Why Is It they look like Bratz dolls with the big heads and little bodies? o_o
I forthed on the Crono suggestion. Its like the 'Who's your fave. *Insert thing here* that starts with *Insert letter*' All over again! EXCEPT IN PM MOTION!? Dun dun dun...
If you mean on the DS, yup, I have It.
OOC: I'm online!! But whats been happening? ...<.>
OOC: Sorry guys, I wont be on much this week, while you guys are here I'm at school so I'll probably only get to post a couple of posts a day BIC: Jordxy looked nervously around, she was hiding against a tree I cant just stand here she thought I need to help out as Jordxy slowly pulled her sword out, the sound pierced her ears. It rang like a bell. She hesitated for a minute Silax, If you get In trouble, just call me okay? All be here If you need me
I think of a pink cookie shaped as an A with the background as different shades of blue and pink hearts everywhere... o_o Don't ask
Jordxy looked at Silax "Is she okay?" she turned her head to Dexeon, another person she wasn't sure of "Err..Is he gonna be okay..?" she gave a nervous glance around.
Ive shut up for long enough but now Its starting to get on my nerves. Leave them alone, other people take things more or less serious then you guys, you don't have to tease them about It. It was amusing at first but now you're just being mean. 8|
Just bloody Ignore It 8| Who really cares what they get amused by? Carry on with your own business.
Lol, Why do I bother?
Well whats going on In the Spamzone right now?
Who do you think? 8|
Hey, calm down. They're doing this so you do get pee'd off, If you just Ignore them they'll eventually move on.
They're not dating. 8| Who Suggested that anyway? O_o
Its because Steve Irwin said It. He was the true Australian In all Australia, Damn his death was tragic.
Jordxy laughed "No, Its fine" she sighed "I'm sorry I cant remember any of It" she walked slowly with Silax, staring off Into the distance, trying to remember the littlest bit of It. My memory really Is gone.. Jordxy thought In anger.
Err..Isn't that 15?
"Oh, That would be wonderful" she smiled "I'm so happy for you" OOC: Wait, You meant Meet, didn't you? (Is going with meet)
CRICKEY! I'm not laughing 8|
You see, If things like this happen I never go to the doctors, I seem to take care of It myself. Anyway, If you do go to the doctors, they might have to give you a needle. It depends on how far the glass Is In. <.> What I would do though, Is run my hand In warm water and then get Antiseptic to get the glass out. Its better then getting a needle. And If I missed some I would get tweezers and get It out.