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Super early podcast because I stayed up late to finish editing -- I mean, I edit these well in advance, stop looking at me With E3 just a week away, @Misty and @libregkd were joined by staff guests @Plums and @Godzilla to share our hopes and dreams for the momentous event! We start out by discussing whether or not we think Kingdom Hearts 3 will have a presence at E3, or whether it'll be all 2.5, move into a discussion of Final Fantasy XV, then some of the other games that we are hoping to see highlighted (including The Sims 4, The Order 1886, H1Z1, Mass Effect 4, any Star Wars games, Hyrule Warriors, Pokemon, The Last Guardian, Uncharted, Crash Bandicoot, Sunset Overdrive, Fable Legends, and more). As you can tell, it's a rather extensive episode! As usual, we wrap things up with some user-submitted questions, courtesy of @Graxe and @Eric Luna. You can check out @libergkd 's lovely E3 topic in our Gaming section, which includes schedules and bingo cards. Please let us know what games you're looking forward to at this year's E3 and place your bets on Kingdom Hearts appearances! View attachment 38660 Download Episode #51 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
For those who don't know... I use the site for fanfiction, primarily -- obviously the classic was always, and it still probably has more content on it, but a lot of people have moved over to AO3 for its superior mission & user interface. AO3 is considered in beta but I've been using it since it first opened, basically, and it's great. However, registration is a bit tricky -- either you ca register and wait in the invitation queue (which when I joined was several months, I have no idea what it's like now -- I imagine it's way better but it's still a wait), or get an invite from an existing member. I have six invites sitting on my account and I can get more, so if anyone is interested please let me know and I'll send it your way! The queue could very well be quick nowadays but you can get in instantly with an invite and I have no one to give them to really. Even if you don't plan to use the account, just taking a look on the site would be cool. (I HOPE THIS IS OKAY TO POST HERE BASED GOD @Plums )
I just got through the first season and WOW this show is great. I've seen quite a lot about it on tumblr (and of course Netflix always puts it in recommended/popular), finally got around to starting it a few days ago and sped through it. The characters are just really great, and as far as I can tell they do well on representation (a trans character played by an actual trans woman!!!!). There is a lot going on & S2 is said to be more of an ensemble cast, rather than focusing on Piper so much, so that will likely increase, but Downton Abbey is similar & I love it, so I trust the OITNB writers to do well with it. I am a bit sad to hear that Spoiler: minor S2 spoilers Alex will be in only four episodes this season, as she is probably my favorite character, but the actress is interested in returning for season three so this should at least give us time to see more of some other characters holla @ me if u a faaaaan
It's Tuesday and you know what that means... new episode of the podcast! This week marks our fiftieth episode which is a tremendously big deal for us! We want to thank all of our listeners, new and old, for supporting us, and all of our guests for helping us reach this landmark. Thank you! For this episode @Misty, @libregkd, and @Llave were joined by @Laplace to discuss next-gen gaming -- notably, what improvements we'd like to see over last gen, what games have impressed us so far, and what we feel we expect in a "next-gen" title. Have a listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments! View attachment 38558 Download Episode #50 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! You can sign up for the KH-Vids Trivia Tournament by visiting this thread and learn more about the new Writer's Nook sections here!
View attachment 38505 Hello everyone! You may have noticed an increase or decrease in your post/message count after the forum came back up. As many of you know, we've had some troubles with the add-on that counts posts within the Roleplaying Arena lately, which has resulted in it being disabled for several months now. Thanks to the extremely diligent and dedicated work of @libregkd, we've worked out a solution to the problems with that add-on. Not only will posts now count as they should within the Roleplaying Arena, all of the posts made in the times when the add-on was temporarily disabled that should have been counted are now properly accounted for... so if you're a regular roleplayer, you should see a nice boost in your post count! Those of you who were pushed over the 1000 post mark should now be pink. I want to extend our gratitude to the roleplayers who have been patient with us while the add-on was disabled. I know it's terribly unfair to not be getting the post count you deserve, especially if you're nearing Premium. Also a big thanks to @Jayn and @Plums for helping me with some of the tedious work involved in this update. If you're not a roleplayer but your post count has increased (or changed) substantially, in doing this we rebuilt everyone's post counts for the first time in a few years. Sometimes, when threads are moved or we change some settings, post counts are not updated accordingly -- this has been rectified in the rebuild. Notably, posts now count in Community News & Projects. Most of you should be seeing increases; any decreases will be minimal. Note: If you are a roleplayer and your post count doesn't seem quite right, feel free to start a conversation with me and I'll take a look.
Tuesday podcast time! Hi everyone! We've got a new episode of the podcast for you today. @Llave took the lead on this episode for a discussion of all things indie! Along with @Misty and @libregkd, your hosts focus on indie music, gaming, and movies, discussing the merits of the genre and its importance in the media. We also mention some of our favorites in each category, so if you're looking for something new and fresh to give a try. Enjoy the episode and have a great night! View attachment 38497 Download Episode #49 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to
Hey everybody! We've got another exciting way for you to participate in the KH-Vids Podcast. Every week we have to come up with new topics, and when Kingdom Hearts news is slow, it can be difficult sometimes! Previous podcast hosts have remained open to topic suggestions in the past, but sadly we received few suggestions. We're hoping we can entice you this time around, though! By filling out this quick and easy form, you can submit a topic for the podcast to discuss. It can really be anything! We tend to do podcasts on gaming as that's what we're interested in, but we're open to anything. We can't guarantee to discuss every topic, but we know you guys are very creative and we want to create a podcast that you want to listen to (and stop me from making every episode about Star Wars). When you suggest a topic, you can also tell us whether you're interested in being a member guest for that episode. If we select the topic, you'll be given priority in being a guest on the episode -- so if you need a further incentive to suggest, we hope that will be it! Please note that you should fill out the member guest form (linked below) as well, just so we have your information on record. Thanks everyone and get suggesting! // Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
View attachment 38466
OKAY SO it is story time with misty everyone gather around Today I took a final for my contemporary global literature class. I really enjoyed the class and the professor; I was intending to email her already as she left some really encouraging words (and a question I thought rude not to answer) as feedback on my last paper for the class. I think I did kinda crappy on the final though, but I'm also rather a perfectionist when it comes to my English courses so I may just be dramatic. Anyway I used basically all the class time to take the final so when I left there were like three other students in the classroom. As most of the people left my professor stopped them to say like "oh keep in touch, where will you be next semester, have a good summer," that kind of thing. When I handed mine in we talked about my plans for next semester and then she took me outside the classroom to talk some more. She told me I was smart, "really sharp," and encouraged me to follow my dreams apply for scholarships etc etc I was really flattered not just by her words but because I really respect her as a professor so I already felt a bit flustered, but then also the fact that I had just handed in what was in my view a sub-par final exam I felt even more rotten. So I feel I was a bit awkward in conversation, though polite and I said thank you & all I spent the next few hours thinking about it though and I resolved to write an email saying thanks for the class and the kind words etc etc. It got kinda long and introspective and junk (mostly about how I've had such a great experience in my college's English program and how it's really developed my education & career goals as well as myself) but I sent it anyway, persuading myself with the notion that this world could use a lil more kindness, especially towards people who really deserve it. However I'm just wondering if anyone else has sent such emails (or said similar things) to their professors? I emailed my other English professor a few days ago for actual class stuff but added at the end (since the class was ending) that I really enjoyed the class and thanked her for it. I felt that doing this again today might make me seem like a bit of a suck up, but then I thought that, if I was a professor (which isn't such a leap because I'm studying to be an English teacher), if I would want to hear these sorts of things, especially from students I really liked, and the answer was yes. SO I DUNNO Y'ALL HELP ME OUT
It's Tuesday and you know what that means! New podcast episode wooooo If you somehow missed this exciting announcement, Nintendo will be releasing remakes of the Generation III Pokemon games (Ruby and Sapphire) this coming November. We decided to nostalgia trip and talk about our lifetime experiences with Pokemon, with the pleasurable company of @Anixe and @Karuta. Enjoy the episode and share the hype in the comments! View attachment 38443 Download Episode #48 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
As their fiscal year comes to a close, Square Enix has good reason to rejoice. No doubt due in part to the successful relaunch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Square is reporting a profitable year, a nice change from the embarrassing loss of their previous fiscal year. If you're interested in their numbers and projections for next year, you can check out the full brief here. While their low projections for 2015 mean that the long-anticipated (and long-delayed) Final Fantasy XV is still a ways away, and Kingdom Hearts III with it, we still have Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 Remix to look forward to; the report confirms that the game, which Square has been quiet about for the last few months, is still intended for a 2014 release. View attachment 38434 This may not be as nice as an actual release date, but as we're nearly halfway through 2014 already, it implies that the window between regional releases may indeed be small (CY2014 = Calendar Year 2014, rather than the fiscal year, which ends in May of 2015). A simultaneous release in Japan, North American, and Europe may stretching it, but we can dream, can't we? E3 will be starting on June 9th this year; it's likely that we'll see Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 Remix there. Until then... Please Be Excited™! is giving me ****** recs so I am turning to y'all. Be warned that I am extremely picky about music, I will reject your suggestions without remorse & may not even listen to them. Right now I'm into / looking for stuff with a bit of electric vibe, through I'd like to stay away from trance or anything with a repetitive beat (they make me really anxious). Things I've been listening to lately are mostly dream pop / chillwave / ambient / synthpop. I also like chiptune. Open to other things if you know my tastes (my is a good place to start if you don't).Been listening to PURITY RING (click me) GRIMES (click me) HOW TO DRESS WELL (click me) ODESZA (click me) gogogogo
I make icons sometimes and then I dump them after months of leaving them on my hard drive. Free to use on khv or wherever, don't think any of these use fanart. Let me know if you want/need other sizes & junk. View attachment 38364 View attachment 38365 View attachment 38366 View attachment 38367 View attachment 38363 View attachment 38368 View attachment 38369 View attachment 38370 View attachment 38371 View attachment 38372 View attachment 38373 View attachment 38374 View attachment 38375 View attachment 38376 View attachment 38377 View attachment 38379 View attachment 38378 View attachment 38380 View attachment 38382 View attachment 38383 View attachment 38384 View attachment 38381 View attachment 38385 View attachment 38389 View attachment 38386 View attachment 38390 View attachment 38387 View attachment 38388 View attachment 38391 View attachment 38395 View attachment 38394 View attachment 38393 View attachment 38397 View attachment 38392 View attachment 38396 View attachment 38398 View attachment 38400 View attachment 38399 View attachment 38401 View attachment 38402 View attachment 38403 View attachment 38404 View attachment 38406 View attachment 38405 View attachment 38407 ( some of these probably look really similar but i swear they have minor color or light differences )
Hey everybody! Sorry about that sudden downtime. I had some time tonight and figured I'd use to update us to the latest version of XenForo. This isn't as exciting an update as previous ones, most of the new features are admin functions, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. The things you guys will notice are... Multi-Quote This is a feature I know we've all missed from vBulletin! You should now see a + Quote button next to the standard Reply button on posts. Since this is a system better shown than explained, I urge you all to check out this video that previews the feature. Skip to around 3:10 for multi-quote. But it's a really intuitive system that I'm sure you'll pick up on yourselves. ;) Spoilers Previously we've used third-party add-ons for our Spoiler BB Code. Now Spoilers are part of the core software, so they look a little bit different. All of your previous spoilers should be fine, though! You can also access the spoiler code from the editor toolbar now, to the left of the save/delete draft button. I'm reopening the board now but do note that I'll be updating a few of our add-ons over the next hour or so. If you have any questions or run into any problems, let us know!
Hello everybody and welcome to a very special episode of the KH-Vids Podcast! In celebration of the recently passed International Star Wars Day, we sat down with @SPACESHIP and @Ty to discuss the upcoming Star Wars movies, specifically the newly announced cast (as well as some more casting rumors), what we want to see out of the story for Episode VII and future movies, and more. We also chatted about the possibility of these Star Wars movies being added into Kingdom Hearts III. You can check out Ty's art business on tumblr or follow him on Twitter; tummer can be found on Celluloid Critics and Couch Potatoes, or on Twitter @joseluissolo. Please enjoy the episode and let us know what you think about the future of Star Wars! View attachment 38269 Download Episode #47 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
Hello everyone! We have a really special episode of the podcast this week. About two weeks ago we asked everyone to submit questions for our new staff members to answer on the air, and now, here's your episode! @Misty sat down with @Cherry Berry , @anelg , @Cstar , @Calxiyn , and @Karuta to pose your questions and welcome them all to the team. We tried to answer as many questions as possible, but if we didn't get to yours, don't feel bad! You'll have plenty of opportunity to get to know everyone during their tenure on the team. Thanks to everyone for participating and please enjoy! View attachment 38191 Download Episode #46 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
(shamelessly copying story description from text messages) Okay y'all so I like buying my jeans from h&m and they are one of the few stores that sell women's pants by waist/leg measurements which is so convenient. All my pairs from them are 28/30 (tho 30 is too long but that is the smallest they have shut up I'm short). A week or two ago I picked up two more pairs, didn't try them on b/c I always buy the same size but when I got home they did not fit???? I went to the mall today to return them, a little salty because they did not have the next waist size up for me to exchange. Then I impulse bought some cute underwear from uniqlo and figured I would check the sale bins at GameStop & look for a gift for someone then go home I do not know how better to explain my moment of insanity than to bring you through my thought process (Spots Lightning Returns on shelf) Hey that **** has really come down in price hahaha toriyama sucks I should buy it then hate play it that would be hilarious Haha Hahahahaha there is no one to stop me SO WOULD ANYONE WATCH A STREAM OF ME PLAYING LIGHTNING RETURNS????