Sell Out - Reel Big Fish
Who I Am Hates Who I've Been - Relient K
'Til I Got To Know You - Sanctus Real
Ahhhh Shoot. I was thinking that too. Hmmm. I accuse Aeon Sora.
Ohio Is For Lovers - Hawthorne Heights.
Shoot, 8 minutes now.
Granger Danger - Joey Richter, Lauren Lopez.
Well, I was on P's page, and I saw Aeon Sora and SpazticFantaztic :3 as two of the last people to view it. It isn't much, but yeah. xD
:3 *Parties~* Hawww 476 Not BV Wewt.
I've never thought of Batman as a detective o_o Sherlock Holmes fersure. He seems like the more traditional detective out of the three of them, and as DPWolf said there probably wouldn't be that much interest in detectives without him.
Hmmm. I was wondering that myself. *Ponders*
At the moment, Full Steam by David Gray is my favourite. It changes all the time though.
Stay With Me - You Me At Six <3
Take My Hand (Remix) (Feat. Cassadee of Hey Monday) - The Cab
I know, right? xD *...stilldead* :3 474. lmfao. I iz not smart D: I'm swell~ c:
It's so... pretty x-x As always, thanks for the update Mike~
I wish I had moments like those :c @Shizzy: ...holy **** O:
c8 *so****ingdead* :3 472. I got an A~! I dunno how :v How's you? c:
Surrender - Billy Talent <3
Every Day (Feat. Lights) - Ten Second Epic