Only affecting the dark style View attachment 42275
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The font here is essentially miniscule. View attachment 42266
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View attachment 42250 ( yes, I will do name changes )
When posting a bug, it'll be easiest for us to replicate it on our end if you provide: Which style(s) the bug appears on (for example, a bug may only affect KH-Vids 9.0 Dark and not KH-Vids 9.0 Light) A screenshot, if possible or applicable A description of the problem and how we can reproduce it Information about your set up (what operating system or device you use, what browser you use, and so on) Individual threads should be created for every bug. New threads will be reviewed by a staff member and taken care of as appropriate; if we need more information, we'll just ask. :) Prefixes are used in this section to keep track of what's what. Awaiting Feedback: This bug is pending, meaning a staff member has yet to look at it. New threads should be marked with this prefix! Working on It: We've confirmed that this bug is an issue, have reproduced it, and are working on delivering a fix! Fixed: This bug is squashed! As Designed/Not a Bug: This has been incorrectly reported as a bug. Usually a staff member will post with more information. Cannot Reproduce: We're having trouble replicating this bug on our end. We may need more information from you, or it might be an issue affecting only you. If you're not sure if something is an issue, don't know what prefix to apply, whatever -- go ahead and post! A moderator will take care of any formatting issues or ask any questions that need to be asked.
It’s been a long time coming, but I’m proud to officially unveil KH-Vids 9.0. Those who have been with us for several years know that it has been somewhat of a tradition to redesign KH-Vids every year, and while there have been lapses, I’ve always enjoyed revisiting and updating the site’s appearance so regularly. For the ninth (numbered) iteration of our site, however, I decided to tackle a rather ambitious goal: creating a style framework. What does that mean, exactly? Well, to put it in layman’s terms, every year I build a new style for KH-Vids completely from scratch. This involves a lot of work, and much of it is simply adding support for the many custom pages, features, and systems we have on KH-Vids. Redoing all of that every year gets tiresome and delays the process. Think of the KH-Vids Framework as a sort of custom base style that I can develop off of, rather than having to repeat all that work! That’s great and all, but what does that mean for you – the end user? Well, with that base, it will be a lot easier to update styles, add new features that we invent or you guys request, and best of all, offer multiple different styles to our users. You’ll notice that we’re launching KH-Vids 9.0 with both Light and Dark variants! Basically… Creating new styles is faster and easier Increased consistency between styles Styles will no longer be deprecated/deactivated once replaced Styles can be updated easily & all at once (when a bug is fixed on one style, it's fixed on all of them) There are a ton of new features and updates hidden within this update, and it’d take ages for me to detail them all in this post. I’m going to be trying something new now, not just for stylistic updates but for any new features we’d like to detail on this site – Have You Seen? posts! Within the Feedback & Assistance section, I’ll be creating individual threads that highlight some of these changes and help users acclimate themselves with them. Similarly, because of the expanse of the KH-Vids Framework and KH-Vids 9.0 (this update also brings us to the latest version of XenForo, 1.4.7), we’ll be taking bug reports a little differently now. If you notice something that doesn’t look (or work) quite right, you can now post in our special bug report section and I’ll take care of it, rather than flooding this thread and creating a jumbled mess. I’d also like to extend a thank you to the entire staff team for their feedback throughout the creation process, but especially to @libregkd , who helped me in creating the framework with his code expertise. We hope you guys enjoy the new look!
View attachment 42245 Today the official Kingdom Hearts Facebook page shared a new survey for fans of the series. The survey aims to give fans a platform to share their feedback on the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. The majority of the questions are demographic or otherwise cover your history with the series (such as what games you have played, which of the HD Remixes you have purchased, and what platforms you play on). However, the fifth question asks fans to weigh in on localization, and what translated state a game must be in for them to consider it. With the localization status of Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key still unknown, this survey is presumably connected to it. The survey is short and should take no more than a few minutes. It will close on June 12th, 2015 at 11:45PM PDT. You can fill out the survey here.
It's podcast time everybody! This week your usual podcast crew, @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn, host the annual E3 predictions episode! As one of the biggest events in gaming, if not the, E3 promises to deliver new game reveals and news galore. Going through each major conference (Bethesda, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony, Nintendo, and Square-Enix), we make our predictions, call our bets, and place ourselves at the mercy of the great gaming gods. Our coverage of Square-Enix's conference includes speculation on the presence of Kingdom Hearts at the event, including Unchained X[chi], an HD remaster collection, and of course, Kingdom Hearts 3! As per usual, we also answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe digs up one of the more ridiculous elements of KH-Vids history and @Quilligan asks us about Steven Universe! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42185 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #94 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
Yeah I know I'm late I'm a terrible person It's time for a new episode of the KH-Vids Podcast! Having covered news surrounding Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi] last week, this week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by staff guest @Krowley to tackle the term "Strong Female Character" -- discussing what we feel the term means, and how it has been misunderstood, misused, and tainted today. Our inspiration for the conversation comes from the recently released movie Mad Max: Fury Road, but -- naturally, for the KH-Vids Podcast, -- we also evaluate the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy series' portrayal of women, women's roles in the stories, and how they can improve (mostly by adding more!). As per usual, we also answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe forces us to limit our worldview and @Quilligan turns us into pugnacious adventurers.We also plug our E3 coverage plans, which we hope you all will be excited about! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42132 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #93 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn, along with staff guest @Karuta, host a very special guest for an episode where we at last get to talk about Kingdom Hearts! Hailing from the biggest Kingdom Hearts tumblr blog, F Yeah Kingdom Hearts Series, as well as KH Decoded and KH13, @Toominator joins us to cover all the recent announcements surrounding the upcoming smartphone port of Kingdom Hearts X[chi], Kingdom Hearts Unchained X[chi]. We discuss the presence of microtransactions within the otherwise free-to-play title, hoping for a system similar to Final Fantasy Record Keeper or some kind of cosmetic shop for the player's avatar. We also speculate on whether Unchained will be our only Kingdom Hearts release for 2015, if we'll see HD Remixes on the PS4 (with the possibility of a bundled Dream Drop Distance?), and address the harrowing question of do I have to actually play it? (Spoiler Alert: Yes!) As per usual, we take user-submitted questions! @Sice has our guests turn into superheros, @Hayabusa asks us to throw down, @Karuta turns our hometown into a Kingdom Hearts III world, and we chat way more about music than is probably appropriate. We also plug our E3 coverage plans, which we hope you all will be excited about! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42082 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #92 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
Joined this week by staff guests @Stardust and @Cat~, @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn sit down this week to discuss gaming's potential as an educative tool! We begin, as always, with Kingdom Hearts news & updates, which this week include speculation on Square Enix Germany's Facebook tease (it has since been revealed to be a smartphone port of Kingdom Hearts X[chi]). From there we launch into our topic for the day, inspired by the recent PlayStation Plus offering, Kisima Inŋitchuŋa (or Never Alone) a 2D puzzle/platformer that aims to highlight and share the culture of the Alaskan native Iñupiat culture. We cover how games can actively teach things like problem-solving skills, reflexes, critical thinking, and more, and how they have affected our development as both children and adults, and finally, how video games are an emerging artistic and educational medium. As per usual, we answer user-submitted questions! @Quilligan sticks us in the animal kingdom, while @Graxe exercises his wordplay and challenges our Star Wars fan cred. We also plug our E3 coverage plans, which we hope you all will be excited about! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42046 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #91 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
A game for the music section, because I love it and I miss it -- &, back in the day, I was the queen of shuffle memes. Nothing terribly innovative here, or complex. Place your entire library on shuffle, give us the results, and tell us about them. No skips; that's cheating. I'll place the recommendation for each post at ten, but repeat much as you like. 01. Yoko Shimomura - Song of Mana ~Orchestral Version~ From the memória! collection, which I downloaded mostly for the (gorgeous) version of Vector to the Heavens. I've never played Legend of Mana, but this is a pretty track -- definitely has the Shimomura charm. 02. Bloc Party - Biko Once my favorite Bloc Party song (and album), but more recently I've warmed to the simple charms of Silent Alarm. Intimacy remains a favorite album cover. 03. Koji Haishima - Atonement Never in my life have I played a Resident Evil game. A few semesters back, I took a communications class and it involved group work -- I was friendly with one of the guys in my regular group, and he at one point gave me a flash drive filled with some of his favorite video game soundtracks. I didn't listen to most of them but haven't had the heart to delete them. They turn up in my shuffles quite often and make me appear more of a soundtrack person than I really am. 04. Grouper - I'm Dragging a Dead Deer Up A Hill Grouper is unique. Very quiet, very atmospheric -- Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping off this album has an enchanting melody. good for when you need to just space for a bit. 05. Lullaby for the Working Class - Boar's Nest A byproduct of a Bright Eyes obsession back in the day (they're signed to Saddle Creek). There are a few good tracks here, but the era/sound here hasn't aged well for me. 06. alex trimmer - The Last Thing I Do Oh boy. Remember when a member here released an album? I don't know if any traces remain of it on the net. I still listen, Alex. To this, and to your new(er) stuff. 07. Vitamin String Quartet - One-Eighty By Summer who doesn't love VSQ, really? This is from their Taking Back Sunday collection. I once went on a big VSQ binge and downloaded all their tributes to groups I recognized. TBS has always had good melodies, they make for great orchestral material. 08. Parenthetical Girls - Here's to Forgetting Off the debut album, which remains the best (((GRRRLS))) album as I cannot count the Privilege collection as just an album. 09. Die Antwoord - Hey Sexy A new addition to my library. I saw Chappie weeks ago and it had a sort of weird charm, and urged me to finally check out Die Antwoord -- which I didn't do until a few days ago. I've not listened to their entire catalogue yet, but everything I'm fond off hails from Donker Mag. 10. blink-182 - Stockholm Syndrome I don't think about this song enough. I had my blink era, probably on the tail end of 2008 -- late by most standards considering they were long broken up by then. And truthfully, I love all their albums in different ways (at least, all those up to and including the self-titled). I remember this song being big for me, but today I can't remember the last time I properly listened to it. I still love Hoppus's last verse.
It's Tuesday and you know what that means...! For Episode #90, we go totally 90s in our discussion on Spiritual Successors, chatting about the return of 3D Platformers heralded by the Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter! The Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, in a remarkably successful crowdfund, reached its goal in under an hour and has since shattered its stretch goals. @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn share their thoughts on the game, cite some games we'd like to see spiritual successors for (Silent Hills), and successful spiritual successors of the gaming industry (Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Shadow of the Colossus, and more!). As per usual, we also answer user-submitted questions! @Quilligan asks us to write/direct our own TV show, @Scarred Nobody asks about Kingsmen: The Secret Service, and we design costumes for an elite team of fighters (ending in an exultation of cosplay)! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42003 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #90 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
Deprived of anything better to talk about, this week the KH-Vids Podcast flushes out our backlog of user-submitted questions! Joined by staff guest @cstar, @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn begin by making some early predictions for E3 2015 in light of Square's announcement that they will host their own press conference at the event. We speculate on the presence of Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, wonder whether there will be any new Kingdom Hearts reveals (a PS4 remaster collection? the smartphone title Nomura hinted at?), and whether Square will finally bequeath to us a Final Fantasy XII remaster. From there we jump into our user-submitted questions! @Graxe gets mythological and philosophical on us and @Amaury has us consider the battle cries in the Kingdom Hearts series (which launches us into a tangent on party member AI in the series and @Misty 's casual disdain for Donald Duck). By far the biggest contributor to our episode is @Quilligan, who has us cover topics like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, flatulence, travel, Santa Clause, Mortal Kombat X, celebrities spottings, and the meaning of life. It's a fun-filled, laid back podcast for the masses! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 41943 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #89 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
As we know from a Famitsu interview, Nomura has teased a smartphone entry for the Kingdom Hearts series. The game will hopefully be unveiled later this year at D23 Expo Japan. Most are speculating it will be a port of Kingdom Hearts χ (Chi), which is only available as a browser game in Japan right now. Personally I'd be happy with that, especially given the strong ties Kingdom Hearts 3 will more than likely have to χ. But I think there's a lot of potential beyond it, too! I really loved the Command Board game in Birth by Sleep, for example, and I think it could be really fun as a smartphone game, and one that could act as a companion to Kingdom Hearts 3 -- you can earn commands, items, etc. that you can later use in-game. Kingdom Hearts 3 is far off, though, so I don't see that happening any time soon. What about you guys? Expecting a simple KHχ port, or something more?
In a phenomenal show of self-control, @Misty has gone an entire year without a Star Wars related episode -- but with the release of a new The Force Awakens trailer, the KH-Vids Podcast ( @Misty, @libregkd, @Calxiyn, and staff guest @Knight of Fafnir ) climbs in the Millennium Falcon for a return journey to a galaxy far, far away! As per usual we begin by covering some Kingdom Hearts news; in an interview with Famitsu, Tetsuya Nomura confirmed that development on Kingdom Hearts III is proceeding smoothly, and hinted at a future smartphone entry for the series, to be announced at this year's D23 Expo Japan. We speculate on just what that title will be and the possibility of a Kingdom Hearts release in 2015. We dive into an in-depth breakdown and analysis of The Force Awakens, speculating on the plot and characters revealed in the short teaser, our expectations and hopes for the return of old characters (Luke, Leia, and Han Solo), join the BB-8 fan train, and allow ourselves to entertain the fantasy of a Knights of the Old Republic connection in Kylo Ren's mask. Unveiled along with the teaser was also the new Star Wars: Battlefront; we cover the specifics of it and predict that it will dominate holiday sales this year. Finally we answer user-submitted questions! @Scarred Nobody accuses The Force Awakens of being pure fanservice, @Quilligan asks us to evaluate acceptable social behavior and which fictional characters we relate to most, and @Graxe pulls us into the slightly horrifying lore of Bloodborne. Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own! May the Force be with you! View attachment 41922 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #88 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
I'm a day late, forgive me for my crimes. This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn come at you with yet another spoilercast! For those who aren't familiar with the concept, on the KH-Vids Podcast we occasionally decide to do special episodes focused on a certain video game, movie, book, etc. in all its spoiler-y glory. This time around we choose to focus on The Order: 1886, a PlayStation 4 exclusive from Ready at Dawn Studios. The game was hyped considerably by Sony and the KH-Vids Podcast (mostly @Misty) to a controversial release. We begin by discussing the negative press surrounding the game, mostly centered around its length. From there we discuss our reactions to the story and the characters, our favorite moments in the game, and its graphical splendor (and newly added Photo Mode). Naturally, we also cover the gameplay of the title, particularly its awful stealth sequences. Finally, we discuss the possibilities for the future of The Order as both a sequel and extended series. Not interested in hearing about The Order? No worries! Skip ahead to 1:12:30 for our user-submitted questions! @Quilligan asks about our religious views and has us discuss the new Final Fantasy Dissidia title coming to arcades and the PlayStation 4, and @Shu forces us to consider a world without KH-Vids. Thanks everyone for listening! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own! Have a suggestion for a future spoilercast? Let us know through our topic submission form! View attachment 41875 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #87 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
Thanks to a suggestion by @Sebax and the hard work of @libregkd, we're really excited to roll out a new feature to our site. For years now, users have been able to specify their gender in their profiles; the gender options, however, have been limited to 'Male' or 'Female'. While there has also been the third option of 'Unspecified,' these options reflect a very limited view of gender and supports a gender binary that would potentially exclude many of our members. View attachment 41805 This system has been replaced with a new, fill-in-the-blank type field. When filling out your profile, you can fill in the Gender field with whatever fits your identity. The field will present you with autocomplete suggestions... ... but if none of them match up with your gender identity, you can input a custom value. The field will automatically fill with your existing option (for example -- I had previously selected 'Female,' and that has been imported into the new field), so if you don't see a need to update, no worries! Naturally, we have also added an option for users to specify their pronouns. View attachment 41806 Both of these fields can be edited by heading over to your Personal Details page. These options will display in various areas of the site, for easy reference, like the information tab of your profile... View attachment 41809 On member cards... View attachment 41810 And next to your posts, with a fancy tooltip for checking pronouns! View attachment 41811 We hope these changes will make KH-Vids a more inclusive environment by design, and want to urge our users to please take these fields seriously. Not sure what all these terms mean? That's okay! There are plenty of pages on the internet that break them down for you. Do a little research, and open up your conception of gender. If you have any problems or questions regarding these changes, feel free to reply! Notably, a conflict with our Social Groups add-on has cropped up, which has been temporarily disabled.