowed us more free reign to do in our writing. I did a few pieces there which I really enjoyed because I was able to actually create instread of rehash old past memories and extract some sort of tortured metaphor from them.

    Of course more recently I've been working on fanfics and other short stories since I've had the time, but I definately think I have a lot of room to improve.

    On the subject of motivation ... heh ... I don't have a lot of that. Sometimes I get struck by lightning and suddenly I can do a whole thing in a day to two ... but other times I have a block with stuff, I have that with a lot of things. I've been told it's just about writing a little every day and you get used to it but I just often feel really blocked about writing, as anyone who reads my fic would tell you it's kinda inconsistent qith updating (hoping to remedy that ...).

    So yeah, that's my story :). I'm gonna read through these all tomorrow and maybe get some discussion going.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Archives
  4. Clawtooth
    I think increasingly, I've been seeing this divide as has been said above - and I think I can put it down to this:

    Sony and Microsoft use their systems to sell their games.
    Nintendo uses its games to sell its systems.

    Nintendo can make any kinda of system they want and as long as they put a Zelda/Mario/Sonic/Metroid/etc game on it people will buy it.
    On the other hand, because Sony and Microsoft don't really have these big, old, fanboy-filled franchises (well, until recently, and I think certainly with Sony and their All Stars battle game is an indication that they're starting to acrue a group of franchises like this), that they push the hardware in an attempt to draw in developers to make games for them.

    So I can see why they can seen to be a seperate generation because they have totally different design and marketing philosophies.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 16, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  5. Clawtooth
    Welcome back to staff and stuff :D.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Staff
  6. Clawtooth


    More likely than not she won't be back ... I think she wants to leave this place behind for good.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Clawtooth
    I personally think they'll wait until they see how the FFX re-master goes and THEN might do a KH one.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Clawtooth
    Lemon typically applies to fics of a more sexual nature, often involving smut of some description.

    I couldn't tell you the difference between a lemon and a lime though ...

    EDIT: after some term searching on TV tropes and other such places: Lemon typically refers to what I said above. Lime typically refers to softer and typically don't involve actual sex.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Clawtooth
    Read: Children from America.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Clawtooth
    I tried NaNoWriMo two years ago but it's such an immense task ... I'd really like to gt a group of us to do it though :D.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 2, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Clawtooth
    It generally depends for me. If i get stuck with a flash of inspiration, I keep a notebook and pen on me at all times when I'm out so that I can write stuff down. However, I write far more often on my PC ... because it's very comfy to write on it xD.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Jun 1, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Clawtooth
    It is likely this'll be at the Sony Conference right? So we'll all be watching that I guess lol.

    Also, if it's Final Mix ... isn't there a danger of it being Japan only ... though if they're gonna announce it at E3 then ...

    Post by: Clawtooth, May 30, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Clawtooth


    Thanks everyone <3.
    Post by: Clawtooth, May 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Clawtooth
    We've been planning this for a while, and I'm really excited that it's finally here :D.

    Username: Clawtooth

    Family Member/Title: The Eloquent One [name subject to change ... I'm fairly new to this]

    Personality: How does one sum up one's own personality? I like to think I'm a fun person to talk to, with a good sense of wit ... and I also like to think I'm empathic towards other people ... but I guess this is also subject to change.

    Literary Arts Specialty: My speciality is in words and their meaning, semantics if you will. I'm fascinated by volcabulary, connotations of words, symbolism, imagery, metaphor. I'm also a big fan of all kinda of literature, ranging from Young Adult to Classics, and from Fantasy, to Dystopian, to High Society and Gothic literature of the Victorian Period. Combined with the fact that I'm undergoing a Master's Degree in English Language and Literature at Edinburgh University starting in September, I guess I'm a veritable wellspring of knowledge ^^.

    Anything else you'd like to share?:
    I'm a founding member, so if you have any queries, feel free to ask me ^^.


    Post by: Clawtooth, May 28, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Clawtooth
    English and moderate french I guess. i know certain phrases in italian and german due to musical backgroudn and can extrapolate certain amounts of latin from italian and french.
    Post by: Clawtooth, May 23, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  16. Clawtooth
    Welcome back to staff ^^

    And stuff ...
    Post by: Clawtooth, May 19, 2012 in forum: Staff
  17. Clawtooth
    inb4 Misty

    I really look forward to worinking with you :D.
    Post by: Clawtooth, May 19, 2012 in forum: Staff
  18. Clawtooth

    Welcome to staff, I hope you have a good time ... I'm sure you'll be awesome to work with ^^.
    Post by: Clawtooth, May 19, 2012 in forum: Staff
  19. Clawtooth

    Hey Misty

    Can we just take a second to appreciate how ATTRICOUS RvR's handwriting is?

    Post by: Clawtooth, May 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Clawtooth
    Oh god the Sistahs are rising again.

    Post by: Clawtooth, May 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone