OOC: Bye Xephos!! BIC: Jordxy could just hear Silax's message and she began to panic He'll see me like this...he'll panic. I don't want that but she couldn't help but answer "Please Silax, help me" Jordxy wasn't sure If that was how you contacted someone, but she hoped so anyway.
OOC: Thank you x3 BIC: Jordxy slowly got up,she needed to stay calm and forget about what happened. Her whole body was shaking and tears were still rolling down her face, but she managed to stay relaxed. Ive never broken down like this before she thought as Jordxy wiped the blood off her cheek and held her head. The pain was still pounding but she had gotten the screaming out of her head.
OOC: If you mean KHV, yes, I did leave. I came back though, which was good. And If you're talking about the UO2, yes, I left this too xD But I'm back ^^
And It was so fun xD; We talked about the most random subjects At the end we were talking about how to say forum and I was talking about how I said It Fun x3
OOC: *Mega-Glomps back* I Missed You Too!!!!!! 8D
What about the 'Fave. *Insert something here* that starts with ABCD..' etc. Fad?
OOC: *Huggles* Thanks xD BIC: Jordxy ran through the trees. She felt blood dripping down from her cheek, knowing that scar would be there forever. She felt bugs biting, branches scratching and pain pounding. Tears ran down her face as Jordxy just kept running. She wanted to get out of this place, she just wanted somewhere where she could fall on her knees and cry her pain out. Jordxy didn't care where. Just a place. The screaming ran through her head, blades bouncing off each other. She wanted to get away from It. She needed to go away from It, or eventually she would turn mad. Jordxy finally fell out from the bushes and fell on her knees. Pain pounded through her body, screaming ran In her head.
OOC: Err..Okay. Well Last Of The Organization asked me to come back and Ive been thinking about It so here I am! I really don't want to Interfere though...So I hope Its okay. For those of you who don't know me I'll repost my profile.. Name - Jordxy Gender - Female Age - 20 Appearance- http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff257/gothdolllove/anime girl/gothicfighter.jpg Bio - Jordxy was once a member of Organization XIV, the Organization was attacked by the Enigmatic Knights and everyone, except for two, were killed. The Enigmatic Knights captured her, and forced her Into becoming one of them. She couldn't refuse. Meanwhile, her companion Darxess, started up The Ultimate Organization, wanting to seek revenge to the Enigmatic Knights. Jordxy had been given orders to capture Darxess and bring him to their base. When the two met each other, Jordxy had to go with depressing, last words. Fortunately, Darxess escaped. Jordxy fought with the Enigmatic Knights leader and ran with the last of her power. She had teleported to The Ultimate Organizations base, where Jordxy was found by a member. After a long search, she had found her friend, Darxess. A while later, that same day, the Enigmatic Knights attacked the base. Jordxy had nearly been killed. Darxess had put the fainted Jordxy In a room that would take her somewhere safe. After a long sleep, she woke up In a white room, opening the door only to be met by people she didn't recognize. She was In the Ultimate Organization Division 2. Eventually, and sadly, Jordxy left on a journey to find her old friends again, promising she would come back one day. Then, when she reached her destination, she had faced terrible sights and feelings (To be discovered later on). Jordxy found herself near the UO2 castle after her journey, only to start a new one. Other - Jordxy carries a sword she has had ever since the Organization XIV, It Is her faithful companion. She seems to live In a world of dreams.
Soon enough everyone will be making AMVs and getting colored titles! Hurray! If you mean like 'AMV Master' or something like that...maybe. But If you just give It to people who win top five every week, KHV will be a rainbow. Err..Not that I have any problems with rainbows but we already had people complaining about the white skin o.o; I don't think those who like dark colors would appreciate It much.
Meaning: Jordie (Me) Rocks Socks Pronunciation: Jord-e Rocks Socks Inspiration: Its a strange name. Even though a lot of people use 'Rox ur Sox' It kind of represents me. Other: A lot of people (coughoncoughchatcoughcoughroomscough) know Jordier0xs0x o.o;
I Like Pancakes by Peter off Family Guy
I had a dream that a lot of KHV members were at my old school and we were all killing each other over a painting or something <.>; My dreams are very joyous
That was a really beautiful, sad RPG. I loved It though.
Anyone older then me Is old.
Yes! A Re-write! No! I wont slack off and not continue It! But uh..Just In case I do, you're more then welcome to lecture me. Original Story: http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=980913&postcount=1 Thanks to: Forsaken, Kitty (More will be added If I get stuck on Ideas) One Music flowed throughout the dark streets, filling the sky with happiness and joy. The neighbors were even up and about, complaining about the loud music that was ringing in their ears. But nothing could destroy this wonderful night. It was the Third Year Anniversary of KH-Vids and Deathspank (DS, Creator of KH-Vids) had gotten tickets for all different members, Staff, Premiums, Normal, and the uh..Not so normal members. They were all Nerds, Dorks and Geeks at heart, joining a forum dedicated to a game named Kingdom Hearts. So, why were they celebrating such a big event for a game? Well, because this is KH-Vids. The site can’t go a day without some abnormal thing happening. Laugher and talk spread around the yard, almost taking over the music. Catch The Rain (CTR, S.Mod) wondered silently around the backyard, stopping to say hello or to chat. She was most likely trying to find Shadowjak (SJ, Sectional Mod) through the different crowds. Meanwhile, Rosey (Rosey, former S.Mod, now a Sectional Mod) and a couple of others were debating about being able to hit a girl. “I don’t see what’s so wrong,” she began “Why can’t you guys hit us?” Vivi’s Dark Side (Vivi, former Staff Member) interrupted her speech “I have this annoying quality, it's called being a gentleman, gentle-man.” Kitty_ mckechnie (Kitty, former S.Mod, now premium) and Sora13 (Sora13, Normal Member) laughed out loud at his comment. Their laugher drifted away to another group “55687, is that so?” ~Amber~ (Amber, Premium Member) replied to The Great Gatz (Roxma, Premium Member) “55688, you wouldn’t believe half of it” Roxma grinned. More and more faces showed up at DS’ doorstep, greeting him with excitement. Soon enough, the yard was full up and so people started going out the front. DS looked innocently at his, once empty, house and smiled slightly. Sara (Sara, Administrator) came up behind DS “Well, It’s certainly a crowd” she joked. DS laughed “Yes, you’re right” the two faced each other “So how did you afford all the plane tickets?!” the question had been building up in Sara the whole day “That’s the thing...I can’t quite remember” he looked to the wall, trying to find a trace of memory “That’s odd” Sara frowned and slowly drifted away, talking to a couple of other members. Yes, it is odd He thought. What’s more, how did everyone he invited come? What about their parents? I would have thought half the people here wouldn’t be allowed. but the thought was wiped off his mind as Misty (Misty, S.Mod) came up to him. Beyond all the noise and movement, the music and talk echoed to the next street as a slow shadow crept from the corner. It slithered quietly in the dark streets, making sure he was well hidden. As he reached the corner of the street, he flew to a electrical pole and crawled slowly across the line to the pole just next to the lively house. The thing spread his wings and made a comfortable seat upon the pole. To Be Continued...
Sure, Ive only seen photos of him In black clothes and his hair may look emo, he also seems to use emo emotions on MSN, but I don't think Alex Is THAT dopey to be an emo. Heh, you know I'm just joking Alex ^^, you're great.
Hey Dude! Gawd, Its been so long, Do you still remember me? Welcome back mate *Hugs*
The one who offends, always gets offended.
KHV Is like drugs, you want to quit but Its just too tempting.
Can you feel the love tonight?!